Diabetes attacks Asia

Diabetes attacks people in Southeast Asia more than ever before, scientists warn. According to the BBC website, more and more Vietnamese suffer from the disease, but few are aware of it. The ubiquitous fast food is to blame for everything.

Research by Australian and Vietnamese scientists, which was attended by over 2 people living in the Vietnamese City of Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon) showed that 11 percent. men and 12 percent. of women have undiagnosed type II diabetes, which can lead to heart disease, kidney failure and blindness. Only 4 percent are aware of their disease. residents.

Dietary habits in Vietnam have changed dramatically in recent years. This is especially visible in cities that have become more + Western + – says Prof. Tuan Nguyen of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney.

The researcher emphasizes that fast food restaurants, which can already be found at every turn, contribute to this to a large extent.

Such a relationship has already been observed in Thailand. Nguyen is convinced that a similar situation can also be found in other parts of Southeast Asia, including in Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia and Laos (PAP)

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