This is a very important chapter! It often happens that the infections that were written about above in the analysis are not detected, but the man still suffers from prostatitis. At the same time, it can proceed in different ways: for someone it constantly worries, for someone it sometimes reminds of itself.
So, once I had to be at the urologist’s appointment because from time to time there were exacerbations, but no infections were found. And imagine, the doctor said verbatim the following:
– imagine the revelation of a urologist “Chronic prostatitis was invented by urologists!”. Well, I passed the tests, what he said. They did find a bacterial infection.
Now in order. Perhaps you have already encountered such bacteria. They often live in the respiratory tract, by the way, they also make life very difficult for them. Constant runny nose? Is your throat sore? – 100% bacterial infection.
So, the bacteria that cause prostatitis:
- staphylococcus
- Streptococcus
- E.Coli
- E. coli
- Enterococcus
- And some others
And now the most important – you need to properly collect material for analysis. It’s almost like a ritual! It’s not just going in the morning and getting tested. No, it’s much tougher here.
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If the analysis reveals bacteria, then the same analysis will indicate which antibiotic to treat it with. Here I should also clarify that these are usually fluoroquinolone antibiotics. Levofloxocin, ciprofloxocin, etc. penetrate the prostate best of all. But what exactly – will show the analysis for these bacteria. The analysis is given one for all infections at once, its price is one, does not depend on the number of bacteria. Most importantly, in order to correctly identify the pathogen, you need to correctly pass the analysis.
These bacteria are called conditionally pathogenic flora. They may be present in the body, but if they develop in it (seeding) less than 10 to 3 degrees, they are not able to cause an inflammatory process. But if they develop up to 10 to the 3rd degree or more, then they will definitely harm. And what to do if revealed 10 to the 2nd degree? To poison yourself once again with antibiotics is not worth it. However, you need to be on your guard. Any provocation, a decrease in immunity due to a common cold, will be enough for the multiplication of microbes. You will need to repeat the tests at least once every six months. By the way, if you lead the right lifestyle, maintain immunity, then to a small extent the development of bacteria, he will be able to suppress them himself.
Read more >> The treatment of prostatitis and chronic prostatitis is directly the treatment that I went through and which helped me, I also give specific recipes and methods.
Also in trial version:
- Why are they NOT treated in clinics?
- How to get proper treatment from a doctor
- Treatment of venereal infections
- Treatment of prostatitis
- Prevention of prostatitis
- Conclusion – How to cure
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