Diet 90 days: menu, rules, scheme, result. Foods for the diet 90 days of separate meals

The 90-day diet was invented by two friends from Slovenia. They understood clearly: many women do not try to lose weight, because they know in advance that on a diet they will not only be hungry, but also … bored. This is how a new eating plan appeared, which cannot be called fast-acting, but it also cannot be denied in variety. By alternating priority nutritional components in comfortable cycles, you can indulge yourself with a huge number of healthy dishes and even have ice cream for dinner. There are, of course, restrictions on the 90-day diet, but against the background of what is allowed, they do not look at all scary!

Diet 90 days: menu, rules, scheme, result. Foods for the diet 90 days of separate meals

Following the 90-day diet is easy and convenient: all restrictions are temporary, because the diet changes daily. Thanks to this, a slimming effect is provided: the body “switches” from one nutrient to another, metabolic processes are accelerated, and the weight falls.

Diet 90 days: the principle of separate meals

Duration: 90 days or three months;

Features: a cyclic diet, alternating protein, starch, carbohydrate, vitamin days with fasting days according to a special plan;

Cost: comparable to normal family food costs;

Result: from minus 3 to minus 25 kg, depending on the purpose and initial weight;

Recommended frequency: can be used as a permanent meal plan;

Additional effect: adapted for fitness activities: for the best result, it is recommended to supplement the diet with regular physical activity;

The 90-day diet is not suitable: suffering from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, as well as pregnant and lactating women. Before starting a diet, you should consult with your doctor, with severe obesity, lose weight only under the full-time supervision of a specialist!

From the heading “Housekeeping” to popular nutritionists!

The 90-day diet was invented in the early 90s by two colleague friends from Ptuž, the oldest city in Slovenia – Breda Chrobat and Mojca Polyanšek. Their book “The 90 Day Split Food Diet” became one of the most popular Slovenian exports in the new century – it was translated into many languages ​​in a short time. At the request of fans from different countries, the coauthors released The Next 18 Days, a collection of interesting and ingeniously crafted recipes for those who follow a three-month separate meal plan, which, judging by the reviews, will lose 25-XNUMX kg.

By the way, it was from compiling healthy recipes that the idea of ​​Breda and Mojca, who worked as gastronomic observers in Slovenian magazines, grew up to develop their own nutrition plan that would allow modern women to noticeably lose weight without condemning themselves to starvation or a meager and boring diet. This is how the system “diet 90 days of separate nutrition” appeared, which today has already won a huge army of fans and followers.

Now Mojca Polyanshek continues to write about healthy food for publications in his homeland, and Breda Chrobat moved to Australia, maintaining friendly and partnership relations with the co-author and Slovenian culinary magazines. From time to time, friends meet at master classes and performances taking place around the world.

Diet 90 days: simple rules, quick results

The principle of action of the 90-day diet of separate meals is based on the idea that concentration on one (priority) nutritional component and periodic rotation of these components accelerates metabolism so much that it allows you to significantly lose weight without food discomfort. Brada Chrobat and Mojca Polyanshek offer the following simple scheme:

1 day 90 day diet – protein

2 day 90 day diet – starchy

3 day 90 day diet – carbohydrate

4 day 90 day diet – vitamin.

At the end of the four-day cycle, it should be started again, always with the protein phase. The authors of the diet prohibit changing the recommended order of dishes. Every seven four-day cycles (that is, every 29th day of the 90-day diet), it is necessary to carry out a fasting, or aqua-day, during which you can not take any food, only drink plain non-carbonated water.

Thus, the 90-day diet consists of 21 full four-day cycles, three aqua-days and one truncated, three-day cycle (protein, starch, carbohydrate days without a vitamin day). A clear cycle plan and meal schedule on a 90-day diet helps you adjust to the new food discipline and improve your “eating habits”: By thinking in advance about what and when to eat today, you change the quality of nutrition. 

3 Cooking Tips for a 90 Day Diet

  1. If you decide to radically tackle the figure, then during all days eat only stewed and boiled vegetables, give up bread and minimize the use of fruits. If the goal is to lean slightly and switch to a balanced, more varied diet, fried foods and relatively large portions are acceptable. However, the rules for combining food and the meal schedule remain the same!

  2. All things being equal, always choose unrefined, minimally processed foods – whole grain pasta, gray flour, bran bread. For the greatest benefit, soak the cereals XNUMX hours before cooking – the fermentation process will release hidden nutrients. And use less fat when possible – even the highest quality vegetable oil adds extra calories.

