Diet 6 petals
Diet 6 petals, according to nutritionists, is one of the most sparing mono-diets, as it consists of a variety of products divided into 6 days

Results up to minus 5 kg are achieved quite easily and do not cause such harm to health as other mono-diets. The menu will help you figure out what days you can eat.

Pros of the 6 petal diet

The 6 petal diet is a non-classical mono-diet. Unlike conventional diets limited to one food, the 6 petal diet is divided into days, each of which is allowed only one component: for example, chicken or vegetables. The creator of the diet, a Swedish doctor, believes that mixed proteins, carbohydrates and fats are poorly absorbed together, so he separates them every day.

The division into 6 days by food gave the name to the diet. At the same time, it is recommended to present the diet in the form of a chamomile with 6 petals – you can also write a menu for this day on them and tear off the passed petal every evening. This is a good psychological support and visualization of the work done, summing up the day and preparing for the next one.

The 6-petal diet does not cause such harm to the body as regular mono-diets, since the body is deprived of the necessary substances only for a day, and the next morning it receives what it lacked the previous day.

Cons of the 6 petal diet

Although the 6 petal diet is considered a lighter version of the mono diet, it still causes a lot of stress in the body, which lacks certain substances every day. It is not very convenient to follow a diet at work or on a trip, since only one food is allowed all day in different cooking options, and it may not always be available, while meals are at least four meals a day.

Also, the diet is prohibited for diseases of the kidneys, stomach and intestines, diabetes, during pregnancy and lactation.

Menu for 6 days for a diet of 6 petals

Every day you need to eat fractionally – up to 6 times – so as not to feel hungry. At the same time, some restrictions must be observed: protein products (fish, chicken, dairy) per day no more than 500 gr, vegetable (vegetables and fruits) up to one and a half kg, cereals up to 300 – 400 gr.

Sugar as a sweetener is excluded from food, salt and spices are limited. You need to consume at least 1,5 liters of fluid per day. Dishes should be prepared in a dietary way: not fried in oil, but boiled, baked and stewed. Products in the form of canned food or marinade are prohibited.

On a fish day, the body is saturated with proteins and healthy fats, which make it easier to start a diet and give strength. On a vegetable and fruit day, there is the most active fat burning and saturation with vitamins. On chicken and milk days, the lack of protein on the previous vegetable day is replenished. Grains are slow carbohydrates and give a long feeling of satiety.

Day 1. Fish

Breakfast: steamed tilapia fishcakes

Dinner: navaga fish broth with a piece of fish

Afternoon snack: boiled zander or cod

Dinner: red fish baked in foil

Day 2. Vegetable

Breakfast: stewed eggplants with carrots, peppers and tomatoes

Dinner: roasted zucchini with garlic

Afternoon snack: cucumber, tomato and onion salad

Dinner: cabbage salad with grated carrots

Day 3. Chicken

Breakfast: steamed chicken cutlets

Dinner: chicken broth with a piece of breast

Afternoon snack: boiled chicken breast

Dinner: braised or baked chicken

Day 4. Grain

Breakfast: rice porridge on the water

Dinner: millet cutlets, dry grain bread

Snack: multi-cereal muesli or loose buckwheat on the water

Dinner: oatmeal on the water

Day 5. Dairy

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, 200 ml fermented baked milk

Lunch: cheesecakes with sour cream

Snack: yogurt without additives

Dinner: a glass of yogurt

Day 6. Fruity

Breakfast: baked apple, orange juice

Lunch: fruit salad: apples, oranges, kiwi, pears

Snack: a handful of berries

Dinner: grapefruit, dried fruit compote

The results

In a fairly soft mode, up to 5 kg can go. The diet is not as harmful as other mono-diets, as it is broken into small mono-diets for one day: this minimizes the stress on the body from eating only one type of product. However, more than once every six months, the 6-petal diet is prohibited. So that the weight does not return back, after a fruit day, carefully introduce vegetables, low-fat dairy products, cereals and dietary meat into the diet.

Dietitian Reviews

– This mono-diet will not have time to get bored, because every day is a new product. But you need to keep in mind that a large amount of protein on a fish, chicken and milk day can provoke an exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and kidneys, and vegetation will cause indigestion and gas formation. With many diseases, such a diet is prohibited: for example, with diabetes, beriberi, anemia, problematic stomach and intestines, diseased kidneys. Dilara Akhmetova, consultant nutritionist, nutrition coach.

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