Diet 6 petals in detail: menu, alternation of days, number of products, results. Reviews of the six petal diet

Diet 6 petals in detail: menu, alternation of days, number of products, results. Reviews of the six petal diet

Diet 6 petals in detail: menu, alternation of days, number of products, results. Reviews of the six petal diet

The name of the 6-petal diet immediately brings to mind a children’s fairy tale about a wonderful flower that makes wishes come true. And this is not without reason: judging by the reviews, with a successful coincidence of circumstances, the effect of this meal plan can be quite magical. True, the spectrum of action of the dietary flower-six-color is not as wide as that of its fabulous counterpart, and does not apply to all dreams, but only to those that relate to getting rid of excess weight and improving well-being.

Diet 6 petals in detail: menu, alternation of days, number of products, results. Reviews of the six petal diet

The 6 petal diet, judging by the numerous reviews of our readers, is one of the most effective ways to lose weight. And one of the simplest! Judge for yourself…

Duration: basic – 6 days, if a more pronounced result is needed, the weekly plan is repeated;

Features: consists of a chain of six one-day mono-diets;

Cost: low, less than 1,5 thousand rubles per week;

Result: from minus 500 grams per day;

Recommended frequency: no more than once a year;

Additional effect: protein-carbohydrate alternation allows you to lose not muscle mass, but subcutaneous fat;

Doesn’t fit: the 6 petal diet is contraindicated in pregnant women, lactating women, suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and excretory organs, as well as with allergies or intolerance to any of the products. Before starting a diet, you should consult your doctor!

Diet 6 petals: be led in my opinion!

There is an opinion that the 6 petal diet was developed in Sweden by a certain nutritionist Anna Johannsson, but no documentary evidence of this can be found. Be that as it may, this meal plan is well known around the world with its easy-to-follow and eye-catching promise. The Russians also managed to evaluate the six-petal diet.

The originality of this approach is combined with a special menu with visual creativity: those who want to lose weight are advised to build a flower with six petals, each of which is signed with the name of one of the mono-days. You can put all your expectations into this symbolic image, express yourself and, most importantly, psychologically tune in to the diet.

It is assumed that the days-petals go strictly one after the other and come off clockwise. You can’t break the order. The sequence of days is as follows:

  • fish

  • vegetable

  • chicken

  • cereal

  • cottage cheese

  • fruit

The 6-petal diet is not only a nutritional plan, but also a kind of creative game for six whole days. Having given your intention to lose weight the visual shape of a flower, you can look at the process positively and with a light heart.

Place the flower in a conspicuous place, or, conversely, hide it in a secluded, and with a sense of accomplishment, finish each day of a strict diet, tearing off the petal.

How does the diet

According to reviews, the 6 petal diet allows you to lose weight on average by 0,5-0,8 kg daily. Such a dietary scheme meets the principles of observing separate nutrition, since due to the consumption of single-component foods, proteins do not mix with carbohydrates, due to which fats are broken down. In many ways, it is the monotony of nutrition that contributes to weight loss, since the body “in anticipation” of new products is forced to use its own reserves. At the same time, the metabolism does not have time to get used to what it is being fed with and to switch to the energy-saving mode, which is fraught with multi-day mono-diets.

How much can you eat on a diet 

The meal plan consists of a chain of mono-diets, but this does not mean that the “product of the day” can be eaten without restrictions. There are the following recommendations:

  1. Protein days (fish, chicken, cottage cheese) – no more than 500 g of the product, preferably 100-150 g per dose;

  2. Plant days (vegetables, fruits) – up to 1,5 kg of product;

  3. Cereal day – at the rate of 200 g of dry cereal + up to 100 g of rye or whole grain bread.

All permitted food is recommended to be eaten with a minimum amount of salt and strictly sugar-free. You also can’t add sugar to drinks.

On a six petal diet, you can drink plain still water (up to 2 liters per day), green tea (up to 4 cups per day), you can drink a cup of coffee once a day (without milk and sweeteners).

It is permissible to supplement a curd day with kefir (up to 300 ml), vegetable day – in total 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.

6 petal diet: day 1, fish on the menu

On the first day, the fish mono-diet supplies the body with the necessary amount of polyunsaturated omega-3 acids. In essence, these acids are healthy fat, which, due to its composition, may not be converted into subcutaneous fats and will not accumulate.

In addition, unsaturated fats have the beneficial ability to “beat” stores already accumulated in the waist and hips and lower the level of bad cholesterol. The protein contained in fish is distinguished by exceptional dietary qualities: it saturates well and is assimilated with high quality.

Perhaps a fish day on a 6 petal diet is not the easiest, but one of the healthiest.

6 Petal Diet: Day 2 Vegetable Menu

The mono-vegetable diet is characterized by a low calorie content with a high content of vitamins and fiber. Fiber not only provides satiety, but also helps intestinal motility, providing a kind of cleansing. Carbohydrates (starch) and sugars contained in vegetables are absorbed more slowly than from other sources, which means that the body requires some effort and energy to process them. This, again, leads to the fact that the energy of stored fat cells is spent on the digestion of food.

To maximize the health benefits of vegetables, eat them raw or cook in a double boiler. In addition, you can make vegetable smoothies – beautiful, tasty and fashionable!

6 Petal Diet: Day 3 Chicken Mono Diet

Lean skinless chicken is a favorite of the diet! The protein contained in chicken fillet is very useful in its composition – it contains an abundance of essential amino acids, as well as a large amount of phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins.

A mono diet on chicken day perfectly replenishes the body’s need for bioavailable protein. Moreover, this macronutrient will be used to strengthen the muscles and will not be able to turn into fat. Faced with the fact of a lack of carbohydrates, the metabolism will go to extract energy from old fat.

6 petal diet: day 4, cereal menu

On a cereal day, it is important to use not just cereals, but cereals that have not lost their bran shell. It is the bran that concentrates the most important trace elements, in addition, the digestion of the cereal shell requires additional efforts from the body, which, of course, means the next stage in the consumption of “hard-earned” reserves.

On this day, on a six-petal diet, choose whole grain bread, and rinse cereals for porridge and do not cook immediately, but soak overnight – this way you will perform the simplest fermentation, which will significantly improve the digestibility of the product and its dietary value.

6 Petal Diet: Day 5 Curd Mono Diet

The curd mono-diet will replenish the depot of mineral components, which are damaged even on the shortest mono-diet. Cottage cheese is especially rich in calcium. For a cottage cheese day on a 6 petal diet, choose fresh natural cottage cheese (not the so-called “curd product” containing harmful hydrogenated fats and chemical additives) of medium fat content. Excellent saturating cottage cheese is 20% high-quality proteins. They are broken down into essential amino acids that renew cells and take care of the health of internal organs – for example, research has proven that cottage cheese is very beneficial for the liver.

Six petal diet: day 6, fruit menu

The diet ends with a fruit day. It is designed to provide the body system with the necessary complex carbohydrates, polysaccharides, and also takes care of fortification, antioxidant effect and final “cleansing”.

The whole complex of mono-diets is a well-coordinated chain of an effective and consistent weight loss program. Therefore, you should not alternate these days in your own way! You should leave the 6 petal diet gradually: its effect will be long-term if you manage to maintain a balance between a relatively high intake of proteins and a relatively low intake of carbohydrates, especially simple ones (sweets, pastries, fast food and convenience foods).

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