Diet after childbirth. Video
The best food for an infant is breast milk. However, in order for it to contain all the necessary nutrients and not cause a negative reaction in the child, a nursing mother must follow a special diet.
Proper nutrition in the first months after childbirth
Proper nutrition in the postpartum period is important not only for the baby, but also for the woman herself. The menu should be balanced to meet the needs of the mother’s body, which is experiencing increased physical and psychological stress. The portions you eat should be small and healthy and nutritious at the same time. Otherwise, the woman will either constantly starve or quickly gain extra pounds. Both the one and the other scenario will not in the best way affect both the health of the mother and the well-being of the baby.
A breastfeeding woman needs at least four full meals. In between, light snacks are acceptable.
A nursing woman needs 2500-3000 calories daily, but not all foods can be included in the menu. Fatty and smoked foods can lead to abdominal pain in the baby, spicy and salty foods can cause thirst and affect the taste of breast milk. Foods that can cause allergies in the baby should also be excluded from the diet.
These include:
- confectionery products containing a large amount of sugar
- peanuts
- honey
- forest and garden berries
- citrus
- shrimp and some other seafood
- Exotic fruits
- chocolate
Since it is impossible to predict the infant’s reaction to a particular dish, all new products should be introduced into the diet of a nursing woman gradually. In case of allergies or pain in the abdomen in the crumbs of the mother’s menu, it is necessary to revise
Also prohibited include products that increase gas formation. They can cause discomfort to the baby and even provoke serious pain attacks.
In addition to allergenic products, a nursing woman should be excluded from the diet:
- pulse
- grapes
- cucumbers
- flour dishes
- mushrooms
In some cases, the list of prohibited foods can be expanded. For example, many children react negatively to whole milk or any kind of fruit. It is advisable for a nursing mother to keep a food diary in which to record the reaction of the crumbs to a particular product.
Despite the large number of prohibitions, the nutrition of a nursing mother can and should be varied. The daily menu should include lean meat and poultry. It is advisable to steam, boil or simmer them. In addition, the female body requires fish dishes. They should be consumed at least two to three times a week.
Despite the fact that whole milk is not welcomed on the menu of a nursing mother, fermented milk products must be present there. They help to improve digestion, and not only for women, but also for the baby. However, when using kefir, yogurt and similar drinks, it is necessary to observe the measure. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the child will develop intestinal colic, flatulence and upset stools.
Also, for normal digestion, the female body in the postpartum period requires plant fiber. That is why it is necessary to consume fruits and vegetables every day (with the exception of exotic ones). Since fresh they can cause upset stools in crumbs, it is advisable to pre-boil them for steam or bake in the oven.
Various cereals should be present in the diet of a nursing woman.
They contain valuable dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby and mother. In addition, they contain important vitamins and trace elements that prevent the occurrence of anemia, immunodeficiency and other diseases associated with a lack of essential substances for the body. Especially useful are cereals made from buckwheat, millet, oat and rice.
Breastfeeding mother’s menu
You should not eat instant foods, as well as ready-made meals sold in stores. The former are not very useful even outside the lactation period, and the latter may contain spices that change the taste of breast milk.
It is advisable to cook food for a nursing mother at home and only from high-quality and fresh products.
Drinks in the diet of a nursing mother
In order for breast milk to be produced in sufficient quantities, a woman must not only eat right, but also observe a drinking regime. It is important to consume at least two liters of liquid per day, and in case of strong thirst or in hot weather – up to two and a half or even three liters. This may include herbal teas, compotes, fruit drinks, diluted juices, boiled or non-carbonated mineral water, rosehip broth and other drinks that are not prohibited for use during lactation.
But tea with milk or condensed milk, which is a well-known folk remedy for increasing lactation, is not approved by neonatologists. It can cause allergies in the crumbs or provoke indigestion. Prohibited drinks also include coffee, cocoa, soda, and alcohol.
Also interesting to read: probiotics.