Diet for a flat stomach – rules, menu, effects. How to effectively conduct a diet?

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A diet for a flat stomach is very important for people who not only want to lose weight, but also make the figure look good and harmonious. A flat stomach is an ideal that many women, but also men, strive for. The diet for a flat stomach is based on a set of foods that can (and should) be eaten and rules that must be followed if you want to have a nice figure and slim waist and get rid of a protruding tummy.

How to develop a flat stomach?

A flat stomach can be achieved primarily through exercise. The abdomen consists of different muscle groups, so it is advisable to devote a separate training to each of them. One of such exercises is, for example, crunches. Apart from them it is also worth doing variations of this exercise, e.g. left and right-hand crunches – during such training, the legs should be bent at the knees or raised in an upright position.

Extremely effective exercises to help develop a flat stomach are those that tighten the entire body. One of these exercises is the plank. Push-ups, scissors and the so-called rower. It is also worth not to forget about cardio training, e.g. cycling or jogging, which will also help to burn unnecessary kilograms and sculpt the abdominal muscles.

Which exercise will help you achieve a flat stomach the fastest?

The A6W, the aerobic 6 Weider, is very popular. However, it should be remembered that this exercise will only work if the abdominal muscles are not covered with excessive amounts of fat. People with the so-called The tire will not work out a six-pack, even if they complete the entire training plan – aerobic 6 Weider is a training plan that lasts 42 days. A6W, although it helps to achieve a flat stomach, has its supporters and opponents.

The second effective training to help you achieve a flat stomach is a 5-minute workout, during which you perform, among others, bending, pulling, lifting the hips, planking and abdominal oblique exercises. In order for the training to bring the desired result, you should exercise every day at any time, 2 hours after a meal at the earliest. As in the case of A6W, you should follow a diet that is key in achieving this result.

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Diet for a flat stomach

A diet for a flat stomach should contain only low-calorie foods. When using it, it is important to create a negative calorie balance, which is about 15% less than the standard caloric requirement. The second group of products are meals rich in fiber, regulating the work of the digestive tract. Thirdly, the menu should include vegetables, fruit, protein and products containing a small amount of simple sugars.

Let’s start with vegetables – in a flat stomach diet, they should be added to every meal. Nutritionists recommend preparing portions of about 150 g. People who plan to keep a diet also in winter, it is recommended that they make their own silage in advance – vegetables outside the spring and summer season are more expensive and more sterile in minerals. As for the vegetables themselves, it is worth eating, for example: cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, mushrooms and zucchini.

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Some of the “worst” foods that could be on a flat stomach diet are white bread, rice and pasta. Instead, you should buy whole grain products, such as brown rice and wholemeal bread. You can order brown rice by weight, packed immediately after ordering at Nevertheless, you should not exceed the established norm of consumption – bread 60g and porridge / pasta approx. 40-50g.

To get rid of the so-called donuts, do not forget about products containing fiber, which removes debris from the intestines and prevents the belly from becoming bloated. Moreover, fiber is a great part of a flat stomach diet because it is low in calories and makes you feel full. According to Dieters consuming just 5g of fiber a day helps reduce abdominal fat by about 8-12% over a period of months.

Another essential ingredient for a flat stomach diet is choline (vitamin B4). Thanks to it, the cell structure is not damaged and the muscles, the respiratory system and the heart function better. Choline also burns fat. You can buy it both in the form of tablets and a separate substance. It is found naturally in chicken egg yolk, liver and bovine meat, as well as nuts, fish and wheat germ.

The “enemy” of a flat stomach are products containing dyes, preservatives and sugars. Anyone who would like to lose weight should therefore give up fast food, sweets and any ready-made meals. Mixtures of spices, sweet and carbonated drinks are also harmful. What’s more, it is also inadvisable to eat too much fruit, because their juices, especially watermelon and nectarines, are sweet and caloric.

Do you dream of a flat stomach and consider changing your eating habits? Consult a dietitian and choose the best solution together. You can choose the online consultation option and send the test results to the dietitian before the planned visit.

Diet for a flat stomach – menu

If you already know which products are worth eating, you can start preparing a menu. For example, for breakfast you can eat cottage cheese with a cucumber and wholemeal bread; cottage cheese with vegetables; scrambled eggs from two eggs; hard-boiled egg with wholemeal bread; 3-4 tablespoons of muesli with fruit; two slices of lean poultry sausage on graham bread (no more than 2 slices) – of course, you should choose only one of the options mentioned.

People on a flat stomach diet usually also eat the XNUMXnd breakfast, but it is lighter than the former. Such a meal can be, for example, a banana, homogenized cheese with the addition of cinnamon or skimmed cheese; kefir with a fruit cocktail. The second breakfast should not be abundant, but only slightly reduce the feeling of hunger.

When preparing dinner, it is worth giving up frying, because the dishes prepared in this way are more caloric than, for example, grilled or boiled dishes. A tasty and healthy lunch can be, for example, grilled chicken breast with rice and vegetables; mushroom meatballs; lean, baked pork loin, fish fillet, e.g. cod, with yoghurt sauce.

For dinner, you can prepare, for example, a salad with tomatoes and feta cheese; boiled rice with red beans and sauce; smoked fish with two slices of bread. There is really no such thing as a diet for a flat stomach. Everyone should prepare a menu according to their culinary preferences – a ground that does not contain the previously mentioned “forbidden” food products.

If the diet has no effect, we may consider abdominal liposuction. The treatment is recommended for overweight and abdominal obesity.

A proven method for a flat stomach – fasting

There is a lot of talk about what to eat to burn fat. Many simple diets have already been developed that give great results, but it is worth knowing that one of the proven ways to get a flat stomach is also fasting. It is a salutary practice that should be introduced, for example, for 1 or 2 days a week. During fasting, you should not eat any food, but drink water on a regular basis, preferably highly mineralized.

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However, anyone who wishes to fast should make sure in advance that they can do so. Although there are not many contraindications, it is advisable not to fast after surgery or illness. It is good to start fasting when you are not tired of work. People who are constantly taking medication, it is good to fasten under the care of a competent doctor. Fasting is also a proven way to get a flat stomach!

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Can you develop a flat stomach in 7 days?

A flat stomach in 7 days is a dream for many people. However, this is not the time to get rid of fat completely, although you can reduce your waist size with exercise and diet. However, it is worth remembering that the weight loss effect will be the result of losing water from the body, not completely getting rid of fat. After this time, the abdomen, although it will not be perfectly flat, will look a bit better.

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