Diabetes under control – check what you need to know about it

Diabetes is becoming an epidemic of the 3st century. It is estimated that nearly XNUMX million Poles are affected by this disease, and almost a million may be ill without realizing it. It should be remembered that untreated or inadequately treated diabetes leads to many serious complications. That is why prevention and education about the course of the disease are so important. This is the purpose of the XNUMXth edition of the “Diabetes under control – prevention and treatment” campaign, which was launched in connection with the World Diabetes Day. Many eminent experts got involved in the campaign, and the campaign itself is carried out under the patronage of the Polish Diabetes Association and the Polish Diabetes Association.

  1. “The patient plays a key role in the process of treating diabetes, and his awareness, knowledge about the disease and the ability to cope with the disease and its treatment are an extremely important element of the process leading to therapeutic success” -Prof. dr hab. n. med. Dorota Zozulińska-Ziółkiewicz, President of the Polish Diabetes Society
  2. “There is no doubt that treating diabetes is cheaper than treating its complications. Patients in Poland often develop complications only because they are not treated as they should be. “- Anna Śliwińska, President of the Main Board, Polish Diabetes Association
  3. “The new” Clinical Recommendations for the Treatment of Diabetic Patients “of the Polish Diabetes Association also emphasize the role of prophylaxis, also in relation to the prevention of vitamin deficiencies, to which diabetic patients may be exposed.” -Prof. dr hab. n med. Krzysztof Strojek, National Consultant for diabetology
  4. “Continuous calculations, controlling the index and glycemic load are the everyday life of a diabetic, which allows to prevent sudden fluctuations in blood sugar levels.” – Marta Kuśnierczak, MSc, Dietician, editor of the Cukrzyca.pl portal

You can read these and many other materials on diabetes on the campaign website.

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