Diet after removal of the gallbladder. Video
Removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is a fairly common operation. Doctors resort to surgery if conservative methods have failed to cope with gallstone disease or other serious disease of the gallbladder. After the operation, the patient must completely rebuild the nutritional system in order to prevent further development of diseases of the biliary tract.
Diet after elimination of the gallbladder
Why should you follow a diet?
The gallbladder plays the role of a reservoir in the body in which bile accumulates. During the active digestion of food, bile from this reservoir is released into the duodenum and participates in digestion. After elimination of the gallbladder, bile accumulates in the biliary tract, which requires frequent discharge; stagnation leads to inflammation of the pathways and the formation of stones. Emptying of the biliary tract occurs with every meal, which is why proper diet is so important after removal of the bladder.
A little bile accumulates in the bile ducts; it may not be enough to digest large portions of food, so you need to eat a little. It is best to switch to fractional meals – frequent meals in small portions.
In addition, after cholecystectomy, the composition of bile changes – the amount of enzymes needed to break down fats decreases. As a result, refractory animal fats are poorly digested, and their share in the diet will have to be minimized or abandoned altogether.
Since the removed gallbladder is not able to recover, the diet takes on a lifelong nature – in fact, it is a complete restructuring of the lifestyle. Most often, diseases leading to the removal of the gallbladder are the result of irregular and improper nutrition, so returning to the previous diet will inevitably lead to new health problems.
After cholecystectomy, animal fats and fatty meat (pork, lamb, goose meat) are forever excluded from the diet. We will have to abandon all products that have the property of irritating the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, rich in extractives and essential oils:
- meat, fish, mushroom broths, smoked meats, sausages and sausages;
- onions, garlic, pickles, pickles, canned food;
- hot spices, hot and sour foods;
- radish, radish, spinach.
Confectionery products containing a lot of sugar and fat are not recommended for consumption: sweets, cakes, pastries with cream. Butter dough is also excluded from the menu. Any fast food is prohibited, you cannot eat fried pies, pasties, French fries.
Cold foods can cause spasm of the biliary tract, so ice cream, jellied meat, well-chilled drinks will have to be limited
Alcohol after cholecystectomy is strictly prohibited. You can also not use carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea. It is not recommended to eat foods rich in coarse fiber: beans, peas and other legumes, wholemeal bread, fresh cabbage. It is advisable to eat less tomatoes, especially fresh ones.
With the seeming severity of the diet, the list of permitted foods is nevertheless wide enough.
Allowed cereal and vegetable soups, it is desirable to cook them in vegetable broth. Any porridge is recommended, especially oatmeal and buckwheat, pasta. Vegetables can be eaten in almost any form, pumpkin and carrots are especially recommended. Dairy and sour milk products are not only allowed, but also indicated – the use of dairy products is an excellent prevention of bile stagnation. You can eat mild cheeses, low-fat sour cream, kefir, yoghurts, cottage cheese and a variety of casseroles from it.
Of the fats, it is allowed to use vegetable oils (it is necessary to monitor its amount). Butter is allowed, but in small quantities, and it is better to add it to cereals than spread on sandwiches.
Meat and fish should be low-fat – good chicken, turkey, rabbit meat, lean beef, white sea fish.
Eggs after removal of the gallbladder are best used in the form of an omelet, in extreme cases – to cook soft-boiled
From sweets, marmalade, marshmallows, various berry and fruit jams or preserves, dry biscuits, honey and dried fruits are recommended. You can eat sweet fruits in any form.
From drinks, jelly, compotes, fruit drinks, tea (herbal teas are welcome), mineral water without gas are allowed. Fruit and vegetable juices can be consumed as long as they do not irritate the stomach – orange and other acidic juices are best avoided. Bread is best eaten dry.
A particularly strict diet should be followed in the first weeks after gallbladder removal surgery. All food should be mashed, boiled, or steamed. A little later it will be possible to switch to a regular diet, but the recommended diet will have to be followed throughout your life.
Diet after cholecystectomy
If the state of health permits and there are no other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, at least a year later, with the permission of the attending physician, it will be possible to carefully introduce into the diet some of the previously prohibited products that have the least adverse effect on health: sauerkraut, garlic, onions, rye bread, natural coffe.
After cholecystectomy, the diet is especially important, you need to eat at approximately the same intervals at least 4 times a day. In no case should you overeat; portions should be small.
It is advisable to cook food by boiling, stewing, or in extreme cases – baking. Steam cooking is encouraged. Fried foods are prohibited as they stimulate secretion.
It is also interesting to read: fasting day for weight loss.
Gallbladerstone remove chythathinu shesham
Food aethokee kazhikam .
Aethanu kazhikan pattathava aennu pareyamo
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