Diet 1000 calories per day: results

Diet 1000 calories per day: results

If you exclude such objective reasons as diseases, excess weight is always a consequence of overeating, when you eat more than you need to maintain vital functions. The most obvious way to lose weight is a sharp restriction of calories, for example, from the usual 2000 to 1000, but such a diet may not completely affect your health, even if you have not complained about it before.

Diet 1000 calories per day

How does a sharp restriction of calorie intake work on the body?

If you are used to not limiting yourself in anything and the calorie content of your menu was 2000–2500 per day, reducing it to 1000 is a rather tough way to lose weight, which, of course, will be stressful for a healthy body as well. This method can be used only in rare cases, when you urgently need to get rid of 4–5 kg in a few days. A strict mono-diet that excludes the use of proteins, fats or carbohydrates should not last more than 2 weeks, or even better – a week. This is a necessary condition so that hormonal changes do not begin in your body, which inevitably result in metabolic disorders and a slowdown in metabolic processes. They cannot be stopped or accelerated at the same time as you stop adhering to the diet.

People who have never used diets do not gain as many extra pounds as those who sit on them regularly with short breaks

Calorie restriction that lasts more than a week is perceived by the body as a “hard time” associated with hunger, because you cannot tell your stomach that you are deliberately underfeeding. As a result of such a deficiency, the most available energy reserves are first spent – protein compounds from muscle tissue, which is accompanied by loss of fluid and weight loss, and then all the body’s efforts are directed to maximum preservation of fat reserves as a guarantee of survival. A change in hormonal balance is easy to provoke with such a diet, but it is much more difficult to return it to normal, it can trigger uncontrolled processes that will have a most detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Consequences of strict mono-diets

As shown by numerous studies and reviews of those who regularly tried to lose weight on “fast” diets, as a result of such an improper diet increases the likelihood of becoming even more fat.

The consequence of strict mono-diets based on any one product is often the loss of the ability to concentrate and think clearly.

Nutritionists from King’s College London have received evidence of another side effect of such diets: the fat that begins to form after you have been on a strict mono diet is different from what it was originally. When you are starving, adhering to diets, then eating in the same mode, fat begins to redistribute and be deposited not between muscle tissues and skin, where it is easier to burn, but in the abdominal cavity, around the internal organs. From there, it readily seeps into the bloodstream and liver, causing a dangerous increase in low-density lipoprotein levels. Namely, they provoke diseases such as heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis.

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