Diabetes symptoms – problems with the skin, hearing and vision. Unusual signs of the disease
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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, the symptoms of which may go unnoticed by the patient for a long time. However, starting treatment as early as possible gives the best results, so it is worth paying attention to any unusual symptoms that may indicate elevated blood sugar levels. For this reason, we decided to discuss the symptoms of diabetes – not only the most significant but also the unusual ones.

Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that is extremely dangerous because an increasing percentage of the population has elevated blood sugar levels, including younger people (under 30 years of age).

For this reason, diabetes is one of the diseases of civilization. Disorders of insulin secretion by the pancreas are directly related to the lifestyle and inadequate nutrition.

Diabetes is also favored by stress, as well as comorbidities (e.g. hypertension), frequent alcohol consumption and smoking. There are three types of diabetes: 1, 2 and 3, as well as gestational diabetes.

People with diabetes should take care of a proper diet. Currently, it is worth considering the possibility of arranging a safe and quick online consultation with a dietitian.

Type 2 diabetes is most commonly diagnosed.

Type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent diabetes) is an autoimmune disease because the beta cells of the Langerhans’ islets, which are responsible for the production of insulin, are destroyed by the body. Consequently, blood glucose levels are elevated, leading to hyperglycemia.

Eventually, the pancreas stops producing insulin, so subcutaneous insulin injections or the use of an insulin pump are required when treating type 1 diabetes.

Symptoms appear only with the destruction of 90 percent. beta cells. Type 1 diabetes most often affects children and young people, which is why it is sometimes called juvenile diabetes.

When we notice disturbing symptoms suggesting diabetes, it is worth buying a laboratory package that will allow you to assess the glucose concentration and kidney function.


Heart attack, diabetes, cancer, stroke – the plagues of the XNUMXst century that await you every day

Type 2 diabetes – basic information

Type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) is the most frequently reported one. The main reasons for its occurrence include not only genetic predisposition, but also low blood pressure, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

The risk of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus increases with age. In this case, the most important thing is to perform preventive examinations that will help to recognize the disorders at an early stage. Treatment of type 2 diabetes includes taking appropriate medications, following a diabetic diet, and playing sports.

Type 3 diabetes is also called secondary diabetes. It is caused by other comorbidities, including:

  1. Cushing’s syndrome;
  2. Acromegaly;
  3. Pancreatic problems (pancreatic cancer or chronic pancreatitis);
  4. Hyperparathyroidism.

The main cause of type 3 diabetes is haemochromatosis – iron deposits are deposited in the pancreas and lead to organ dysfunction. The treatment of type 3 diabetes depends on the disease that caused the pancreas to malfunction.

The rest of the article is available under the video.

Diabetes symptoms – skin problems

The first unusual sign of problems with the production of insulin in the pancreas are skin problems, which, due to being neglected by doctors, are among the hidden symptoms of diabetes. These include, first of all, dryness and itching of the skin. This is directly related to high blood glucose levels that affect the vascular system, causing diabetic angiopathy.

If your skin is dry, in addition to proper diet and medication, you may also need appropriate cosmetics. Try Vianek moisturizing tonic mist available on Medonet Market at an attractive price. We also recommend Hydrated Origin FEEDSKIN Moisturizing Tonic, which is currently available at a promotional price.

The degenerative changes in the capillaries, arterioles and veins make the skin malnourished. Other skin symptoms that can appear with any type of diabetes include:

  1. Itching;
  2. You sweat less;
  3. Diabetic blush (occurs primarily on the forehead and cheeks);
  4. Exfoliation of the epidermis;
  5. Acne lesions;
  6. Reduced resistance to cuts, solar radiation and high and low temperature.

Creams and ointments available on Medonet Market will help to care for the diabetic’s skin. Try it out:

  1. Diabetegen Healing cream for diabetics,
  2. Diabetegen Forte Healing cream for diabetics,
  3. Diabetegen Skin regenerating ointment for diabetics.

They support the regeneration of skin that requires special attention and is prone to problematic changes that are difficult to heal.

Worth knowing

Hypersensitivity problems are not the only symptom of diabetes. Brown spots may appear on the skin (especially on the lower legs) as a result of mini-infusions. Moreover, even minor cuts take a long time to heal.

Diabetes symptoms – lipid disorders

Skin problems are directly related to lipid disorders, which mainly affect people with abnormal insulin secretion. Increased lipid levels lead to the formation of yellows (yellow tufts), which most often appear on the eyelids, elbows and knees. These are small, painless yellow lumps. They only disappear when the blood insulin level is normalized.

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Diabetes symptoms – fungal and yeast infections

Glucose fluctuations favor fungal and yeast infections. The mycosis most often attacks the feet of diabetics, initially showing no symptoms as the fungus penetrates the nail plates. Only after some time, white spots appear on the plate and it delaminates.

In turn, candidiasis usually affects the reproductive organs, the mouth, and the gastric mucosa. Itchy spots may also appear in the groin. In both cases, the most important thing when choosing a treatment is to identify the type of fungus and yeast. The next step is to choose the right dose of insulin, which will reduce the annoying symptoms.

