Diabetes mellitus: description, types, treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes

What is diabetes mellitus?

Diabetes – this is a metabolic disorder in the body, which is based on either a deficiency in the formation of one’s own insulin, or the appearance of cell resistance to it. As a result, hyperglycemia develops – a persistent increase in blood glucose.

In parallel with this, water exchange is disturbed. Tissues cannot retain water in themselves, and as a result, a lot of defective water is excreted through the kidneys.

In the human body, pancreatic cells (beta cells) are responsible for producing insulin. In turn, insulin is a hormone that is responsible for ensuring that glucose is supplied to the cells in the right amount. What happens in the body with diabetes? The body produces an insufficient amount of insulin (type 1), while the glucose content in the blood is sufficient, but the cells cannot absorb it due to a hormone deficiency. In the second type of diabetes, the picture is reversed, the pancreas produces enough insulin, but the cells do not see it, and again they cannot absorb glucose.

From a lack of insulin, pustular and other skin lesions develop, teeth suffer, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, hypertension develop, kidneys, the nervous system suffer, and vision deteriorates.

Code — IKB

ICD-10: E10-E14

ICD-9: 250

Why does diabetes develop?

The most significant causes of diabetes are:

  • Наследственность. If at least one parent had diabetes, then the risk of developing diabetes is 30%, if both parents were sick, then it is 60%.

  • Obesity. If a person knows that his parents were sick with diabetes, then he should monitor his weight in order to minimize the risk of developing this disease in himself. At the same time, not everyone who is obese, even in severe form, develops diabetes.

  • Diseases of the pancreas, which contribute to the defeat of beta cells responsible for the production of insulin. These diseases include pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer.

  • Viral infections (rubella, chicken pox, epidemic hepatitis and other diseases, this includes influenza). These infections are the starting point for the development of diabetes mellitus. Especially for people who are at risk.

  • Nervous stress. People who are at risk (heredity) should avoid nervous and emotional stress.

  • Age. With age, for every ten years, the risk of developing diabetes increases by 2 times.

This list does not include those diseases in which diabetes mellitus or hyperglycemia are secondary, being only their symptom. In addition, such hyperglycemia cannot be considered true diabetes until advanced clinical manifestations or diabetic complications develop. Diseases that cause hyperglycemia (increased sugar) include tumors and hyperfunction of the adrenal glands, chronic pancreatitis, and an increase in the level of contra-insular hormones.

[Video] Dr. Berg is the real cause of diabetes:

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