Risk groups
People with the third blood type are more likely than others to develop diabetes. In addition, they often acquire chronic fatigue syndrome and multiple sclerosis.
What should you eat?
First of all, this is meat, with the exception of chicken and duck.
Any fish.
Dairy fat-free products.
As many eggs as possible.
Any cereal, with the exception of buckwheat and wheat.
Legumes in any form.
Vegetables and fruits are always good, except for corn, tomatoes, pumpkin, olives, coconuts and rhubarb.
It is recommended to drink green tea and any herbal teas. For example, licorice, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, sage, or raspberry leaf tea.
It is recommended to drink cranberry and cabbage juice. Juice from grapes or pineapple will also be useful.
What products are not recommended?
Absolutely all seafood (except fish).
Chicken and especially pork meat, as well as products from them.
Tomato juice, any soda drinks.
What needs to be completely eliminated?
Corn and lentils.
Buckwheat and wheat.
Tomatoes and tomato juice.
Pork and products from it.
What will help?
Green salads and various herbs will help.
Eggs in any form.
Of meat, veal and liver are especially suitable.
Useful herbs will be ginkgo biloba and licorice root, it is also called licorice.
Your body will need B vitamins, magnesium, lecithin and echinacea.
Neutral Products
Neutral foods include orange juice, coffee and black tea.
From alcohol – beer and wine.
Soy is also neutral.
Physical exercises
You will need to engage in exercises that create physical and mental balance. These include walking, cycling, tennis, swimming, yoga.
Special recommendations
Beware of corn, buckwheat and peanuts. These foods cause the most weight gain. Only in people with the third blood group, these products reduce the production of insulin and worsen the metabolism in the body, which as a result provokes chronic fatigue, water retention and weight gain.
If you want to have a healthy body and maintain optimal weight, then completely remove unsuitable foods from your diet, namely corn, lentils, peanuts, buckwheat, wheat, tomatoes and pork. Get exercise, limit your fat intake, and you will live a long and healthy life.