Dicoflor – characters, action. Dicoflor for babies, children and adults

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Dicoflor is a preparation whose composition is based on tested strains of intestinal bacteria, i.e. Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG. This strain was discovered in 1983 and it was quickly discovered that these live bacteria cultures could supplement a person’s diet at any stage of their development. Importantly, Dicoflor is safe even for the digestive system of babies who are just starting to build their immunity. In addition, Dicoflor is also recommended for allergy sufferers as it does not contain gluten, lactose and casein.

Dicoflor – characters

In the manufacturer’s offer you can find various forms of probiotic adapted to the needs of people of all ages. For this reason, Dicoflor can be obtained in various forms of administration, as well as in versions with the addition of minerals and vitamins:

  1. Dicoflor baby – a preparation in the form of drops intended for children and infants. Its composition includes linseed oil and live bacteria cultures, thanks to which it is completely safe for the youngest;
  2. Dicoflor junior – Dicoflor in the form of sachets for children. The preparation has the taste of forest fruit and dissolves quickly on the tongue, so it does not require sipping;
  3. Dicoflor 3 in sachets – another form of Dicoflor in the form of sachets. It is a convenient form that allows you to mix the formula with baby milk and give it in a bottle, just as your child is used to;
  4. Dicoflor 3 in capsules – one capsule of Dicoflor 3 contains up to 3 billion live bacteria cultures;
  5. Dicoflor 6 in capsules – in this form, however, the Dicoflora 6 capsule contains as many as 6 billion live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria. This dose has a positive effect on the condition of our bacterial flora from the very first administration;
  6. Dicoflor Immunity – in this form, the probiotic works comprehensively. Its composition includes zinc, folic acid in combination with live bacterial cultures;
  7. Dicoflor Electrolytes – the Dicoflor probiotic in this form regulates the body’s water balance and at the same time enriches the child’s bacterial flora, e.g. during diarrhea.

Check it out: Five symptoms that may indicate a disturbed intestinal bacterial flora

Dicoflor — Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is a type of bacteria that occurs naturally in the intestines. Importantly, they are bacteria that produce the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the sugar lactose present in dairy products into lactic acid.

They belong to the probiotic bacteria. They are living organisms that, once they enter the digestive system, show many health benefits. This bacterium is well adapted to survive in the acidic conditions of our body. It can also adhere to and colonize the intestinal walls, which increases the chances of their survival and increases the long-term benefits of their use. A diet rich in live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria has an excellent effect on health and improving the condition of our intestines.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG is the most frequently and thus the best-studied probiotic strain in the world. So far, 400 studies on their effects on immunity have been published. According to research, this strain is a very strong antimicrobial agent, it tolerates well the conditions in the human stomach, is resistant to bile acid and is very sticky, thanks to which it adheres well to the intestinal walls.

This strain perfectly strengthens our immunity. It also has an extremely beneficial effect on fighting inflammation in the body and infections. This is because it significantly reduces the amount of inflammatory cytokines, the presence of which is associated with the presence of pathogens, such as, for example, TNF-alpha. Importantly, it fights inflammation not only in the intestines, but also the liver, lungs and blood.

It also reduces the invasive capacity of bacteria and therefore has a beneficial effect on reducing inflammatory diseases and infections. Bacteria and viruses that are harmful to health damage tissues, release endotoxins and trigger a clear immune response, which results in a large number of inflammatory particles.

When there are many bacteria in our body such as Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, they reduce the ability of pathogens to invade, thus also damaging our tissue cells and reducing our inflammatory response. Therefore, they take care of maintaining balance and health. This strain can therefore regulate our body’s immune response and limit the uncontrolled inflammatory response in our body.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG also protects our body against diarrhea after antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics disrupt the normal intestinal microflora, so it covers all the microorganisms inhabiting the human body. When the amount of bacteria, viruses, fungi and archaea is disturbed, digestive problems can arise, including diarrhea. That is why it is worth taking probiotics both during and after antibiotic therapy.

Strain included in Dicoflora It will also help us to prevent other types of diarrhea, such as travelers’ diarrhea, acute watery diarrhea and gastroenteritis. It can also help relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Check it out: Prebiotics, probiotics – who need them and should they be taken, what are they in?

