Diammofoska: composition, application

For the full development of horticultural crops, a complex of microelements is required. Plants get them from the soil, which often does not contain the necessary nutrients. Mineral top dressing helps to stimulate the development of crops.

One of the safest and most effective fertilizers is diammophoska. The substance contains the main trace elements necessary to maintain life processes in plants. Diammofoska is suitable for fertilizing fruit trees, shrubs, vegetables, flowers and lawns.

Composition and benefits of fertilizer

Diammofoska is a fertilizer containing a complex of useful substances. Its main components are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Potassium and phosphorus components are present in the highest concentration.

The fertilizer has the form of pink granules and has a neutral acidity. The composition of diammofoska also includes sulfur, magnesium, iron, zinc, calcium. These trace elements are present in the granules in equal amounts.

Important! Diammofska is produced in two forms: 10:26:26 and 9:25:25. The numbers indicate the percentage of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer.

The fertilizer is universal and suitable for use on any type of soil. The main application period is spring, but top dressing is carried out in summer and autumn.

The substance is effective on soils rich in nitrogen: peat bogs, plowed areas, areas with high humidity. The use of fertilizer diammofoska is possible on soils poor in phosphorus and potassium.

Nitrogen stimulates the growth of green mass and the formation of flower buds. With a lack of trace elements, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the development of plants slows down. Nitrogen is especially important in the early stages when plantings enter a period of active growth.

Diammofoska: composition, application

Diammofoska does not contain nitrates that can accumulate in the soil and plants. Nitrogen is present in the fertilizer in the form of ammonium. This form reduces the loss of nitrogen during evaporation, exposure to moisture and wind. Most of the substance is absorbed by plants.

Phosphorus contributes to the formation of plant cells, is involved in the metabolism, reproduction and respiration of cells. Its deficiency leads to the appearance of a purple color and deformation of the leaves.

Phosphorus in the composition of diammofoske is present as oxides, which are well absorbed by horticultural crops and stored in the soil. The amount of phosphorus in the fertilizer is about 20%. In its pure form, the microelement slowly penetrates the soil, so it is often applied in the fall.

When diammophoska comes into contact with the soil, phosphates break down and spread much faster. Therefore, fertilizer is applied at any time during the season.

Potassium provides the transport of nutrients to the roots of plants. As a result, the resistance of crops to diseases and adverse weather conditions increases. With a lack of a microelement, the leaves turn pale, dry out, and become stained.

Advantages and disadvantages

The use of diammofoska fertilizer has the following advantages:

  • acts immediately after entering into the ground;
  • includes a complex of useful substances;
  • the possibility of using for vegetables, berries, flowers, shrubs, fruit trees;
  • increases the shelf life of the crop;
  • top dressing is effective on any type of soil;
  • affordable price;
  • safety for humans and the environment;
  • increase in yield, taste and quality of fruits;
  • increasing the shelf life of the crop;
  • ease of use;
  • long shelf life;
  • compatibility with organic fertilizers;
  • no harmful impurities.

Disadvantages of fertilizer:

  • chemical origin;
  • the need to adhere to the application standards;
  • obligatory observance of storage rules.

Diammofoska: composition, application

How to use

Ways to use diammofoska:

  • in the spring when digging the site;
  • in the form of a solution when watering the plant.

When used dry, the soil must be moistened. The consumption rates of diammofoska in the garden depend on the type of crop. Processing is recommended at the beginning of the season.

For irrigation, solutions are prepared that are applied under the root of plants in the morning or evening. When processing, it is important to avoid contact of the solution with the leaves, which leads to burns.

Nightscape cultures

For tomatoes, peppers and eggplants, additional feeding is necessary to strengthen the roots and aerial parts, and improve the quality of the crop.

When digging a site in open ground, apply 50 g of fertilizer per 1 m2. 30 g is enough for a greenhouse and a hotbed. Additionally, when planting bushes, 5 g of the substance is added to each well.

