Devil on a perch: how to do it yourself, fishing tactics

Devil on a perch: how to do it yourself, fishing tactics

Perch is found in almost any body of water where the water is fairly clean. And you can catch it throughout the year, both in summer and in winter. With the advent of real cold weather, the perch begins to move to areas with considerable depth, where the water temperature is more stable.

They catch perch by any means, including using mormyshkas. This is especially true in winter, when fishing conditions do not allow the use of such a number of gear as in summer. For catching perch in winter, most often use non-attached mormyshkas.

One of these catchy mormyshkas is the “devil”. What is this bait and why is it so catchy? You can learn about this from this article.

“Devil” is a catchy bait for perch

Devil on a perch: how to do it yourself, fishing tactics

“Chertik” is one of the most catchy baits for perch. Every lover of winter fishing, especially perch, has such a mormyshka as a “devil”. It is especially catchy when catching perch at the beginning of winter and at its end.

“Devil” is used when catching not only perch, but also other types of fish, such as roach, bream, pike perch, bersh, etc. But especially it should be noted the effectiveness when catching perch, which always prevails in the catch of any angler. In appearance, the artificial bait is an elongated mormyshka in the form of a drop, the length of which is about 2 cm. The mormyshka is attached to the fishing line by means of a small ring located in the upper part of the bait.

At the other end of the bait, not a classic hook is attached, but a tee with beads of various colors put on it. In addition, the color of the bait can also be any, both dark and light. Fishing is carried out by classic mormyshka tackle, equipped with a nod of medium hardness. The fishing line is selected high-quality and strong enough, with a thickness of 0,1 to 0,15 mm.

As a rule, such a mormyshka can have a different weight, size and shape. Each angler should have several baits of this type, differing in size, shape and weight, in order to be able to choose a mormyshka for certain conditions.

Anglers prefer to make such baits on their own, especially since it is not so difficult if you want. If special forms are made, then a sufficient amount of such baits can be poured without spending either effort or energy, and even more so money. In addition, by making them yourself, it is possible to create real masterpieces that are highly efficient.

How to catch perch on the “devil”

Winter fishing. Large perch on a homemade devil.

The bait can be characterized as catchy only if the angler learns to use it correctly. The bait itself, thrown into the hole, is a small piece of metal with a tee. But if you learn to control this piece of metal, that is, to carry out the correct wiring, then this will already be an effective bait for perch fishing. Only with the right game, when the bait begins to imitate a living organism with its movements, you can count on a serious catch.

The game “devil” is similar to the game of spinners, the only difference is that these movements are directed either up or down. For perch, chaotic and fast movements are what you need. The “devil” moves from the bottom of the reservoir and closer to the surface. At the same time, the mormyshka is tossed with a fishing rod, after which it sinks to the bottom. If there are no bites, then the movements are repeated.

When the bait moves up, it should be animated with a nod. If this is not done, then a perch or other fish may recognize that the bait is not edible, and then you should not count on bites. At the slightest bite, which a nod can fix, you should immediately hook it, otherwise the fish may not catch on the hook.

During the game, you should constantly experiment, changing the nature of the movement of the “devil”, making them either fast or slow, while lengthening or shortening the pauses between movements.

If there is no bite, then it makes sense to catch all layers of water, since the fish can be on any horizon. If this does not help, then it is better not to waste time, but to move on to the next hole. Fishing in the winter is hard work, when you have to drill hole after hole in search of fish.

How to make a devil with your own hands

Making a catchy devil

As a rule, every angler has such a mormyshka as a “devil”. Some buy them, and some make them with their own hands, especially since it is not at all difficult. In addition, at home they can be made several pieces that differ in shape, weight and size. If you buy them (more than one), then it will result in a good amount. Moreover, not all purchased mormyshkas have a game that may be of interest to perch or other fish.

There are several ways to easily and quickly make baits at home. “Devil” is made from different metals, but for home-made tin, solder or lead will be more suitable, since they melt at lower temperatures. Therefore, bait of any shape or size can be poured from them.

For the manufacture of the “devil” invented several techniques. Some specialists first prepare several molds, after which they are immediately filled in and receive several baits at the same time. Some anglers use solder and solder all the parts together, after which they are processed to get the desired shape and polished. Some anglers simply fasten two forends of hooks together and wind the wire on top. The result is a very interesting “devil”. When manufacturing, it is very important that fantasy is present, then you can make a bait of any shape.

What do you need?

Devil on a perch: how to do it yourself, fishing tactics

To make a “devil” type mormyshka, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • A little tin or lead.
  • Required number of hooks.
  • Beads.
  • Copper wire.
  • A block of wood.
  • Cold welding.
  • Nadfili.
  • Soldering iron.
  • Foil.

Instruction for manufacturing

Making mormyshka – devil in 5 minutes.

The manufacturing method is quite simple, but requires some care. Safety must always come first. So:

  • Hooks with a long shank are used. So it’s more convenient to make a threesome out of them. Hooks #3 will do. At two of them, the ears are bitten off and the places for soldering are cleaned.
  • Three cuts are made on a wooden piece, up to 3 mm deep and located at an angle of 120 degrees.
  • Hooks are inserted into these cuts so that they look up with the forearm.
  • A thin wire is taken, after which they are firmly connected to each other at the place of soldering.
  • A kind of funnel is formed from the foil and put on hooks so that the cone is located on top of the forearm.
  • Molten lead or tin is poured into the middle of the funnel. The funnel is filled completely and accurately.
  • In the middle of the mold, before pouring, you need to insert a ring for fastening.
  • After the metal has cooled, the “devil” is removed from the mold and processed to give the workpiece the desired size and shape.
  • For greater attractiveness, the “devil” can be painted in a bright color.

Winter fishing and perch fishing tactics

Winter fishing. Catching a perch for a devil.

Most anglers go out on the ice to catch perch, which most often bites. Basically, perch are caught on mormyshka in winter. At the same time, the striped predator reacts more not to the size or shape, but to the game of the mormyshka. The movements of the bait should be sharp and abrupt, with some deviation from the vertical axis. If the movements are smooth, then the bite of a predator may not be seen. The bait should move from top to bottom or move at the bottom, imitating the movements of a living creature and raising mud from the bottom, which always attracts fish.

Fishing in winter is always accompanied by certain inconveniences, especially in severe frost. In such conditions, the perch also feels uncomfortable, which tries to go to a depth where it is warmer. He can stay there until the moment when the temperature starts to rise.

If there is not enough oxygen for the fish, then it will always be in the pits or next to them. If it is enough in the water, then perch can also be found in shallow water, where trees and a lot of snags are flooded.

The most favorable days for perch fishing are days when there is no strong wind, and there is a slight frost outside. Biting, throughout the day, can both improve and worsen. Naturally, it is better to go fishing in the morning, although the fish can actively peck both during the day and in the evening.

What kind of fish is caught on the “devil”?

Devil on a perch: how to do it yourself, fishing tactics

In addition to perch, other fish are also caught on mormyshka, if there is a sufficient amount of it in the reservoir. For example:

  • Roach.
  • Crucian.
  • Ersh.
  • Guster.
  • Rotan.
  • Bream.
  • Zander.
  • Pike.
  • Redshirt.
  • A sycophant.

Mormyshka, such as “devil”, is considered one of the most catchy baits for fishing in winter, from ice. This is due to the fact that it can catch any fish that is found in the reservoir. Particularly attracted by her play perch, which can not resist her. He can be interested in the “devil” in any weather and even in the most severe frost.

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