Diagnosis of predisposition to breast cancer

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Breast cancer, or, as it is more commonly called, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers.

It has been established that breast cancer can be hereditary and may be associated with a mutation of specific genes that normally protect against cancer: BRCA 1 and BRCA 2. The presence of certain genetic mutations in the BRCA gene increases the likelihood of developing breast cancer by up to 80% or more. It is especially important to be examined for women whose mothers, grandmothers, sisters and other relatives, including males, were once diagnosed with breast cancer. Identifying a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer prevents the development of the process when effective treatment is no longer possible. If a BRCA gene mutation is detected, it is necessary to be under constant supervision by a mammologist, oncologist. The most effective method of prevention is recognized as a radical bilateral removal of the mammary glands, followed by prosthetics. In some countries, this procedure is even funded by the state. It is important to note that any detection of a mutation must be carefully evaluated by a specialist. The decision is made based on data on heredity, the condition of the subject and other factors. It can be said with absolute certainty that examination and correct treatment reduces the likelihood of the disease almost to the general population level and significantly increases the predicted life expectancy. Of course, the likelihood of developing cancer is not completely eliminated. The BRCA genes are universal “defenders” against cancer, and mutation of these genes increases the overall likelihood of cancer of any other organ to varying degrees, but most strongly – it is the mammary glands, which is reflected even in the name of the gene: BReast CAncer – breast cancer (eng. ). There is a misconception that breast cancer only affects women. In fact, hereditary breast cancer also occurs in men. This happens much less often, but almost always when breast cancer is detected in men, a BRCA gene mutation is detected. The study of BRCA genes is carried out by the most modern and reliable diagnostic method today – the method of molecular genetic analysis. The study can be carried out at any age; a few drops of blood or even scraping with a cotton swab from the inner surface of the cheek is enough for the analysis. Today, this research has become inexpensive, accessible and fast, and therefore it is rapidly gaining popularity, as it allows you to avoid a formidable disease and lead a long and happy life.

Screening for the most common mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes can be passed at the base “Mother and Child – IDK”.

Interpretation: in case of identified mutations of the BRCA½ gene, consultation with an oncologist is required. Depending on the detected mutation (hetero-, homozygote), history data (past diseases, including oncological ones, by the patient himself or his relatives), the oncologist will develop a program for additional examination or treatment. When mutations are identified, it is recommended to examine relatives – children, brothers, sisters, etc. – to prevent hereditary forms of cancer.

Clinic “Mother and Child – IDK”


8 800 250 24 24


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st. Enthusiasts, 29

st. Novo-Sadovaya, 182 (analyzes)


St. Voroshilov, 73


St. Repin, 11

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