Diagnostics of oncological diseases
Detecting the disease as early as possible is always important. In malignant neoplasms, early diagnosis is crucial, since the further prognosis of the patient depends on it.

Every sixth person on the planet today dies of cancer. Terrible statistics can be reduced if neoplasms are detected and treated at an early stage, when the tumor is local, and malignant cells have not spread to other tissues, oncologists assure. But most of the malignant processes are almost asymptomatic or similar to the usual malaise. As a result, people with oncological diseases get to see a specialist too late.

Despite the rapid development of modern medicine, the diagnosis of malignant diseases remains one of the most pressing problems worldwide. Unfortunately, the level of cancer detection at an early stage in Russia is still low.

According to doctors, most often it is possible to detect only malignant processes in a timely manner, with characteristic symptoms that simply cannot be overlooked. With breast cancer, these are seals, with cervical cancer, pathological discharge, and with rectal cancer, pain and blood impurities in the stool. At the same time, such malignant tumors that develop for a long time without symptoms, such as pancreatic cancer or stomach cancer, are diagnosed too late.

Methods for diagnosing cancer at an early stage

In modern medicine, there are various methods for detecting malignant neoplasms at an early stage, which allow you to determine the location of the tumor, its size and even the rate of progression.

Depending on the method of research, these can be laboratory, cytological and instrumental studies.

Scanning (MRI, CT, MSCT, ultrasound and endo-ultrasound)

These types of studies are prescribed for general weakness, when the patient cannot understand which of the organs is unhealthy in order to rule out asymptomatic cancers.

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) can detect tumors as small as 0,1 mm. The method is also used to detect metastases. MRI can be used to diagnose neoplasms of the brain, larynx, uterus and cervix, pancreas, liver and kidneys, bladder and prostate.

With the help of ultrasound, tumors can be detected at an early stage: breast, uterus, thyroid gland and other organs. But to clarify the diagnosis, localization and type of tumor, as a rule, it is necessary to undergo additional examinations.

CT can diagnose lung cancer.

According to oncologist Roman Temnikov, low-dose computed tomography is by far the most reliable method for detecting this disease at an early stage.

Tumor markers

These are specific proteins that are produced and secreted by malignant cells or normal tissues in response to cancer cell invasion and can be found in the blood or urine at the preclinical stage of the disease.

According to the level of tumor markers, doctors can detect the presence of a tumor in the body and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment. By observing the values ​​of oncomarkers in dynamics, it is possible to identify the initial stage of the recurrence of the disease.

The main tumor markers are CA 19-9, CA 12-5, AFP, CA 15-3, PSA.

“A blood test for tumor markers reveals only the presence of oncological problems,” clarifies Roman Temnikov. – The term “tumor markers” refers to antigens that are produced by cancer cells. In a small amount they are in the body of each person, but with cancer their concentration increases many times over.

A common cold, pregnancy and a number of other diseases not related to oncological pathology can provoke their increase. It is qualified to decipher the blood test for tumor markers, draw up a plan for the necessary tests and a picture of the anamnesis, as well as make the correct diagnosis and prescribe additional examinations, only an oncologist can.


A method of examining the breast using x-rays with a small dose of radiation. Mammography allows you to detect a malignant tumor at an early stage.

The procedure is prescribed for women with breast seals, nipple deformities, redness and swelling, and poor heredity. Dr. Temnikov recommends that all women over 40 undergo this study.


A type of diagnosis in which a flexible endoscope with a photo or video camera and a biopsy device is inserted into the body. The technique allows you to identify the early stage of cancer of the stomach, larynx, lungs and intestines. Endoscopic research methods also include methods such as gastroscopy and colonoscopy.


In modern medicine, sparing doses of radiation are used that do not harm the body and at the same time make it possible to refine the contours of the neoplasm. This method is used when an MRI is not available.


Examination of tissue samples taken during biopsy. The data obtained allow doctors to clarify the histological type of tumor and determine further treatment tactics.

Pap test

Screening smear from the surface of the cervix, recommended by WHO, as the most reliable method for the early diagnosis of cervical cancer and the precancerous state of its cells.

Doctors advice on diagnosing cancer

“If a person finds a seal somewhere, feels pain, notices a change in the color of the skin or mucous membrane, this is a signal that you need to make an appointment with a specialist,” says Dr. Temnikov. – At least once a month, it is necessary to carry out self-diagnosis: probe the chest, neck, stomach, check the oral cavity, tongue, throat.

The chances of early diagnosis of cancer are increased by annual medical examinations, x-rays of the lungs, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and liver, as well as regular visits to the gynecologist and dentist.

You can check for the presence of oncological pathology in a private medical clinic or in your district clinic. Some non-state medical centers provide services for the treatment of oncological diseases under the compulsory medical insurance policy.

Standard diagnostics of the body includes general blood tests, urine, ultrasound of the thyroid, breast, prostate, kidneys, uterus and its appendages, retroperitoneal lymph nodes and other organs on the recommendation of a doctor.

Popular questions and answers

Can a blood test diagnose cancer?

Of course not. In medicine, two basic blood tests are common: general (clinical) and biochemical. But the indicators of both are nonspecific, and deviations from the norm do not indicate a specific disease. Analyzes only show that there are some pathological changes in the body. Additional examinations are needed to identify their nature and make a diagnosis. This also applies to oncology. General and biochemical blood tests are not proof of the development of a cancerous tumor, but a reason for deeper examinations to identify tumor markers.

Which of the methods for diagnosing oncological diseases is the most effective?

Mammography is the main means of combating breast cancer, which today ranks first among all oncological diseases in women. This study effectively detects neoplasms in the breast in the early stages.

Computed tomography in lung cancer gives similarly good results. This disease ranks first in the causes of death among oncological pathologies in men.

Efficiency in the early diagnosis of malignant neoplasms of the stomach and intestines shows fibrogastroscopy. Doctors often cite Japan as an example, which for a long time was the leader in gastric cancer among the population, but with the introduction of universal and regular fibrogastroscopy, morbidity and mortality have significantly decreased there.

Colonoscopy helps diagnose colon cancer (colorectal cancer) at an early stage. Alas, the incidence of this type of cancer is growing all over the world and threatens to overtake many other types of oncological pathology.

A breakthrough in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer for oncologists was the Pap test. In countries where this type of research is massively used, mortality from this disease has decreased by 80-90%!

Does fluorography show a tumor in the lungs?

No. Fluorography can detect tuberculosis or pneumonia, but not cancer at the stage when its treatment can still be effective.

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