The menu for each day will give an idea of what exactly to eat and what restrictions to observe.
Pros of the 7 petal diet
The diet is a complementary version of the 6 petal diet, which we wrote about earlier. It was invented by a Swedish doctor.
The essence of this diet is to separate products by day in order to avoid the simultaneous intake of proteins and carbohydrates, which causes the deposition of excess fat mass, according to the Swedish nutritionist Anna Johanson. An unusual mono-diet is easier to tolerate than a classic one, although food per day is limited to only one type of food. Every day is devoted to a new product, so they do not have time to bother and the body suffers less from a lack of vitamins and microelements.
An additional psychological support is the presentation of your nutrition for the week in the form of a picture – a flower with 7 petals. The menu for the day is written on each leaf, and tearing off a petal in the evening serves as a symbolic completion of another stage and the achievement of an intermediate result. Lost kilograms can also be noted on paper.
Cons of the 7 petal diet
Unlike the 6 petal diet, this diet adds another day of drinking, in which you have to survive on water alone. At this time, the greatest extreme weight loss occurs, stomach pains and a feeling of weakness may occur. Parallel sports on the most “hungry” days can be difficult.
This mono-diet is easier to tolerate than the classic one on one product, but it still causes stress in the body. Food is not the most convenient when traveling or at work, it is not always possible to find only one type of product in such quantity.
Menu for every day for a diet of 7 petals
Daily meals should be fractional, 5-6 times, so that there are no bouts of hunger. It is important to observe the restrictions, because even healthy foods have a calorie content and, if overeated, also lead to the deposition of excess “in reserve”. Protein products – meat and dairy – are limited to 500 grams per day, vegetable products can be eaten up to one and a half kg, and cereals up to 300 – 400 grams.
On a fish day, the body is saturated with nutrients that give a boost of energy, a supply of proteins, which gives strength. On a vegetable and fruit day, there is active fat burning, the removal of decay products due to fiber, and replenishment of the loss of vitamins. On chicken and milk days, the protein balance is restored, which arose due to protein deficiencies on the vegetable day. Grains are slowly digested and provide a feeling of satiety.
Day 1. Fish
Breakfast: stewed tilapia
Lunch: fish broth from pike perch with a piece of fish
Snack: steamed cod fish cakes
Dinner: baked pink salmon or salmon
Day 2. Vegetable
Breakfast: stewed eggplant with bell pepper and tomato
Lunch: baked baby zucchini
Snack: cucumber, cabbage and onion salad
Dinner: grated carrots, half boiled beets
Day 3. Chicken
Breakfast: boiled chicken breast
Lunch: broth with chicken meatballs (without adding bread to minced meat)
Snack: steamed chicken cutlets
Dinner: braised or baked skinless chicken
Day 4. Grain
Breakfast: oatmeal or corn porridge
Lunch: buckwheat cutlets, grain dry bread
Snack: multigrain muesli
Dinner: rice porridge on the water
Day 5. Dairy
Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole with sour cream
Lunch: cheesecakes or cottage cheese pudding, 200 ml of kefir
Afternoon snack: yogurt without additives
Dinner: a glass of kefir or ryazhenka
Day 6. Fruity
Breakfast: baked apple, citrus juice
Lunch: fruit salad: apples, oranges, kiwi, pears
Snack: a handful of seasonal berries: cherries, blueberries, raspberries
Dinner: grapefruit or orange, dried fruit compote
Day 7. Drinking
On this day, it is advisable to drink only non-carbonated water up to 2 – 2,5 liters. But few people can do it without harm and discomfort. If you experience weakness or pain in the abdomen, you can dilute a spoonful of honey in a glass of water or take a few sips of fat-free kefir.
The results
As a result of such nutrition, up to 4 – 6 kilograms can go away. It should be borne in mind that part of the weight lost is the departed “extra” water, and not just fat mass.
At some stage, especially the last drinking, there may be discomfort in the stomach, dizziness. In this case, the diet should be stopped.
If the 7-lobe diet was tolerated quite easily, you do not need to abruptly return to your usual diet in order to avoid the return of burned extra pounds. Gradually introduce other foods into the diet, avoid flour and fat.
Dietitian Reviews
– This mono-diet will not get bored as quickly as, for example, buckwheat. After all, in this diet every day the products change. A large amount of protein on meat and dairy days puts an additional burden on the kidneys and stomach, which can exacerbate diseases. Eating only vegetables or fruits out of habit often leads to indigestion and bloating. A drinking day, which is a pure hunger strike, is extremely harmful and, at the slightest ailment or pain, it is better to skip it or allow yourself a little low-calorie food. Before a diet, you should consult a doctor, as it is prohibited for many diseases: diabetes, weak kidneys, inflammation of the gastric or intestinal mucosa. Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.