Diabetes, hypertension, garlands. These diseases worsen in heat, doctors warn

Another wave of African heat waves in Poland. They are not indifferent to our health. The heat can lead to dehydration or cause heat stroke, among other things. People who struggle with chronic diseases are the most vulnerable. Who should be especially careful in hot weather? Check if you are in this group.

  1. The heat can be dangerous to our health and life
  2. Children, pregnant women, seniors and people struggling with certain chronic diseases are particularly exposed to them.
  3. For example, if you suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure or coronary heart disease, you need to be especially careful
  4. Doctors urge you not to leave the house in hot weather, drink plenty of water and save your body if it is not necessary.
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

How to proceed in hot weather?

Experts warn that due to changes in the climate, the air temperature in some regions can reach even 40 degrees C. It should give us food for thought. Therefore, in hot weather, we must pay special attention to our health. If there is no such need, do not leave the house. We should often reach for fluids and ensure proper hydration of the body. Let us close the curtains and blinds and do not open the windows between 12 and 16 pm. We should only ventilate the apartment in the morning or late in the evening. If we have to go out, let’s put a cream with a high UV filter on it and cover our head.

Pregnant women, infants and the elderly should protect themselves from the sun. The heat can also prove fatal for people suffering from certain chronic diseases.

Diseases that may worsen in hot weather

  1. Diabetes

In hot weather, our body sweats more. This, in turn, can lead to a situation where our blood sugar level begins to drop. Therefore, people who suffer from diabetes should monitor their health status on an ongoing basis and remember to regularly hydrate the body.

  1. Coronary artery disease

Coronary heart disease is a cardiovascular disease. People who suffer from it are particularly exposed to high temperatures. In hot weather, blood pressure may drop. This, in turn, is associated with excessive vasodilation. This increases the risk of heart ischemia in people who suffer from coronary artery disease.

Check the condition of the heart!

Make a cardiac e-packet – these are seven tests that control the work of the heart and the functioning of the cardiovascular system

  1. Hypotension

Doctors warn. If you suffer from hypotension, stay home in hot weather. This is because high temperatures cause a pressure drop. This, in turn, can make you faint. Medicines that increase blood pressure are the solution.

  1. Hypertension

As mentioned above, high temperatures contribute to lowering blood pressure. Combined with the medications you take for high blood pressure, this can be a dangerous mix. There is a risk that your blood pressure will drop to an alarming level. This can lead to a stroke in people who also suffer from coronary heart disease or are elderly. The first and foremost, salvation is regular hydration of the body and avoiding leaving the house.

  1. Nephrolithiasis and other kidney diseases

High temperatures can dehydrate our body. This, in turn, affects how the kidneys function. It is a very dangerous situation for people who have problems with them. The heat can lead to an attack of kidney stones, among other things. That is why it is so important that people who are struggling with kidney diseases, especially take care of regular fluid intake and save themselves in hot weather.

  1. Dermatological diseases

If you are struggling with acne, for example, you should not expose your skin to sunlight. Admittedly, you may notice at first that the spots start to disappear. However, this is a short-term effect. It may soon turn out that your disease is getting worse. Who else should avoid harsh sun? First of all, people suffering from atopic dermatitis or other diseases that make their skin dry.

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