In the life of a person suffering from diabetes, diet plays an important role. Firstly, it is necessary to control fluctuations in blood sugar levels, secondly, to become selective in food, and thirdly, to keep within the required daily intake of carbohydrates. The carbohydrate needs of a healthy person and a diabetic are different. The latter has to measure carbohydrates in bread units (XE). A bread unit is 12-15 g of carbohydrates per serving. XE norms are individual, but you need to know them in order to feel good, regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight with diabetes or not.
When you need a snack
It is especially important for diabetics to plan their meals, then the question: “What to eat?” will not cause stress. A snack is necessary when the next meal is not soon, and you are already hungry. In doing so, you are really hungry, and not seized by stress, anxiety or boredom. Also, a snack will be a good way out if the time for lunch or dinner is right, but the food needs to be prepared, which will take time.
Many people break down their daily calorie intake in such a way that in the evening before going to bed they have a light snack that will not put a lot of stress on the digestive system and satisfy hunger.
For diabetics, a light snack can help control blood sugar, especially if they experience hypoglycemia in the evening (calorifier). And also it will be indispensable for physical exertion, the duration of which exceeds 30 minutes.
Snack options for diabetics
A snack is a light meal, the calorie content of which should not exceed 200 kcal. This meal should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, while there should be few carbohydrates – within 15 g. This is about the carbohydrate content of the product, and not about its weight.
The combination of protein, fat and fiber ensures long-term satiety and lowers the glycemic index of the food. This is suitable not only for diabetics, but also for healthy people who control body weight and care about their well-being.
The most successful snack options for a diabetic:
- Vegetable sticks and greek yogurt sauce;
- Variety of whole wheat toast with chicken, fish or egg and vegetables;
- Cottage cheese with seasonal berries and nuts;
- Whole grain crisps with diet poultry or liver pate and vegetables;
- A portion of natural yoghurt with seasonal berries and nuts;
- Fresh vegetables and chicken breast salad.
If you look closely, a diabetic’s snack is not much different from a healthy snack of an ordinary person in control of their diet. These are all the same vegetables, dairy products, whole grains, berries, nuts, poultry, etc. The only difference in the ratio of proteins to fats to carbohydrates (carbohydrates should be less) is optimal up to 15 g for a snack (calorizator). Plan your meals in advance. Consider your XE daily allowance when planning.
So that a snack does not cause overeating, distribute the daily calorie intake over the day, taking into account XE, as you feel comfortable and as your body requires. And most importantly, be sure to consult with your doctor about your diet.