Diabetes symptoms – vitiligo and hirsutism

Diabetes symptoms indirectly related to skin problems are also vitiligo and hirsutism. Vitiligo, characterized by local skin discoloration, is most often associated with type 2 diabetes. However, hirsutism (hirsutism (hirsutism) occurs with the first and second types.

Most hairs grow around the navel and armpits.

Diabetes symptoms – vision problems

Diabetics often have vision problems. Their main cause is diabetic retinopathy, which causes damage to the blood vessels in the eyes due to excessively high blood pressure.

Patients complain that the image starts to blur or is double.

Diabetes symptoms – hearing problems

Hearing problems are another often underestimated symptom of diabetes. Hearing aid damage is associated with impaired functioning of the neurological system. Gibberish speech or unsteady gait sometimes confuse diabetics with drunkards. However, these symptoms are very dangerous as they could be a sign of hyperglycaemia.

Diabetes symptoms and well-being

Diabetes affects more than just physis, but also psyche patient. Apathy and excessive sleepiness are among the symptoms most frequently mentioned by people with both the first and second type of diabetes. In addition, patients complain about:

  1. Dissociation;
  2. Annoyance;
  3. Nervousness;
  4. Aggression;
  5. Depressive, anxious and manic states;
  6. Fatigue.

Diabetes symptoms – excessive thirst

One of the most characteristic symptoms of diabetes (regardless of type) is excessive thirst (polydipsia) and an accompanying dry mouth. The urge to drink continuously is because your body wants to excrete excess glucose in your urine while trying to keep you from becoming dehydrated.

It is worth drinking herbs in diabetes, e.g. those available on Medonet Market in a set with a dietary supplement. The kit for diabetics includes:

  1. organic tea recommended for diabetes,
  2. dietary supplement for diabetics in capsules,
  3. white mulberry leaf tea.

The patient is able to drink up to 8 liters of water a day, but the dry mouth is still felt.

Diabetes symptoms – frequent urination

Another symptom, i.e. frequent urination (polyuria), is associated with the feeling of excessive thirst. However, not only multiple micturitions should attract the patient’s attention. Darker color of urine and its unpleasant smell may also indicate an increased concentration of glucose.

Diabetes symptoms – excessive appetite

Diabetes can also be accompanied by excessive appetite. The patient begins to take in more and more food. In addition, acetone may be felt in the breath due to the increase in ketone bodies. There may also be peaks in the corners of the mouth. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to ketoacidosis (which is one of the direct causes of type I diabetes).

Diabetes symptoms – weight loss

While diabetes is often associated with obesity, insulin deficiency can lead to weight loss. This symptom is noticeable in type 2 diabetes. Due to the disturbance of carbohydrate metabolism, the body begins to metabolize proteins and fats. Weight loss most often occurs several months before being diagnosed with diabetes.

Worth knowing

Although weight loss can be significant, some people do not find it disturbing. Especially if they have just started to lose weight (they have changed their diet or are physically active).

Diabetes symptoms – retinopathy, neuropathy and diabetic foot

As already mentioned, diabetes may go undiagnosed for many years, and unusual symptoms may be associated with other diseases. Therefore, blood glucose levels should be checked, as acute complications can occur, the most common of which are:

  1. Diabetic retinopathy – impairs vision. Initially, a dark spot appears in the field of view. Symptoms of retinopathy also include: blurred vision, retinal swelling, reduced vision in the dark;
  2. Diabetic neuropathy – the symptoms of neuropathy include tingling and numbness in the limbs, painful muscle spasms that lead to their atrophy, and disturbed sensation;
  3. Diabetic foot – Ulceration of the sole of the foot is a result of long-term diabetes and hyperglycemia. The diabetic stage is accompanied by pain worsening at night, tingling and peeling of the skin, and sensory disturbances.

Symptoms of gestational diabetes

Among pregnant women, we often deal with gestational diabetes, which most often manifests itself between the 24th and 28th week of pregnancy. It is very important to do a glucose test during pregnancy as the symptoms may not be worrisome due to the fact that they are characteristic of expectant mothers. Belong to them:

  1. Excessive thirst;
  2. Dry mouth;
  3. Hunger pangs;
  4. Fatigue;
  5. Frequent urination.

Diabetes symptoms and diagnostics

Due to the fact that diabetes is diagnosed more and more often and symptoms are sometimes confused with other diseases, diagnosis is very important. Glucose level should be determined with periodic tests at least once a year. If the results are elevated, it is worth doing a glucose load test, which involves taking the patient’s blood on an empty stomach and then administering dissolved glucose (750 ml). After two hours, venous blood is collected again.

Once a diagnosis is made, your doctor will recommend that you check your sugar level regularly with a blood glucose meter. Therefore, it is also worth considering buying the iHealth Lancing Device, which is an indispensable element of self-monitoring of the sugar level on a daily basis.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to the problems of the perineum – a part of the body just like any other. And although it concerns all of us, it is still a taboo subject that we are often ashamed to talk about. What do hormonal changes and natural births change? How not to harm the pelvic floor muscles and how to care for them? How do we talk about perineal problems with our daughters? About this and many other aspects of the problem in a new episode of the podcast.


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  2. 3 million Poles diagnosed with diabetes. There are more patients but they avoid diagnosis
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