Diabeton MV: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

Diabeton MB is a drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, which is prescribed quite often. The basis of the drug is a substance called gliclazide. The drug has certain indications and contraindications for taking, can cause side effects. Our article will help you understand all the features of the treatment of diabetes with the help of Diabeton MB.

Instructions for use Diabeton MV

Therapeutic effect

The drug stimulates the activity of the pancreas to produce enzymatic secretions and insulin. This allows you to lower blood sugar levels. The interval between insulin production and food intake is reduced. The drug restores the early peak of insulin secretion in response to glucose intake, and also enhances the second phase of insulin production. This helps keep blood sugar levels in check. The drug is excreted from the body by the kidneys and liver.

When to take

The drug is prescribed to patients with type XNUMX diabetes mellitus, if the disease cannot be managed with diet and exercise.


  • Diabetes mellitus of the first type.

  • Age under 18 years old.

  • Ketoacidosis or diabetic coma.

  • Serious damage to the liver and kidneys.

  • Treated with Miconazole, Phenylbutazone or Danazol.

  • Individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

There are also categories of patients to whom Diabeton MB is prescribed with caution. These are patients with hypothyroidism and other endocrine pathologies, the elderly, alcoholics. It is also necessary to prescribe the drug with caution to patients who do not have a well-established diet.

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While taking the drug, you must refuse to drive vehicles. This is especially true for people who have just started treatment with Diabeton MB. If a person suffers from acute infectious pathologies, or has recently suffered an injury, or is at the stage of recovery after surgery, then he is recommended to stop taking hypoglycemic drugs. Preference is given to insulin injections.


Diabeton MB is taken once a day. The daily dose is from 30 to 120 mg. If a person missed the next dose, then doubling the next dose is not necessary.

Side effects

The most common side effect is a sharp drop in blood sugar. This condition is called hypoglycemia. Other side effects include: abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, diarrhea or constipation, skin rashes that are very itchy. In the blood test, indicators such as: ALT, AST, alkaline phosphatase can increase.

The period of gestation and the period of breastfeeding

Diabeton MB is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation. During this period, women are prescribed insulin injections.

Taking with other drugs

Diabeton MB is contraindicated for taking with many drugs, as it can interact with them. This can lead to the development of serious side effects. Therefore, the doctor who prescribes Diabeton MB should be aware that the patient is taking some other medications.


If a high dose of the drug was taken, this can provoke a sharp drop in blood glucose. A slight excess of the dose can be corrected by food intake, which will eliminate the symptoms of hypoglycemia. If the overdose is serious, then it threatens the development of coma and death. Therefore, it is impossible to delay in seeking emergency medical care.

Shelf life, composition and form of release

Diabeton MV is available in tablet form. The tablets are white and notched. Each tablet is labeled “DIA 60”. Gliclazide is the main active ingredient of the drug. Each tablet contains 60 mg. Auxiliary components are: lactose monohydrate, maltodextrin, hypromellose, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. The drug is stored for no more than 2 years from the date of issue. Special storage conditions are not required. It is important to ensure that the drug is not available to children.

The drug Diabeton and Diabeton MV – what is the difference?

Diabeton MV: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

Diabeton MV, unlike Diabeton, has a prolonged effect. Therefore, it is taken once every 24 hours. It is best to do this in the morning, before meals.

Diabeton is currently not on sale, the manufacturer has stopped producing it. In the past, patients were required to take one tablet twice a day.

Diabeton MB acts softer than its predecessor. It lowers blood glucose smoothly.

Diabeton MV and Glidiab MV: comparative characteristics

An analogue of the drug Diabeton MV is a drug called Glidiab MV. It is released in Russia.

Another analogue of Diabeton MB is Diabepharm MB. It is produced by Pharmacor Production. Its advantage lies in its low cost. The basis of the drug is gliclazide. However, it is rarely prescribed.

Diabeton MV and Maninil – what’s the difference?

Maninil also belongs to hypoglycemic drugs from the group of sulfonylurea derivatives. Joint reception of Diabeton MV and Maninil is not practiced. The main active ingredient of Maninil is micronized glibenclamide.

Features of taking Diabeton

Diabeton MB is prescribed once a day. You need to take it before meals, it is best to do it at the same time. It is recommended to take a tablet before breakfast, after which you need to start eating. This will minimize the risk of developing hypoglycemia.

If suddenly a person missed the next dose, then the next day you need to drink a standard dose. This is done at the usual time – before breakfast. The dosage should not be doubled. Otherwise, you can provoke the development of side effects.

