Diet after pregnancy: 3 examples of diets to follow

Diet after pregnancy: 3 examples of diets to follow

If you have naturally lost a few pregnancy pounds as soon as you give birth and in the weeks that follow, it is quite normal not to instantly regain your pre-pregnancy figure for several months. To lose weight permanently, avoid any draconian diet and opt for a balanced diet, adapted to your needs.

When to start a diet

During your delivery, you must have lost between 6 and 9 kg which corresponds to the weight of your baby, that of the placenta and the expelled amniotic fluid. Your uterus will then return to its original position and its normal weight. You will then be relieved of a small additional kilo.

Whatever the number of pounds remaining, it is generally considered that a good year is necessary to regain your pre-pregnancy figure. Fatigue, emotions, changes in the pace of life and the reorganization of priorities often monopolize the mother’s energy. There is therefore no question of rushing things at this so important moment when the maternal role and the relationship with the child are being built.

The best time to begin to regain your figure without risking physical and mental exhaustion is the period when you will feel that you have regained your dynamism, your vitality and a certain degree of availability in your daily life.

However, if you are tired, or if you are breastfeeding your child, do not go on a diet or you will be downright exhausted. On the other hand, continue to take good care of your diet to meet the needs of your body and that of your child, but also to have all the energy you need to get back in shape. Remember, in fact, that the calories provided by food are your fuel and that of your breastfed child.

Some tips to lose weight better

To regain your figure after childbirth, there is no question of embarking on a draconian diet. A simple balanced diet, adapted to your profile, combined with regular physical activity, is enough.

The basic principles

Here are some basic tips to guide you in this hunt for extra pounds, avoiding deficiencies, common after pregnancy. But if you feel the need, do not hesitate to consult a dietician or a nutritionist doctor to establish a personalized program.

  • Always start your day with breakfast, even if you eat it late in the morning.
  • Don’t skip any meals. This is important so as not to block your weight loss.
  • For lunch and dinner, be sure to eat a source of protein (meat, fish, eggs, ham or chicken breast) and vegetables (raw or cooked). Vegetables can be fresh of course, but also canned or frozen.
  • At each of the three main meals, finish your meal with a piece of fruit, preferably fresh for its high fiber content which makes it both satiating and satietogenic.
  • If, despite three balanced meals, you feel hungry between meals and you feel the need to snack, start by increasing the amount of vegetables at each meal.
  • If that is not enough and you tend to nibble, systematically impose one or two snacks per day with a seasonal fruit (preferably whole and not in juice or in compote) with ten almonds for example .
  • Remember that making yourself happy from time to time allows you not to crack and to keep your resolutions in the long term. Allow yourself a small, reasonable treat every now and then: 2 squares of 70% cocoa chocolate, jam in the morning, a piece of cheese, hot chocolate, a pancake with sugar, etc.


Right after childbirth, gentle, regular and non-excessive physical activity is beneficial to gradually regain your physical condition. Walks with baby are ideal: you can gradually increase their duration, as well as the intensity of your walking.

Subsequently, if you manage to free yourself up a little time, even if only one hour a week, sport combined with a balanced diet, adapted to your needs, is ideal for refining and toning your figure. However, here again, no rush: wait for the postnatal consultation (6 to 8 weeks after childbirth) and the advice of your doctor to begin. And according to his recommendations, be sure to do your perineal rehabilitation before resuming any tonic sport. Indeed, the muscles of the perineum which support the uterus were extremely stressed for 9 months, sometimes even severely abused during childbirth. They must regain their tone and elasticity before any physical effort to avoid exposure to the risk of incontinence or uterine prolapse (commonly called “organ descent”).

Finally, regarding sport and physical activity, remember that regularity takes precedence (clearly) over intensity! Do not attempt to achieve athletic feats, but set a pace with a specific day (s) and choose an activity that you enjoy, suited to your abilities, to be sure to keep your resolutions.

Weight loss

Again, long-term consistency is better than short-term performance.

Reasonable weight loss, which guarantees long-term results, is around 500g to 1 kilo per week. If that doesn’t seem like much to you, picture yourself with 2 to 4 pounds less every month. It will certainly sound more relevant to you. Do not fall into the trap of wanting to quickly lose your extra pounds at the risk of blocking your weight loss and suffering the yoyo effect.

Try to step on the scale only once a week. To help you: set a day and weigh yourself only on that day. And of course, weigh yourself in the morning on an empty stomach, always under the same conditions. If you are anti-balance, just trust your favorite pants or dress which will be a valuable indicator to assess the result of your efforts.

Menu structure to follow if your BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9

Breakfast :

  • Hot drink: infusion, coffee or tea (possibly decaffeinated or decaffeinated)
  • 30 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread
  • 10 g butter
  • 1 0% dairy: milk, yogurt, fromage blanc, faisselle or 2 petits-suisse
  • 1 fresh fruit


  • Raw vegetables (+ vinaigrette with 1 teaspoon of oil) or soup
  • Proteins: meat, fish or eggs
  • 100 g of starches (cooked weight)
  • Unlimited vegetables
  • 1 0% dairy: milk, yogurt, fromage blanc, faisselle or 2 petits-suisse
  • 1 fresh fruit

Snack (optional):

  • 1 fresh fruit
  • 10-15 almonds


  • Raw vegetables (+ vinaigrette with 1 teaspoon of oil) or soup
  • Protein: meat, fish or eggs
  • Unlimited vegetables
  • 1 fresh fruit
  • 2 to 3 times a week, add: 30 g of pasteurized cheese + 15 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread

Menu structure to follow if BMI between 24.9 and 30

Breakfast :

  • Hot drink: infusion, coffee or tea (possibly decaffeinated or decaffeinated)
  • 60 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread
  • 10 g butter
  • 1 dairy 20%: milk, yogurt, fromage blanc, faisselle or 2 small Swiss
  • 1 fresh fruit


  • Raw vegetables (+ vinaigrette with 1 teaspoon of oil) or soup
  • Proteins: meat, fish or eggs
  • 150 g of starches (cooked weight)
  • Unlimited vegetables
  • 1 20% dairy: milk, yogurt, fromage blanc, faisselle or 2 petits-suisse
  • 1 fresh fruit

Snack (optional):

  • 1 fresh fruit
  • 10-15 almonds


  • Raw vegetables (+ vinaigrette with 1 teaspoon of oil) or soup
  • Protein: meat, fish or eggs
  • Unlimited vegetables
  • 15 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread
  • 1 fresh fruit
  • 2 to 3 times a week, add: 30 g of pasteurized cheese + 15 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread

Menu structure to follow if BMI greater than 30

Breakfast :

  • Hot drink: infusion, coffee or tea (possibly decaffeinated or decaffeinated)
  • 70 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread
  • 15 g butter
  • 1 dairy: milk, yogurt, fromage blanc, faisselle or 2 petits-suisse
  • 1 fresh fruit


  • Raw vegetables (+ vinaigrette with 1 teaspoon of oil) or soup
  • Proteins: meat, fish or eggs
  • 200 g of starches (cooked weight)
  • Unlimited vegetables
  • 1 dairy: milk, yogurt, fromage blanc, faisselle or 2 petits-suisse
  • 1 fresh fruit

Snack (optional):

  • 1 fresh fruit
  • 10-15 almonds


  • Raw vegetables (+ vinaigrette with 1 teaspoon of oil) or soup
  • Protein: meat, fish or eggs
  • Unlimited vegetables
  • 30 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread
  • 1 fresh fruit
  • 2 to 3 times a week, add: 30 g of pasteurized cheese + 15 g of multi-grain or wholemeal bread

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