Diet for 5 days: menu, results. Video

Diet for 5 days: menu, results. Video

If you need to lose weight urgently, try following a five-day diet. Thanks to her, you can quickly regain shape and again feel vigorous and cheerful.

What is the essence of the 5-day diet?

The five-day diet involves dividing the entire period of fast weight loss into separate meals. While adhering to this diet, you need to strictly follow the sequence of each meal and not combine different foods throughout the day.

During the diet, the following foods should be avoided:

  • alcohol
  • black tea
  • coffee
  • sahara
  • salt
  • hot spices

The Express Diet is very tough and will require serious volitional efforts from you. It should not be adhered to during intense mental work, with serious physical exertion. This diet is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

The weight that is lost during these 5 days will not return after leaving the diet, of course, if you stick to a healthy diet.

The first day of the diet is meat. In the morning, you should have breakfast with a XNUMX-gram portion of boiled beef. For lunch, you need to eat the same amount of boiled chicken, and for dinner, two hundred grams of stewed turkey. The meat cannot be salted, it can only be flavored with dried herbs and spices.

The second day of the diet is vegetable. For breakfast, eat a salad of two radishes and two fresh cucumbers, no dressing. Lunch should consist of one eggplant stew with garlic or onions and one teaspoon of olive oil. For dinner, you should eat one hundred grams of boiled cauliflower.

The third day is fruity. During breakfast, you should eat an avocado with two teaspoons of honey. You can dine with two oranges. This day’s dinner should consist of two hundred grams of grapes.

The fourth day is walnut-rice. For breakfast, eat five tablespoons of cooked rice and two tablespoons of pine nuts. For lunch, a serving of rice should consist of eight tablespoons and fifteen almonds. Dinner should be six tablespoons of boiled rice and two kernels of walnuts.

Between meals, be sure to drink still mineral water or green tea without sugar. The amount of liquid drunk per day should reach one and a half liters.

The fifth day is kefir-curd. For breakfast, you need to eat one hundred grams of low-fat kefir. During lunch, drink a glass of kefir and eat one hundred grams of cottage cheese. For dinner, you need to eat one hundred grams of cottage cheese.

If you can withstand 5 days of this diet, the result will definitely please you. While following the diet, all excess subcutaneous fats will be burned, you will lose 4-5 kilograms of excess weight. After such a diet, cellulite formations will decrease, the silhouette will become much tighter and clearer.

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