Diet and proper nutrition for rheumatism

Diet and proper nutrition for rheumatism

Sokolsky-Buyo’s disease, which is known to many as rheumatism, is quite insidious: after a certain amount of time from the moment the first symptoms appear, the disease becomes chronic.

The inflammatory process affects the connective tissues of the body, which causes significant inconvenience to the patient. In addition, during the height of the inflammatory process, the heart, blood vessels and many other organs and systems are affected.

To alleviate the suffering of the patient and improve the quality of his life, the doctor prescribes diet therapy, because proper nutrition is an important part of the treatment. The menu can be considered well-designed only if, when compiling it, the doctor took into account the age of the patient, his usual lifestyle; established the phase of the disease at the moment; identified the presence of related problems; found out the features of the course of the disease.

A competent doctor knows that the menu that is relevant for a patient with an acute phase of rheumatism is not entirely suitable for a patient suffering from the same ailment, but in an inactive phase. It is not only about the composition of the necessary products – the volume of fluid consumed is no less significant. That is why it is important that in their diet every person with rheumatism should be guided solely by the prescriptions and recommendations of the doctor.

The purpose of the assigned menu is to normalize the water-salt balance, as well as regulate the metabolic processes of the patient’s body. This is necessary so that fluid and sodium do not stagnate in the tissues, as this gives rise to inflammatory diseases such as polyarthritis and carditis. In this case, a salt-free diet is prescribed: salt intake up to 5 g is the main condition. When developing a diet, the doctor focuses on replacing a large amount of protein food with the use of foods enriched with vitamins: this tactic can reduce the manifestations of inflammation.

What to eat and what not to eat with rheumatism?

In his recommendations for proper nutrition for a patient suffering from acute phase rheumatism, the doctor advises the inclusion of foods rich in potassium and vitamin C. In this case, the volume of fluid consumed should not exceed 1 liter.

Relevant in this case is the gentle culinary processing of products – thanks to boiling and steaming, the vitamins and nutrients that the patient needs will not be destroyed.

Allowed and prohibited foods are the same for all stages of the disease.

It is allowed to use such products as:

  • Fruits and vegetables – both in their natural form and as fruit drinks, juices, compotes;

  • Sour-milk products of low fat content;

  • Foods enriched with vitamin C: blackcurrant, rose hips, citrus fruits;

  • Foods that contain vitamin E: olive oil, nuts, soybean oil, cashews, walnuts, oatmeal;

  • Products containing sulfur: fish, milk, chicken eggs;

  • Foods containing selenium: wheat, liver, kidneys, seafood.

  • Bread of any kind;

  • Sugar consumption is reduced to 30 g per day.

The following products are prohibited:

  • dishes that contain salt or hot spices;

  • spirits, strong coffee and tea;

  • Extractive substances that are part of confectionery products, and are also used for processing meat and fish: chocolate, waffles, icing.

  • Sauces and spices.

The number of meals – up to 7 times a day, and the calorie content of the total daily diet should not exceed 2500 kcal in total, and if the patient is on bed rest – 1880 kcal.

Nutrition in the subacute phase of rheumatism

After two weeks, the disease takes on a slightly different form, and its phase is called subacute. Protein food becomes a priority on the menu, and potassium is its mandatory element. A loyal attitude can also be traced in terms of water balance: patients with rheumatism at this stage are allowed to consume up to 1,3 liters of fluid.

The severity of the menu during an exacerbation of the disease consists in the prohibition of salting food – in the diet of people with subacute rheumatism, salt is allowed to be added, but in a limited amount (up to 6 g) and immediately before serving the dish.

Competent nutrition of people with an inactive phase of rheumatism

Diet and proper nutrition for rheumatism

When compiling a menu for people with rheumatism, doctors focus their attention on the need to increase protein intake to 100 g. At the same time, sugar and its derivatives are prohibited. The water balance is regulated in favor of the patient – at this stage of the disease, fluids up to 1 liters are allowed.

