Did you take two doses? This is how vaccines are less effective
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By February 14, a booster dose against COVID-19 was taken in Poland by 10 million 718 thousand. 123 people, for 21 million 998 thousand 598 fully vaccinated. That’s less than half the citizens that could get a booster. It is not a very good idea to procrastinate with a third dose, as a new study published in The Lancet shows. Protection after two doses of vaccines declines sharply over time.

  1. In Israel, the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is already being administered. It is not known whether the same solution will soon be applied also in the European Union countries
  2. The fourth dose is designed to raise the immunity of the vaccinated after a certain period of time. Coronavirus vaccines, unfortunately, have less and less effect in the coming months. This mainly concerns protection against infection
  3. Meanwhile, in Poland the problem is already at the third dose stage. Some fully vaccinated people are not allowed to accept it. The latest research shows unequivocally that this is a mistake
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Two doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are not enough

When the National Immunization Program in Poland was launched, we were convinced that two injections with one of the available preparations would be enough to end the coronavirus epidemic and return to normal. Unfortunately, it turned out quite quickly that the effectiveness of the preparations decreased over time. Therefore, it turned out to be necessary to include a booster dose in the vaccination plan, i.e. booster. So that people who are fully vaccinated can still feel safe, even months after receiving the injection.

  1. See also: Immunologist: A sisterly hidden line of Omicron has appeared. We need more vaccines

Although the fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine is being talked about more and more often (it is already administered in Israel), still not all fully vaccinated people benefited from the booster. In Poland, on the basis of data from the Ministry of Health, it can be seen that almost exactly 50 percent decided on a booster dose. citizens who have already taken two injections (or one if it was Johnson & Johnson). The reason for this may be the belief that two doses of the vaccine provide protection, so it makes no sense to arrange a booster. Unfortunately, the results of the research published in The Lancet show clearly that this is not a good direction of thinking.

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COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness Decline. One fared exceptionally bad

A report on the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines over time after full vaccination has been published in The Lancet. Results vary by formulation type and manufacturer, but the general trend for each is the same – the passing months weaken the effects of COVID-19 vaccines. The good news is that protection against severe disease is the slowest to decline. However, when it comes to protection against coronavirus infection, it drops significantly, and in the case of the preparation With AstraZeneca, even drastically.

The survey was conducted in Sweden between January 12 and October 4, 2021. Data collected from 1 million 685 thousand were taken into account. 948 people. The same number of vaccinated and unvaccinated people was analyzed.

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The study shows that the effectiveness of vaccines in both protection against infection and severe disease decreased over time – albeit more slowly in the latter case. The percentage of protection against infection is as follows:

  1. In the case of the Pfizer vaccine, protection has dropped from 95%. after 15-30 days to 47 percent. after 121-180 days. After 211 days, it was only 23 percent.
  2. Moderna’s effectiveness after 15-30 days was 96%, and after 181 it dropped to 59%.
  3. As for AstraZeneka, after 15-30 days it protected 68%, and after 121 days its protective effect was no longer detectable

Much better news, however, is that vaccines continued to provide protection against the severe course of COVID-19. Each of the three tested preparations significantly exceeded the threshold of 50 percent. Vaccine effectiveness ranged from 89 percent. after 15-30 days to 64 percent after 121 days.

The researchers also noted that the lower effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines may be related to the age and gender of the vaccinated people. The study showed that lower efficacy can be seen in men (compared to women) and the elderly (compared to young people).

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

Also read:

  1. COVID-19 increases the risk of heart attacks and other serious diseases. Shocking data from scientists
  2. How to get infected with the virus? The most common mistakes
  3. Two weeks from infection records. Will there be a jump in deaths?
  4. Prof. Krzysztof Simon: We cannot talk about the end of the epidemic yet

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