Diet and approach to nutrition of Elena Malysheva. Video
The TV program “Health” quickly won the trust of Russian residents. Much credit for this belongs to the presenter – the doctor and charming woman Elena Malysheva. Many girls noticed that she always looks great and is in excellent shape. The presenter revealed the secret of her lifestyle, sharing her approach to nutrition and her diets.
Diet rules of Dr. Malysheva
In fact, Malysheva’s diet refers to the principles of healthy eating, specially developed by leading nutritionists under the supervision of the Health program. The presenter “tried” the course on herself, after which she agreed to become his “face”.
On the official Internet resource of the TV presenter, you can order a balanced monthly set of products. It is divided in a 24/4 ratio: 24 regular days, 4 unloading days. The menu consists of breakfasts, lunches, dinners and desserts
This diet has several basic recommendations. Firstly, you cannot severely limit the body in energy and starve. “Top dressing” is obligatory for normal metabolism. Otherwise, you will damage him, he will slow down, and after that the weight will quickly return.
Secondly, food should be taken several times a day in small, balanced portions. Every day, you should pamper your body with low-calorie sweets and make small indulgences. In this situation, you will not have the desire to “break loose” and eat a large amount of unhealthy foods.
Third, you should be careful about calories. First, use special online services and calculate the daily rate based on your lifestyle. Do not decrease or increase it: in order to lose weight, strictly adhere to the framework. Only in this way the weight loss will be stable, and after that it will not lead to a rapid increase.
Fourth, be careful when choosing products. They must be of high quality, fresh, without harmful additives or dyes. Before purchasing, take a few minutes to study the composition.
Malysheva’s diet is focused not only on dropping pounds and subsequent weight retention, but also on the overall health of the body. That is why the system proposes to exclude from food (or significantly reduce) the consumption of starchy foods, alcoholic beverages, flour products, fats of both vegetable and animal origin. It is also advisable to give up salt, some vegetables (beets, carrots, potatoes) and rice.
Compliance with the basic principles of nutrition “according to Malysheva” will help you lose extra pounds and renew your wardrobe in 2-3 months. Be sure to drink clean water in addition to food. The TV presenter advises to drink a glass one hour before and after a meal. There should be at least four last ones per day.
Start your day with a delicious and rich breakfast. The best option would be oatmeal infused with boiling water. Berries, a spoonful of honey, an apple will help you improve its taste. In addition to oatmeal, low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, and natural yogurt will be an excellent breakfast option.
The best choice for lunch is lean meats. Fish, beef, chicken (breast) will delight you with excellent taste and a large amount of proteins. Choose the most gentle cooking method: grill, oven or double boiler. Replace salt with lemon juice.
Meat is best consumed without any side dish. The only possible and safe option is greens: parsley, cilantro, dill, onions
Your dinner must take place before 19.00. On this diet in the evening it is recommended to eat salads from permitted vegetables, one boiled egg and kefir. The latter must be chosen as the lowest fat.
Make sure to have two snacks throughout the day. Both should be fruit. Citrus fruits, apples, plums are especially recommended. Be sure to monitor the calorie intake and vary your diet within its limits.
Free tips from Elena Malysheva
Psychology plays an important role in this diet. The TV presenter recommends to positively tune the body before each meal. Be sure to cheer yourself up by eating every bite with pleasure. It is believed that in this way the food will be better and faster absorbed and will only bring benefits. In addition, you will quickly develop a responsible attitude to food, you will stop overeating and “nibbling”.
This diet has no completion and strict deadlines. It is assumed that when your weight returns to normal (somewhere in 2-3 months), the best solution is to continue with your chosen eating style. Sometimes you can allow yourself a little more, pampering yourself and your body. Above all, always get back on track to feel and look great.
Many women are familiar with the above nutritional guidelines. However, few are ready to comply with them. The reasons are very different: from lack of time to banal laziness. Therefore, the TV presenter and professional nutritionists have created a unique set of pre-prepared food. The diet is designed for a month of food, four meals a day.
For ease of use, the manufacturers have “marked” each portion with a different color. Green was chosen for breakfast, yellow for lunch, dinners were packed in red, and desserts – in blue bags. This ready-to-use prepackaged ration is ideal for busy, lazy people who intercept on the run.
The entire diet is clearly balanced in terms of nutrients and calories. It includes cereals, omelets, protein dishes, soups, low-calorie sweets. For each dish, according to the manufacturers’ assurances, only high-class fresh products are used.
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