Diarrhea during pregnancy, what is possible from diarrhea, is severe diarrhea dangerous

Diarrhea during pregnancy, what is possible from diarrhea, is severe diarrhea dangerous

The body of the expectant mother may react to a new condition in a non-standard way. Some are tormented by nausea, others by diarrhea – during pregnancy, they significantly worsen their well-being and interfere with ordinary affairs. When treating diarrhea, note that many drugs are contraindicated in the first trimester.

What causes diarrhea and nausea during pregnancy?

Diarrhea is a common problem for expectant mothers, but severe diarrhea during pregnancy may not be associated with changes in hormonal status. In this case, you need to identify and eliminate the cause as quickly as possible.

Severe diarrhea during pregnancy can lead to dehydration

Causes of diarrhea in pregnant women:

  • hormonal changes in the first trimester;
  • at 38−42 weeks, this is a harbinger of imminent childbirth;
  • weakening of ligaments, including sphincters;
  • eating disorders;
  • active sports;
  • stress;
  • physical and mental overload;
  • taking certain medications;
  • poisoning;
  • infection;
  • exacerbation of a chronic disease.

If the expectant mother goes to the toilet no more than 2 times a day, then the shape of the chair should not bother her. It is necessary to drink more water, preferably mineral water without gas, and rest.

Situations in which you need to see a doctor:

  • diarrhea lasts longer than a week;
  • urge to use the toilet more than 4 times a day;
  • blood, black clots, mucus appeared in the feces;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • persistent dry mouth.

Expectant mothers should not doubt whether diarrhea is dangerous during pregnancy. This is a symptom that is fraught with intoxication and dehydration, and regular bowel contractions are dangerous for the tone of the uterus. This negatively affects the fetus.

How to eliminate diarrhea during pregnancy?

Stool problems occur regularly, regardless of health and hormonal status. This problem is solved quite easily, but diarrhea is more difficult to treat during pregnancy. Many medications are contraindicated for at least the first weeks, so even doctors during this period recommend safe folk remedies.

What can you do with diarrhea during pregnancy:

  • plentiful drink, fruit drinks, tea, still mineral water;
  • sparing diet;
  • light sedatives;
  • herbal teas and jelly.

Any medicine can be taken only after consulting a doctor, even if it is a safe sorbent.

Diarrhea is a frequent companion to pregnancy. In the first weeks, it signals hormonal changes, by the end of the term it cleans the intestines before childbirth. If in doubt about the normalcy of your condition, consult a doctor.

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