Many of us took cod liver oil as children, while resenting our parents for the fact that the capsules with cod liver oil were large and, to put it mildly, “disgusting”. However, our parents cared about our health and, let’s face it, he probably protected us from many diseases. Cod liver oil (because this is the origin of cod liver oil) is a simple way to strengthen immunity and prevent infections. Why has he been forgotten by us?
What exactly is cod liver oil?
As we already mentioned tran is cod liver oil, but it is often referred to as whale or shark oil. In fact, it only comes from fish in the cod family. Tran comes from Norway, where the obtained fish oils are used in the daily diet of the inhabitants of this country. Cod liver oil boomed in the 60s when it became a must-have supplement for children. It was used to treat avitaminosis and to some extent inhibited the development of rickets resulting from insufficient amounts of vitamin D in children’s bodies.
Why is cod liver oil so important for health?
It contains large amounts of unsaturated omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the most beneficial ratio for our health (1:4). Tran contains large amounts of vitamins A, D and E. It is an excellent product for everyone who wants to avoid annual flu infections. Cod liver oil treatment is especially recommended in the autumn and winter. Tran it also has a regenerating effect on a weakened body after an illness. In this way, we can ensure a faster return to shape and strengthen the body (after taking, for example, antibiotics).
Cod liver oil is not only famous for its immune-boosting properties. It controls the proper functioning of the brain. It does this by nourishing brain cells with unsaturated fats. The omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in question improve blood circulation inside the brain. Cod liver oil should therefore return to the pedestal and be given to children to improve their concentration and support overall development.
And again … cod liver oil is not only famous for its health properties intended for children. It should be taken by adults who struggle with cardiovascular problems because omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of a heart attack. It also helps to maintain “good” cholesterol at the correct level. A big plus is the presence of vitamin E in the composition, which strengthens blood vessels.
We may not know it, but most of us are deficient in vitamin D. One way to “recharge the batteries” and increase the amount of vitamin D in the body is the sun. On a daily basis, however, we are absorbed in work and family responsibilities, we do not spend as much time outdoors as we should. Our climatic zone also does not provide us with the right dose of sunlight. Therefore, what we can do is to protect the body against the loss of this valuable vitamin. Cod liver oil is a very good way to supplement many ingredients important for health.
We should also mention vitamin A, which has a positive effect on our eyesight. The correct amount of this vitamin in the body allows you to avoid many serious eye diseases. Omega-3 fatty acids strengthen the retina of the eye. Vitamin A and E are also vitamins of youth. Thanks to them, our skin, hair and nails are healthy and resistant to harmful external factors. Fish oil and the vitamins contained in it moisturize and nourish the skin, which becomes more resistant to the formation of wrinkles.
Summing up the collected knowledge about cod liver oil, it is concluded that it should be a mandatory supplement for everyone, both small and large, who care about their health.