  3. Experiment more in the kitchen! Cooking yourself is a great way to maximize the health benefits of a 90-day diet, because only then you can be sure of the composition of your food. Moreover, the authors of the three-month meal plan are quite calm about the moderate use of salt, herbs, high-quality spices and natural original sauces such as Tabasco and Worcestershire.

What you can eat and drink on a 90 day diet

The peculiarity of the 90-day diet is not only that its authors pamper those who are losing weight with gourmet recipes of permitted dishes, but also in a rather tolerant attitude to modern food habits – for example, meat and vegetable broths are allowed to be replaced with a solution from a concentrate or a cube, on protein days you can eat bread , and for dinner, indulge in cakes and chocolate. True, all cases of the use of “dubious” products are specifically stipulated and the menu for the days should be drawn up without violating the recommendations.

Every day on a 90-day diet (except for the aqua day), it is proposed to start the morning with a glass of warm mineral water with 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey, and then eat 1-2 fruits and a glass of berries (also any) for breakfast. The rest of the diet is built according to the following list as a cheat sheet:

Protein day on a 90 day diet

  • any meat

  • any fish, seafood

  • eggs

  • cheese, cottage cheese, any dairy products without additives (you cannot mix different types of protein foods and eat, for example, meat and cheese)

  • obligatory 300 ml of meat broth at lunchtime (after solid food)

  • all vegetables except starchy

  • no more than one slice of whole grain bread (only for lunch!)

Starchy day on a 90 day diet

  • any legumes (including lentils and soybeans)

  • any cereals

  • any vegetables, including starchy and potatoes

  • one slice of whole grain bread and 300 ml of vegetable broth for lunch.

 Carbohydrate Day 90 Day Diet

  • flour products: pasta, bread, crackers, vegetable pizza

  • buckwheat and barley groats, millet

  • any vegetables and tomato sauce

  • yeast-free baked goods without eggs

  • for dinner, be sure: 1 strip of dark chocolate (20 gr), you can 1 cake, 3 scoops of ice cream or 3 small cookies.

Vitamin Day 90 Day Diet

  • any fruit

  • any dried fruit (not candied)

  • fresh vegetables

  • fruit and vegetable juices

  • seeds and nuts (no more than 25 grams).

It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of plain water on any given day. You can also drink tea and coffee, but without sugar (milk can be added to the drink only on a protein day). In addition, the dried fruits allowed on the vitamin day can be pre-soaked and the infusion can be drunk. Juices, fresh vegetable, fruit and berry smoothies, the authors of the diet consider 90 days to be food, not drink, and, if you wish to please yourself with such dishes, they should be consumed accordingly – in offset of one of the meals on days when ingredients for juice or mixtures are allowed … You can’t drink alcohol – Brad and Moytsa tactfully clarify that it interferes with losing weight.

Diet on the 90 day diet

Slovenian weight loss prescription specialists suggest that on their 90-day split diet, you will eat three times a day (one of which is breakfast, the composition of which is fixed once and for all for all three months of the “expedition”).

When hunger between lunch and dinner is unbearable, eat one small fruit.

On protein days, at least four hours should pass between lunch and dinner, on starch and carbohydrate days, the interval is reduced to three, on a vitamin day it is permissible that only 2 hours pass between lunch and dinner. However, it should be noted that the last meal should be no later than 20:00.

When determining the size of the portions, focus on the size of the lunch that is comfortable for you. Have you presented? Now cut it in half – this will be the amount of food allowed for dinner on a protein, starch, and fruit day. On a carbohydrate day, do not forget that in the evening you will have a feast of the belly and sweet delicacies. 90 Day Diet Recipes will help you get a better idea of ​​what meals you can cook. 

90 Day Diet Recipes: Separate Meals With Inspiration!

Results and the correct way out of the diet 90 days

At the end of the 90-day diet, Brad Chrobat and Mojca Polyanshek are advised to continue drinking water with honey and vinegar on an empty stomach, eat fruit for breakfast and, if desired, increase the amount of food consumed per day, continuing to follow the basic rules of separate nutrition, for example, do not eat protein foods together with carbohydrate, and trying to comply with the already familiar meal schedule. They assure that in three months of the diet, food habits change, you want to eat less and less often, and the body gets used to a balanced menu and learns to distribute energy so that it remains vigorous, in a good mood all day, and, most importantly, does not get better.

The authors consider their meal plan a diet with a long-term result and promise the following minus on the scales: those who started losing weight with a little excess weight will have to lose 1 to 3 kg every month, and very obese people will be able to get rid of 18-25 kg.


In your opinion, a 90-day diet is too long a journey to a thin waist?

  • I went on a longer diet too!

  • If the diet is balanced, the question of its duration is not so important.

  • For me 90 days is a very long time. I prefer short diets for quick results.

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