Dexapolcort – composition of the preparation, action and applications

Dexapolcort is an aerosol drug used to treat inflammation of the skin, allergic skin conditions, relieve insect bite reactions, acute eczema, and impetigo and contact skin inflammation.

The composition of the preparation Dexapolcort

The active substance in Dexapolcort is dexamethasone.

Action of Dexapolcort

Dexapolcort has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-swelling and anti-itching effects.

Indications for the use of Dexapolcort

Dexapolcort is used for skin infections to treat skin irritations caused by contact allergy, as well as for lichen planus and acute eczema.

Contraindications to the use of Dexapolcort

A contraindication to the use of Dexapolcort is hypersensitivity to the active substance of the drug or any of the excipients. Dexapolcort should also not be used for viral, bacterial or fungal skin infections, skin reprint conditions, skin cancer, and inflammation of the skin on the face, especially around the mouth. Dexapolcort should also not be used to treat skin lesions caused by juvenile acne or rosacea. Recent preventive vaccinations are also a contraindication to the use of this drug.

Dexapolcort is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How is Dexapolcort used?

Dexapolcort is intended for external use. The preparation in the form of an aerosol is applied in a thin layer to the affected areas several times a day. Dexapolcort should be sprayed on the skin for 1-3 seconds from a distance of about 15 cm.

Side effects of Dexapolcort

With long-term use of Dexapolcort or when using the preparation on large areas of the body, systemic and hormonal side effects may appear. Long-term use of Dexapolcort may also cause local atrophic dermatitis.

In rare cases, exacerbation of existing lesions has been reported after the use of Dexapolcort. On the skin of the face, Dexapolcort can cause dermatitis around the mouth and atrophic dermatitis. As a result of using this preparation, drug-induced acne, purpura, as well as burning and redness of the skin may appear. Dexapolcort can also cause broken capillaries in the skin and dry skin.

Precautions when using Dexapolcort

Dexapolcort should not be used on the skin of the face. When spraying the affected areas, you should protect your eyes. Do not inhale the preparation as it may irritate the respiratory tract. Particular caution should be exercised when using Dexapolcort in children; Make sure that the child turns his head when spraying the affected area so that he does not inhale the vapors of the medicine.

Dexapolcort should not be used after the expiry date stated on the package. The preparation should be stored at room temperature, in a tightly closed container, out of the sight and reach of children.

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