The 5 tablespoon diet is a weight loss system that meets all the principles of proper and balanced nutrition. It is based on a strict restriction of food during one meal. As recent scientific studies show, those diets that do not force a person to give up certain foodstuffs, but only limit their consumption, differ in maximum efficiency and lack of harm to health. Five tablespoons is the amount of food that a losing weight should eat in order to get enough, replenish energy reserves and begin to lose weight. Moreover, this norm is not an invention of the authors of the diet, but recommendations that were adopted at the 8th Congress of the Association of Dietitians, held in Europe.
The diet does not imply any strict restrictions on the menu. It is important to observe the only unshakable rule – do not eat more than five tablespoons of food at a time. The volume of such portions, on average, is equal to 200 g.
The basic principles of the diet are as follows:
There should not be long breaks between meals (no more than 3 hours).
The weight of a serving at one time should not exceed 0,2 kg.
In order not to eat too much, vegetables and fruits should first be chopped. This will allow you to more accurately measure 5 tablespoons. If there is no desire to cut products, then you can simply weigh them.
In addition to water, you can drink coffee, tea, freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks. Sugar is not added to drinks.
There are no recommendations for giving up salt and spices, but in order for the process of getting rid of extra pounds to go faster, their consumption should be limited.
You can not drink carbonated drinks and juices of industrial production.
An acceptable method of heat treatment of products is steam cooking. You can also stew or boil dishes.
Store bought sauces are not recommended. If you want to improve the taste of the dish, then you should cook them yourself.
The process of losing weight will occur due to the fact that small portions will reduce the walls of the stomach, making it smaller in volume. This, in turn, will make it possible to satisfy hunger much faster, which means not to overeat.
For 7 days on a diet of 5 tablespoons, you can lose 2 to 3 kg of excess weight. The diet is not limited in time, it can be followed throughout life, as it does not contradict the principles of proper nutrition.
Approximate daily diet ration 5 tablespoons
The menu for one day might look like this:
Morning, 7:00 am: Milk-cooked oatmeal (5 tablespoons) and a glass of unsweetened tea.
Snack before lunch. 10:00 am: Eat your choice of fruit – an orange, an apple, or a banana.
Afternoon, 13:00: buckwheat with meat (5 tablespoons), meat can be replaced with fish or chicken. It is important to ensure that the total weight of the serving does not exceed 0,2 kg.
Snack before dinner, 16:00: vegetable salad with sunflower oil or sour cream dressing. A serving is equal to five tablespoons.
Dinner, 19:00: rice porridge, or boiled fish.
Snack before bed: kefir or yogurt, but no more than 5 tablespoons. Sour-milk drinks can be seen with a piece of fruit or a glass of water.
Menu for the week
| Breakfast | Dinner | Afternoon snack | Dinner | Before bedtime |
1 | 100 g scrambled eggs, 60 g tomatoes, 40 g cheese, a glass of unsweetened coffee | 100 g soup with vegetables and chicken fillet, 80 g fresh vegetable salad, compote | 0,2 liters of yogurt | 180 g vegetables stewed with chicken fillet | 100 g casserole with cottage cheese and apple |
2 | 100 g sandwich with salted red fish, cheese and tomato, 100 g curdled milk | 100 g white fish baked with cream sauce, boiled egg | 150 g fruit salad | Stewed vegetables 100 g, duck breast – 70 g, a glass of tea | Pumpkin porridge 160 g, compote |
3 | 170 g muesli with yogurt, a glass of tea | Vegetable soup with croutons – 100 g, steamed minced fish cutlets – 60 g, fruit drink | 150 g pancakes with apple filling | 80 g durum wheat pasta, 60 goulash, 30 g beans in tomatoes, juice | Souffle with cottage cheese and apples – 150 g, a glass of green tea |
4 | Steamed cheesecakes – 100 g and the same amount of kefir | Moussaka with vegetables 100 g, chicken pate with dried bread – 50 g, tomatoes – 50 g, compote | Fruit, total weight not exceeding 180 g | Mashed potatoes – 100 g, terrine with chicken and vegetables – 100 g, a glass of tea | Stewed zucchini – 150 g, a glass of green tea |
5 | Cottage cheese casserole – 150 g, a glass of coffee | 100 g sour cabbage soup, Beijing cabbage with chicken fillet in salad – 50 g, boiled egg | 160 charlottes | 100 g pilaf and the same amount of stewed cabbage, a glass of tea | A glass of yogurt |
6 | 180 g cheese omelet, unsweetened tea | Rice with vegetables, 100 g serving, baked chicken fillet – 70 g | 0,2 kg salad with Korean carrots and chicken fillet | Soup-puree with mushrooms – 120 g, a slice of hard cheese, a boiled chicken egg and a glass of tea | Fruit salad |
7 | Oatmeal boiled in milk – 170 g, fruit and juice | 100 g fish soup, croutons with cheese and garlic – 100 g, a glass of tea | Apple | 100 g boiled buckwheat, 100 g chicken wings baked with honey, a glass of tea | Salad with cabbage and carrots |
Allowed and prohibited diet foods 5 tablespoons
The diet involves eating a wide variety of foods. A person should not limit their intake of fats or carbohydrates to less than the prescribed rate of 5 tablespoons. At the same time, you need to choose only those foods that are considered healthy and do not contradict the principles of proper nutrition. Sources of carbohydrates should be cereals, vegetables, fruits. They allow you to replenish the body’s reserves with vitamins and microelements, as well as coarse fiber useful for the intestines.
Proportions of fats, proteins and carbohydrates consumed per day: 20%:40%:40%, where 20% is allocated to fatty foods. An adult should not consume more than 110 g of fat per day, otherwise, it will not be possible to lose weight. A salad eaten per day with dressing from vegetable oil or a fillet of oily sea fish in 200 g fits perfectly into this norm.
As for prohibited foods, drinks such as:
Drinks with sugar and gases.
Drinks containing artificial sweeteners.
Alcoholic drinks.
Table of prohibited products
Products | Proteins | Fats | Carbohydrates | Kilocalories |
Jam | 0,3 | 0,2 | 53 | 263 |
Jam | 0,3 | 0,1 | 56 | 238 |
Candy | 4,3 | 19,8 | 67,5 | 453 |
Ice cream | 3,7 | 6,9 | 22,1 | 189 |
Sugar | 0 | 0 | 99,7 | 398 |
Sugar pieces | 0 | 0 | 99,9 | 400 |
Coca Cola | 0 | 0 | 10,4 | 42 |
Lemonade | 0 | 0 | 6,4 | 26 |
РЎРїСЂР ° Р№С ‚ | 0,1 | 0 | 7 | 29 |
Fanta | 0 | 0 | 11,7 | 48 |
Energetic drinks | 0 | 0 | 11,3 | 45 |
Pros and Cons of the 5 Tablespoons Diet
Obvious advantages of the diet:
Diet teaches you how to eat right.
During the diet, there are no sharp jumps in blood sugar levels.
The appetite of a person becomes under control.
The diet does not prohibit eating your favorite foods.
Cons of the diet:
The diet has a number of contraindications. So, it should not be practiced while carrying a child and against the background of beriberi, which often develops in the cold season.