For irrigation, a solution is prepared, consisting of 10 g of diammophoska and 0,5 kg of rotted manure. The components are diluted in 10 liters of water and watered under the root. Two treatments are enough per season.

Fertilizer is not used after the appearance of the ovaries. Nitrogen causes excessive growth of bushes, which negatively affects the quality of the crop.


When fertilizing potatoes, the yield, appearance and duration of storage of root crops increase. The introduction of diammofoska is possible in the following ways:

  • when digging a site for landing;
  • directly into the planting hole.

When digging, the norm of the substance is 20 g per 1 sq. m. When planting, add 5 g to each well.

Diammofoska: composition, application


Cruciferous plants react negatively to chlorine, which is included in many potash fertilizers. They can be replaced by a complex fertilizer that does not contain harmful impurities.

The use of diammophoska promotes tying heads and repels slugs. After top dressing, cabbage is less susceptible to disease.

How to fertilize cabbage:

  • when digging a plot, 25 g per 1 sq. m;
  • when planting seedlings – 5 g in each hole.


When feeding diammophos strawberries, they get a high yield, and the bushes themselves become more powerful and resilient.

Fertilizer is applied to the soil when loosening the soil in spring in the amount of 15 per 1 sq. m. When forming the ovaries, feeding is repeated, but the substance is dissolved in water.

Shrubs and trees

For raspberries, blackberries, pears, plums and apple trees, fertilizer is applied by applying to the soil. The norm of the substance per 1 sq. m is:

  • 10 g – for annual and biennial shrubs;
  • 20 g – for adult shrubs;
  • 20 – for plum and apricot;
  • 30 – for apple, pear.

For the vineyard, take 25 g of fertilizer and scatter it over the snow. As the snow melts, the substances will be absorbed into the soil.


Lawn grass needs fertilizing for active growth. Lawn fertilization includes a number of steps:

  • in early spring, ammonium nitrate is scattered in the amount of 300 g per 1 sq. m;
  • in summer, a similar amount of diammofoska is used;
  • in autumn, the application rate of diammofoska is reduced by 2 times.

Winter crops

Winter crops need additional intake of nutrients. A universal solution is diammophoska, which can replace several types of top dressing.

Under winter wheat and barley, up to 8 centners / ha of diammofoska are applied. Fertilizer is distributed in a tape way to a depth of 10 cm. In autumn, when digging the earth, up to 4 centners / ha are used.

Exposure to the substance begins after the snow melts. Winter crops receive a supply of nutrients necessary for crop maturation.

Diammofoska: composition, application

Flowers and indoor plants

Diammofoska is suitable for feeding a flower garden and indoor plants. For processing, prepare a solution consisting of 1 liter of water and 1 g of fertilizer. Flowers are watered every 2 weeks.

Fertilizer promotes the emergence of new leaves and buds. Both annuals and perennials react positively to top dressing.

Safety measures

With proper storage and operation, diammophoska does not pose a danger to humans and the environment. Use the substance in strict accordance with the regulations.

Requirements for storage conditions:

  • lack of direct solar exposure;
  • the presence of ventilation;
  • storage in packages;
  • temperature from 0 to +30°C;
  • humidity below 50%;
  • distance from food, animal feed and medicines.

Do not store the substance near sources of fire or heating appliances. Do not use wood or cardboard containers that are highly flammable. Choose a storage location away from children and pets.

The shelf life of diammofoska is 5 years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, the fertilizer must be disposed of.

Use a respirator, rubber gloves and a protective suit. After treatment, wash your face and hands with soap under running water.

Avoid contact of the substance with the skin and mucous membranes. In case of contact with skin, wash with water. In case of poisoning or an allergic reaction, consult a doctor.

Diammofoska: composition, application


Diammofoska is a universal top dressing, the use of which increases the yield and quality of the harvested fruits. Fertilizer is used on an industrial scale and in garden plots. Diammofoska begins to act when it enters the ground and is well absorbed by plants. Subject to the rules of storage and dosage, the fertilizer is safe for the environment.

Good luck in the country: Diammofoska

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