Babies have very delicate and thin skin – in an adult it is twice as thick. In addition, the diaper creates an unfavorable environment for such skin, because it stores moisture and cuts off the access of air. No wonder then that diaper rash is an extremely common condition in very young children. Every new parent should know what the risk of this ailment is and how to prevent it.
Where do diaper rashes come from and how do you recognize them?
Chafing are the result of a baby’s skin being in contact with moisture for too long. A baby’s skin does not have enough sebaceous glands to create a layer on its surface that protects the bottom against harmful factors. Therefore, the reasons for the occurrence diaper rash There are many. Belong to them:
- changing the baby too infrequently,
- inaccurate washing or drying of the baby,
- diarrhea,
- change of diet,
- allergies to substances used in the production of diapers,
- infections, especially fungal,
- increased sweating during warmer days,
- dressing the baby too warm.
It is worth noting that the baby’s skin is so delicate that the risk of its occurrence chafing it can never be completely eliminated. Therefore, inferring from such a situation that it is the result of neglect by parents is a symptom of stereotypical thinking that has little to do with the modern state of medical knowledge.
If it happened diaper rash, we can recognize them by redness on the surface of the skin. It is worth paying special attention to places where the skin forms folds – this is the inguinal area, anus and genitals.
What is the risk of diaper rash?
Diaper rash cannot be underestimated for at least several reasons. First of all, when they are mild, they are painful and cause discomfort to a child. Moreover, in blistering spot inflammation may easily develop. It can be identified by pimples and blisters on the surface of the skin from which fluid may ooze. This is the last moment to take a decisive action against this ailment, because diaper dermatitis can turn into a bacterial or fungal infection that is dangerous for the baby’s health.
How to treat nappy rash?
Ways to diaper rash fortunately in infants they are quite easy to apply. What is needed mainly is accuracy and regularity in maintaining hygiene. In order to heal diaper rash belongs:
- Pay particular attention to thoroughly washing and drying chafed areas.
- Change your baby’s diapers as often as possible.
- Particularly greasy creams and ointments containing zinc bring relief from minor chafes. But be careful! More severe burns can be aggravated by applying a layer of greasy product. In the event of diaper dermatitis, it is best to consult a pediatrician who will prescribe a remedy appropriate for the given case.
- If the weather permits, an easy way to get light chafing is to ventilate your baby’s bottom in the fresh air.
- Potato flour is a home remedy that has been known for decades. You can cover your baby’s bottom with it when changing diapers or create a bath starch based on it. It is enough to mix 2 tablespoons of flour in 250 ml of water, and then boil the mixture in 0,5 liters of boiling water.
How can I prevent nappy rash?
It is best to make every effort to spare your baby any pain, especially since the pain of diaper rash is compared to a severe sunburn. Here are the most important elements of prevention diaper rash:
- Change your baby every 3-4 hours or every time it takes care of its needs. It may seem very burdensome and costly, but it is worth remembering that the frequency of bowel movements in a newborn drops significantly already in the second month of life.
- Thorough washing, which should take into account areas particularly prone to chafing, especially folds, where dirt and moisture can accumulate. The baby should be bathed after each bowel movement.
- After gently drying the skin with a cotton cloth, a paper towel (watch out for abrasions!) Or gauze, it is worth applying a layer of ointment containing panthenol, allantonine or zinc. This layer should be thin, otherwise it may even promote chafing. Try, for example, Mediskin Aqua Cream for diaper irritation and bedsores, which can be ordered at Medonet Market.
- Powders help to prevent chafing, but when an excessive amount is applied, they collect the moisture themselves and are counterproductive.
- Much also depends on the type of diaper. Chafing can be caused by a poorly fitting diaper, for example too tight. There may also be a situation where some chemical in the diaper causes an allergic reaction. In this situation, you can try diapers from another company. If your baby is prone to chafing, it may be necessary to purchase more expensive diapers for better air circulation and greater absorption. Another solution is reusable cloth diapers. Although more troublesome due to the necessity of constant washing, they are safe for allergy sufferers, as long as we take care of their thorough rinsing after washing.