Diet after 50 years: video tips
It is believed that the decline in reproductive function in women is invariably accompanied by weight gain. This is due to objective reasons associated with physiological changes in the female body. But if you approach the issue competently and responsibly, the appearance of extra pounds can be avoided.
Why weight gain during and after menopause
Menopause is directly related to changes in hormonal balance, so the main reason for weight gain is a sharp decrease in the amount of estrogen produced by the endocrine system. And although annoying changes in the shape and weight of the female body depend on him, there are additional factors that accelerate the process of weight gain. Objectives include a hereditary predisposition and insulin resistance that appears in some women, forcing the body not to burn calories, but to store them in the form of fat reserves.
But there are also subjective factors. Despite the fact that there is a significant reduction in muscle tissue mass, many women during this period refuse any physical activity and cease to control their nutrition.
Banal overeating and a sedentary lifestyle against the background of a slowing metabolism and metabolic processes are the main reason for a sharp weight gain
Added to this is the psychological factor associated with mental and physical fatigue, stress, increased anxiety, partly due to hormonal disruption.
If during the reproductive period fat deposits are evenly distributed throughout the body, then fat begins to accumulate in the abdomen or buttocks, giving the female body the shape of an apple or pear, and also increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. The bad news is that this fat is very difficult to get rid of, but it can be controlled.
The incentive for weight loss during menopause is the risk of breast cancer, which increases if the excess weight exceeds 10 kg
How to control weight after menopause
You can not only control your weight, but also lose weight during this period, if you solve the issue in a complex. Review your eating habits and start eating healthy. Your choice is a low calorie, balanced long diet. But do not starve, the calorie deficit should not exceed 10-15% of the daily requirement. Stick to the regime: compulsory breakfast and lunch, snacks and a light dinner, which ends no later than 4 hours before bedtime.
Drink more water, but if it is medicinal, strictly follow the dosage. Cut back on coffee and drink caffeine-free herbal teas
For weight loss, increase your calorie consumption through physical activity, while doing sports not only in the summer, but also in the winter. Fitness, breathing exercises, yoga – find the exercises that will help you stay fit and slim. Contact an endocrinologist and ask him to prescribe you a course of hormone replacement therapy, this will help normalize hormonal balance, and with it, weight.
Just be careful, because with the help of such a diet, you are unlikely to be able to lose 30 kilograms.