Die Da Zhi Tong Gao

Die Da Zhi Tong Gao

Traditional therapeutic uses

Main indications: help healing and relieve pain associated with contusions, strains, dislocations, muscle and tendon trauma, rheumatism, arthritis.


For external use only.

  • Clean and dry the affected area before placing the plaster.
  • Cut a piece of the desired shape and size, remove the cellophane and apply to the affected area.
  • Keep for a maximum of two hours.
  • Frequency: one to four times a day.


To relieve pain, plasters have the same actions and ingredients as oils and ointments. However, they have the advantage of diffusing the active ingredients slowly under the action of heat from the skin. Their therapeutic action is thus more powerful than that of oils and ointments.

There are two main categories of products for external application against musculoskeletal pain: those whose main therapeutic action is to relieve pain and those whose main therapeutic action is to accelerate the healing process. The analgesic bruise dressing combines these two aspects and a significant proportion of the ingredients it contains are intended to aid in healing.


  • Contraindicated for children under two years old.
  • There is danger of skin reactions if an external heat source, such as a heating pad, is added.
  • Do not apply to mucous membranes, eyes, a wound or irritated skin.
  • Stop the application in case of inflammation, itching or burning.
  • Keep out of the reach of children.


Nom en pin yin

Pharmaceutical name

Therapeutic actions

Bo He Bing 

Mentholum (menthol)

Move the Energy and the Blood, stop the pain 

Dong Qing Yu 

Methyl salicylate

Move the Energy and the Blood, stop the pain

Zhe Chong 

Eupolyphaga your steleophaga (blatte)

Breaks up blood clusters, strengthens tendons and bones 

Xue Jie 

dragon’s blood (resin obtained from the fruit of a variety of palm)

Stops bleeding, regenerates tissue 

Long Gu 

Fossilia ossis mastodi (the fossilises)

Promotes healing of ulcers 

Er Cha 

Catechu (extract of leaves and young shoots of acacia)

Stops pain, regenerates tissue, stops bleeding 

Mo Yao 

The resin liquid (myrrh)

Helps blood circulation, regenerates tissues 

Gui Sui Bu 

Rhizoma drynariae (rhizome of Drynaria fortunei)

Regenerates injured tissue 

Hong Hua 

flower carthami (safflower flower)

Activates the circulation of Blood, breaks up blood clusters  

Da Huang 

Rhizome and root Re’i (rhizome and rhubarb root)

Treats burns, abscesses 

Pu Gong Ying 

Herba taraxaci (dandelion leaves)

Treats abscesses, ulcers 

Xu duan 

radix dipsaci (teasel root)

Promotes repair of bones and tendons 

On the shelves

Health Canada has assigned a DIN (Drug Identification Number) to the following product, which certifies that it is free of contaminants, that it does not contain synthetic drugs and that the Traditional Chinese Pharmacopoeia recognizes its effectiveness for the uses described here. 


  • Chinese Plaster for Bruise and Analgesic. Manufactured by Classical Remedia Ltd., Toronto, Ontario.

Available in Chinese herbalists, several natural health product stores, as well as distributors of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine.

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