Features of the diet for blood group 3
The blood group 3 diet is the so-called “nomad diet”. It is believed that people with the third blood group appeared precisely when humanity no longer only skillfully hunted and engaged in agriculture, but also began to lead a nomadic lifestyle.
In the way of life of these people, settledness and wandering were mixed, and in their food they combined meat-eating (inherited from people with 1 blood group, that is, using the D’Adamo slang, from “hunters”) and the use of a large amount of plant food (from “farmers “).
As a rule, the very people who eat everything indiscriminately, day and night (while not getting fat either in kg or in cm, but causing unhealthy envy in most of their acquaintances), belong to the “nomad” type and have 3 blood group.
Indeed, the blood group 3 diet is the most complete and varied diet, which is why naturopaths find it especially useful.
For example, it is known that people with the third blood group usually have weak immunity, and often suffer from diseases such as diabetes and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, if at the same time they adhere to a special diet, the diseases typical for them not only do not develop, but even vice versa – they are inhibited or disappear without a trace.
List of Allowed Foods in the Blood Group 3 Diet
The following foods should be present in the blood group 3 diet:
- Meat and meat products, as well as fish and seafood. Meat is an indispensable source of protein for people with the third blood group, as well as iron, vitamin B 12 and other useful substances. Fish generously shares valuable fatty acids with them. Both meat and fish contribute to the improvement of the metabolism of the “nomads”.
- For the same reason, eggs and dairy products (both fermented milk and products made from whole non-skim milk) are extremely useful.
- From cereals it is recommended to use millet, rice and oats.
- Among vegetables, the choice should be stopped on leafy salads, any types of cabbage. Also useful are carrots, beets, eggplants, bell peppers.
- Drinking with a diet for blood group 3 is allowed green tea, pineapple and cranberry juices, as well as water with lemon.
- Of the spices, preference is given to ginger.
Diet by blood group 3: “forbidden” foods
There are few restrictions on the blood group III diet. And yet they do exist. So, you should “quit” with the use of the following products:
- Corn and Lentils. These foods can cause hypoglycemia – a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood, and thus slow down the metabolism.
- All kinds of nuts, but especially peanuts. For the same reason – nuts inhibit food absorption and metabolism in people with blood group 3.
- From drinks, it is advisable to give up the use of tomato juice, beer and strong alcohol.
The blood group 3 diet is diverse and it is not difficult to adhere to it. Another bonus that nature has endowed with people with the 3rd blood group is the ability to quickly and cost-effectively adapt to new conditions. No wonder they are “nomads”!
That is why these people, and especially those who follow a blood type 3 diet, may not be afraid of digestive problems, dramatically changing continents, countries and cuisines – even exotic overseas food, as a rule, does not cause them any health problems.