Devotion of animals to man: serpentine love

😉 Greetings to regular readers and visitors of the site! “The devotion of animals to man: serpentine love” – ​​this amazing story took place in the 60s of the last century.

A real case in the army

Not far from the village where Elya lived was a military unit. Many soldiers, having been fired, ran to the village club to dance, where they met local girls.

One of these guys was called Yegor, he was from the Far East and served for the last year. When the young people met, the guy admitted that he grew up in an orphanage, he is an orphan.

Once, standing at the post, Yegor noticed that literally two steps away from him was a large greenish snake. Hidden in the grass, she stared at him. The guy was very scared, but he could not leave the post. Then he began to talk affectionately with the snake, in a calm tone.

Many people give up in the face of danger and begin to behave inappropriately out of fear. For example, they begin to affectionately address a huge dog that got in the way. So Yegor, finding himself in such a situation, did exactly the same.

After about half an hour, the snake crawled away in an unknown direction, and the guy sighed with relief. Most likely, Yegor would have forgotten what had happened if the big snake had not been in its place on his next watch.

She lay quietly in the grass, as if afraid to betray her presence, and did not take her eyes off the soldier. He, like last time, generously presented the snake with compliments: “You are very beautiful! I will not hurt you, because I really liked you … “

Serpentine loyalty

The meetings began to be repeated regularly. Once Yegor took a small bowl of milk on duty and put it in the grass. The snake tasted the treat and began to crawl to its place even before Yegor took up his post.

The guy didn’t tell anyone about this. He himself was already very accustomed to the snake, began to fear that someone would notice and kill her. He told this story only to Ele, whom he met at a dance in a local club.

And then the irreparable happened … The car carrying the soldiers overturned. In an accident, 5 people died, including Yegor. The bodies of the four children were taken home by their parents, while Yegor was buried in the village cemetery, since he had no loved ones.

Elina liked this guy very much and soon after the funeral she went to the cemetery, where she saw on the soldier’s grave … a snake! She lay motionless on the grave, stretched out to its full length and the girl was afraid to come close.

A few more times Elya came to her friend’s grave to put flowers, to say goodbye, but she did not succeed – the faithful snake was constantly lying there. And now, two weeks later, she saw flies hovering over the snake. She died on the grave of the soldier whom she loved so much …

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