Diet by blood type 1

Risk groups

The first blood group does not coagulate well. Its owners are more likely than other people to develop inflammatory and immunopathological processes, such as arthritis and allergies. Often a stomach ulcer develops due to increased acidity.

What should you eat?

  • First of all, it is meat, especially beef, lamb and liver, but not pork. Also fish and seafood.

  • The more vegetables and fruits, with the exception of acidic ones, the better. Pineapples will be especially useful.

  • Bread is only rye, in limited quantities.

  • From drinks it is best to drink green tea and some herbal teas, for example, rosehip, ginger, mint, licorice or linden tea. You can also drink seltzer instead of tea.

What should you limit yourself to?

  • Do not eat a lot of cereals, especially oatmeal and wheat bread. But this list does not include such cereals as buckwheat, as well as legumes (only varieties such as adzuki (angular, or radiant beans), cowpeas, pinto beans (spotted)). You can safely eat them.

What products are not recommended?

  • Cabbage should be avoided, with the exception of broccoli.

  • Any product made from wheat.

  • Any product made from corn.

  • Marinades and ketchup.

  • From drinks, you should not drink coffee and any coffee drinks. From herbal decoctions, it is desirable to avoid aloe, St. John’s wort, echinacea, strawberry leaves and senna.

  • If you are taking vitamins, then do not choose vitamin A and vitamin E.

What needs to be completely eliminated?

  • Fresh cabbage.

  • Legumes (copper beans, dark (“naval”), ordinary vegetable beans, lentils).

  • Corn.

  • Wheat.

  • Citrus.

  • Ice cream.

  • Sugar.

  • Marinades.

  • Potatoes.

What will help?

  • Seaweed, for example, brown or kelp, will help.

  • You can use iodized salt.

  • Some greenery wouldn’t hurt. For example, spinach, broccoli, radishes. Licorice root will be useful. Licorice is also called licorice.

  • Of the vitamins, B vitamins and vitamin K are most useful.

  • Calcium, manganese and iodine will also help.

Neutral Products

Neutral products include beer, red and white wine. As well as tea from chamomile, ginseng, sage, valerian and raspberry leaf.

Weight control program

It would be nice if you did an active sport like aerobics, skiing, running or swimming to keep you healthy and fit.

Special recommendations for weight loss

People with the first blood group have such a problem as a slow metabolism. If we speed up our metabolism, then we will lose weight faster. To do this, you will have to remove wheat products from your diet, as well as corn, legumes (for example, green peas, red and black beans) and lentils. These products slow down metabolic processes by inhibiting insulin production. But in addition, you will also have to remove all types of cabbage from the menu, with the exception of broccoli, and all oat products. These foods also reduce the production of thyroid hormones.

Secondly, you need to enrich your diet with iodine-containing foods. These include seafood, algae and greens. We recommend using iodized salt instead of regular salt. And also add foods that stimulate the production of thyroid hormones, such as radish or daikon. If you don’t want to eat them, make juice out of them. You can add carrots for flavor. Most importantly, don’t forget the meat.

Be careful when taking medications such as aspirin and ginkgo biloba. Aspirin increases acidity and thins the blood, while ginkgo biloba increases blood circulation.

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