An example of a weekly menu relevant for patients with rheumatism:


  • Morning: 30 g almonds;

  • Second breakfast: at least 180 g of grated vegetable stew, a small portion of scrambled eggs, 1 tbsp. herbal tea;

  • For lunch: no more than 300 ml of warm soup in a weak fish broth, 180 g of grated buckwheat porridge, 180 g of steamed carp; 150 g of lean cabbage salad, 250 ml of fresh milk;

  • 16: 00 small apple;

  • For dinner: lean fish in the amount of 180 g, cooked in the oven; a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese, 30 g of unleavened biscuits.


  • Morning: 180 g omelette, 1 tbsp compote;

  • 2 hours before the planned lunch: 250 g chicken fillet baked in the oven; 2 eggplants baked with garlic; a glass of cocoa;

  • Lunch: soup cooked in fish broth – 200 ml; 180 g of buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetable salad in the amount of 300 g, boiled carp – 200 g, 200 ml of kefir;

  • Afternoon snack: 1 peach;

  • Dinner: 2 carrot cutlets, a glass of kefir, a biscuit – 100 g;


  • Morning: 1 boiled egg, two slices of hard cheese, 1 tbsp. tea with the addition of 30 ml of milk;

  • 2 hours before the expected dinner: 250 g of fresh low-fat cottage cheese, 200 ml of warm rosehip broth;

  • For lunch: 200 ml of soup in a weak fish or meat broth, at least 200 g of grated boiled potatoes, 1 fish steam cutlet, 1 tbsp. cocoa;

  • 17:00 pm: Cottage cheese casserole, 1 tbsp. compote from fresh berries;

  • Dinner: 2 meatballs, 2 fish cutlets, 1 tbsp. herbal tea.


  • Morning: 3 cheesecakes, 1 tbsp. milk; 1 peach;

  • 2 hours before lunch: potatoes with vegetables – 200 g, 1 glass of fruit drink from fresh berries;

  • For lunch: lean borsch – 300 ml, 200 g of vermicelli, boiled turkey meat in the amount of 150 g, 250 ml of compote;

  • Afternoon snack: 150 g of omelet, rosehip broth – up to 200 ml;

  • For dinner: 1% kefir – 1 tbsp., at least 100 g of aspic fish, a small portion of low-fat cottage cheese.


  • Morning: 1 apple;

  • 2 hours before lunch: rice soup boiled in milk – up to 200 ml; 30 g of unleavened cookies, dried apricots – 100 g;

  • Lunch: no more than 300 ml of weak perch broth, a small portion of millet porridge pudding; soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs., 1 tbsp. tea;

  • Three hours later: 180 ml of rosehip broth;

  • Evening: 300 g of vinaigrette, 150 g of baked carp, 200 ml of 0% kefir.


  • Morning: 1 peach;

  • Two hours before the expected dinner: 180 g of wheat porridge, 50 g of low-fat ham, 250 fresh milk;

  • For lunch: 300 ml of weak meat broth, 180 g of vegetable pilaf, soft-boiled eggs – 2 pcs., 200 ml of weak black tea;

  • Afternoon snack: 100 g omelet; 200 ml of berry juice;

  • Dinner: boiled chicken meat in a portion of 200 g, 250 g of beetroot salad, 1 tbsp. low-fat kefir.


  • Morning: 1 banana;

  • Two hours before the expected dinner: 200 g fat-free fresh cottage cheese, 50 g biscuit;

  • For lunch: soup of grated vegetables – 300 ml, 180 g grated buckwheat porridge, hard cheese in the amount of 50 g, a couple of slices of baked pumpkin, tea with milk – 1 tbsp.;

  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of dried fruits;

  • Dinner: a small portion of a salad of berries and fruits, 30 g of butter cookies, 1 tbsp. 1% kefir.

There is no ban on the use of bread, but there is a recommendation to limit it to some extent. A responsible attitude to the implementation of the compiled menu will have a beneficial effect on the body of a person suffering from such an unpleasant ailment as rheumatism.

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