How long does it take for Diabeton MV to start working?

Diabeton MV: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

After taking the next dose of Diabeton MB, blood sugar begins to decrease in about half an hour – an hour. More precise information is not available. So that it does not fall to critical levels, after taking the next dose, you need to eat. The effect will continue throughout the day. Therefore, more than once a day, the drug is not prescribed.

An earlier version of Diabeton MV is Diabeton. He began to lower sugar faster, and his effect was shorter in time. Therefore, it was necessary to take it 2 times a day.

Diabeton MB is an original drug produced in France. However, its analogues are produced in Russia. Their cost is much lower.

These medicines include:

  • The Akrikhin company produces the drug Glidiab MB.

  • The Pharmacor company produces the drug Diabepharm MB.

  • The company MS-Vita produces the drug Diabetalong.

  • Pharmstandard produces the drug Gliclazide MB.

  • The Canonpharma company produces the drug Gliclazide Canon.

As for the drug Diabeton, its production was abandoned at the beginning of the XNUMXs.

Taking Diabeton MB and alcohol

During the course of treatment with Diabeton MB, it is necessary to completely abandon the use of alcoholic beverages. If this is not done, then the likelihood of developing hypoglycemia increases several times in a person. In addition, the risk of toxic damage to the liver and the occurrence of other serious complications increases. For many diabetic patients, this becomes a real problem. After all, Diabeton MV is prescribed for a long time, and sometimes it has to be taken throughout life.

Diabeton or Metformin?

In addition to Diabeton, the doctor may prescribe other medicines to the patient, for example, Metformin. It is an effective drug for lowering blood sugar. Metformin also prevents the development of complications of diabetes, which can be very serious. However, together with Diabeton, Metformin is not used. Therefore, you will need to opt for one of the drugs. In addition to Metformin, its analogue, Galvus Met, can be prescribed, but it is a combined drug.

The treatment of diabetes mellitus is a serious task, which the patient must solve together with the doctor.

Diabeton MB and Glucophage – is it possible to take it simultaneously?

It is not recommended to combine taking the drug Diabeton MB and the drug Glucofage. However, this is at the discretion of the attending physician. Glucophage has metformin as the main active ingredient. Its cost exceeds the cost of Diabeton MB.

Treatment options

Diabeton MV: how to take, what to replace, contraindications

Before embarking on the implementation of therapy with sugar-burning drugs, you need to try to control blood glucose levels with the help of dietary nutrition. If this is not enough, then the doctor will prescribe treatment, which may be based on taking the drug Diabeton. At the same time, you can not refuse a diet. Not a single, even the most expensive drug will not allow you to achieve recovery if you do not start leading a healthy lifestyle. Drug treatment and diet complement each other.

What drugs can replace Diabeton MB?

If for some reason a replacement of the drug Diabeton MB is required, then the doctor should be engaged in the selection of a new drug. It is possible that he will recommend that the patient take the drug Metformin, Glucophage, Galvus Met, etc. However, when switching from one drug to another, it is important to take into account many points: the cost of the drug, its effectiveness, possible complications, etc.

At the same time, the patient must always remember that without a diet, disease control is impossible. Many people mistakenly believe that taking expensive drugs allows them to abandon the principles of clinical nutrition. This is not true. The disease will not recede, but will progress. As a result, the state of health will worsen even more.

What to choose: Gliclazide or Diabeton?

Diabeton MB is the trade name of the drug, and gliclazide is its main active ingredient. Diabeton is produced in France, so it can cost 2 times more than its domestic counterparts. However, the basis in them will be the same.

Gliclazide MB is a long-acting blood sugar lowering drug. It also needs to be taken once a day. However, it costs less than Diabeton MV. Therefore, the decisive point in the choice of a drug remains the financial capabilities of the patient.

Patient Reviews

There are both positive and negative reviews about the drug Diabeton MB. Patients who took this drug indicate its high efficiency. Diabeton helps to lower blood sugar levels and allows you to keep the disease under control.

Negative reviews are associated with long-term consequences that arise as a result of taking the drug. Some patients indicate that after 5-8 years from the start of treatment, Diabeton simply stops working. If you do not start insulin therapy, then complications of diabetes develop in the form of loss of vision, kidney disease, gangrene of the legs, etc.

During treatment with Diabeton, you need to control blood pressure, which will avoid such serious consequences as a heart attack or stroke.

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