Diet and nutrition for gallstones

With a disease in the gallbladder and, in particular, stones, there is an exacerbation of pain, a deterioration in appetite, nausea or even vomiting often occurs.

In this regard, experts recommend a menu from which the following must be excluded:

  • any kind of alcohol;

  • fatty, sweet, carbohydrate-rich foods;

  • fried foods.

The strictest diet for gallstones should be followed in case of attacks that are characterized by severe pain.

What can and what can not be eaten?

Diet and nutrition for gallstones

The menu should contain food of protein origin. This is because the gallbladder regulates carbohydrate metabolism, but proteins are unable to overload it. Oils such as vegetable and butter are not recommended to be completely removed from the diet. It is best to add it to already cooked food. For example, in cereals or salads in a slightly warmed form. In this case, overcooked oil should be removed from the menu and in no case should it be used a second time.

It is best to cook cereals precisely those that are dietary. We are talking about oatmeal, rice or buckwheat. The most useful soups for gallstones are those made with broth and vegetables. Finely chopped potatoes and mashed vegetables are added to them; carrots, ripe zucchini, and pumpkin are best suited. But sour first courses, such as borscht or cabbage soup, will need to be abandoned, because they are harmful in case of problems with the gallbladder.

In order to normalize bowel function, it is advisable to eat according to a certain schedule:

  • food should be consumed in a strictly established period of time for this;

  • breaks between meals should be no more than three to four hours.

It is also important to consider that the diet should be supported by frequent drinking. After all, the gallbladder begins to regenerate, which cannot but be supported by significant fluid losses. In addition, it will be needed to stabilize the functioning of the intestines. It is not allowed to drink very strong tea.

Diet for a week

Diet and nutrition for gallstones

The serial number of the diet prescribed for gallstones is No. 5. Its first stage should be observed for 4-5 weeks, after which an examination is carried out. Depending on the results, an even longer diet may be prescribed. The recommended diet for the week is as follows.


  • The first breakfast includes 120 g of buckwheat porridge boiled in water, tea with a small piece of lemon and wheat bran – no more than 100 g.

  • Further, after three to four hours, 100 g of grated carrots should be consumed. It is also necessary to add no more than five ml of vegetable oil there.

  • For lunch, you should prepare 250 ml of low-fat borscht, to which you should definitely add a decoction of bran. After that, experts advise using millet porridge with dried apricots, which would be best washed down with 100 ml of rosehip-based decoction.

  • An ideal afternoon snack for gallstones is 100 ml of apricot juice. All juices are recommended to prepare yourself.


On the second day of the diet, it is recommended to eat 150 grams of cottage cheese pudding, which should be washed down with tea with lemon, but without sugar. A few hours later – 100 ml of a decoction prepared from wild rose.

The ideal lunch would be:

  • 200 g of oatmeal cooked in milk;

  • Tea with lemon.

A few hours before going to bed, you need to eat no more than 50 g of pre-soaked prunes.


  • As a breakfast, 100 g of vegetable salad will ideally show itself (any vegetables except cabbage will do) and 100 ml of rosehip broth. The next breakfast should include only 150 g of carrot juice and a small amount of bran bread – 50 g.

  • For lunch, it is advisable to boil vegetable soup and prepare a special bran broth. Also, along with them, you should eat boiled meat and stew beets with the addition of vegetable oil. For dessert, 100 g of apples are allowed.

  • An ideal and hearty dinner on this day will be buckwheat meatballs, a little 50 g of cottage cheese and sweetened tea.


The first meal of the day should include 125 g of bran bread and 100 ml of carrot juice. The second breakfast includes 250 g of wheat porridge, which should be cooked in milk and 150 g of grated carrots. All this is recommended to be consumed together with sweet tea with the addition of lemon.

Perfect for lunch:

  • 250 g of oatmeal soup using various vegetables, which are recommended to be finely chopped;

  • decoction with bran;

  • 85 g of lean chicken or fillet, from which 200 g of cutlets must be prepared with the addition of cabbage.

All this should be washed down with 200 ml of decoction, based on rose hips. An ideal dinner would be 100 g of soaked dried apricots. They should be washed down with 100 ml of broth based on rye bran.


  • An ideal breakfast is 100 g of apples, which must first be finely chopped. Then, after a few hours, you need to consume 250 g of bran bread and green tea with lemon, to which no more than 30 g of sugar should be added.

  • Lunch should be made up of 150 g of cottage cheese dumplings and 200 g of cutlets, which should be prepared not only from an apple, but also from cabbage. It is recommended to drink all this with tea.

  • Dinner on this day would be best to skip, but before going to bed, drink 100 ml of self-made tomato juice.


  • For breakfast, 100 g of salad fruit (any fruit except citrus fruits will do) and 120 ml of rosehip broth will show themselves perfectly.

  • The second breakfast is 150 g of carrot juice and a small amount of bread with bran – no more than 100 g.

  • Lunch should consist of 250 ml of vegetable borscht, to which bran-based decoction should be added.

For dinner, nutritionists recommend:

  • rice porridge with dried apricots;

  • 100 ml of decoction based on wild rose.


  • The first breakfast is 150 g of buckwheat porridge boiled in milk, tea with lemon and sugar and rye bran, but not more than 100 g. Next, you should consume 100 ml of carrot juice and bran bread.

  • For lunch, you should use boiled meat and stewed beets with olive oil.

  • The correct dinner on the seventh day of the diet should be considered 100 g of soaked dried apricots, which should be washed down with 100 ml of wheat bran decoction.

The diet presented here should help those diagnosed with gallstones.

[Video] Dr. Berg – STONES IN THE GALLBLADD: How to get rid of?

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