Dicoflor for babies

Dicoflor for infants is primarily Dicoflor baby, a preparation in the form of drops. It contains freeze-dried live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria (ATCC 53103), whose beneficial effects on the intestines and safety are confirmed by numerous clinical studies. Dicoflor baby retains its properties for 30 days after opening, and additionally, it is not necessary to store it in the refrigerator.

The composition of Dicoflor baby does not contain any unnecessary additives, thanks to which the manufacturer offers us a high-quality product for the youngest. In this form of Dicoflor, we can only find well-tested strains of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria and corn oil well tolerated by children, which is the optimal solution for the youngest children. What is very important for allergy sufferers, the probiotic is completely free of gluten and lactose.

The action of Dicoflor Baby on the organism of children is very simple. Remember that this form of Dicoflor is intended even for newborns and supplements the diet of the newborn with lactic acid bacteria, which are a component of the proper intestinal microflora from the first days of life, and thus enrich it and ensure its correct composition.

The use of Dicoflor is worth considering primarily when:

  1. the child is undergoing or just after antibiotic therapy;
  2. we feed the baby with modified milk;
  3. the child begins to attend a nursery or kindergarten;
  4. the autumn-winter period comes;
  5. we travel with a child and we change time zones.

The dosage of Dicoflor varies depending on the needs of the child. The appropriate dose of Dicoflor, i.e. between 5 and 10 drops, is administered once a day. Before using the preparation, shake it several times to give the suspension a homogeneous consistency. Dicoflor drops can be administered directly into the mouth or dissolved in a warm or cold liquid, the temperature of which should not exceed 37 degrees Celsius. Dicoflor should be given to the child with a meal and be careful not to exceed the recommended dose during the day.

Sediment at the bottom of the Dicoflor bottle is a natural property of this probiotic and it does not matter for the quality of the product.

Dicoflor for children

Dicoflor junior in sachets is the solution for older children. It is a protective powder in the form of a pleasant forest fruit flavor. The fine powder is enclosed in sachets. It dissolves very quickly on the tongue and does not require sipping.

Suplement Dicoflor junior contains freeze-dried live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria (ATCC 53103), the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by clinical trials. In one Dicoflor junior packaging there are 12 sachets.

W the composition of one sachet of Dicofloru junior we can find as many as 5 billion live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria (ATCC 53103). Dicoflor junior ingredients they are gluten and lactose free, so it is a safe product for allergy sufferers. The probiotic in sachets is sweetened with xylitol and sorbitol.

Dicoflor junior can be used in children from 3 years of age and in adults to enrich the intestinal microflora. Application of Dicoflor junior it is recommended above all:

  1. during and after antibiotic therapy;
  2. in the autumn and winter periods;
  3. while traveling, when we change climatic zones.

In the case of Dicoflor junior, it is recommended to consume 1 to 2 sachets of the preparation daily. The contents of the Dicoflor sachet just sprinkle it on the tongue. The probiotic in this form does not require drinking. There are no contraindications for using the probiotic during meals. Remember, however, that you should not exceed the recommended daily dose of Dicoflor.

Dicoflor for adults

Dicoflor for adults is Dicoflor 6. It is a protective preparation that also contains Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (ATCC 53103). Dicoflor 6 can be purchased in packages of 10 and 20 capsules, so you can easily adjust the size of the package to your needs. Importantly, Dicoflor 6 does not have to be kept in the refrigerator.

The probiotic contains as many as 6 billion live cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG bacteria (ATCC 53103). The preparation is also gluten and lactose free.

Dicoflor 6 can be used in adults and children over 3 years of age. Its use is to supplement the daily diet with lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG, which are a natural component of the correct intestinal microflora. Like any probiotic Dicoflor 6, it is worth using:

  1. during and after antibiotic therapy;
  2. in the autumn and winter periods;
  3. while traveling, when we change climatic zones.

Dicoflor 6 should be taken in the amount of 1-2 capsules during the day. Dicoflor capsules should be swallowed with a glass of cold or warm liquid. Another way is to open the capsule and dissolve its contents in liquid. In this case, remember to consume the solution immediately after its preparation. Dicoflor 6 can be taken with meals. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose of Dicoflor.

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