This is a two-dimensional world: there are strictly good qualities, people, actions, there are strictly bad ones. Honesty, courage, decency are laid down at this stage: lying is always bad, telling the truth is always good. The child speaks the truth — and this shows his personality. Act boldly — personality. He got scared, left a friend in trouble, lied to his mother, was afraid to admit his mistakes — he did not show himself as a person. They ask — for motives and for the process: he acts honestly.
A wise person knows that everyone has their own truth, and it is necessary to act in a situation where it is difficult to predict how our word will respond …
Multifaceted world: the world of halftones. There is no clear division between truth and falsehood, good and bad: everyone has their own truth. Here it is already important to see a few steps ahead: the truth is not why — but why? And what will be the result? And what will people and the world get from this or that truth?
Development begins with a two-dimensional world, but people who do not have an understanding of what is good and what is bad should not be allowed into the multidimensional world in the same way as people who use categories: always good and always bad.
Initially, these are two-dimensional, two-pole criteria: always good — always bad.
Then — these criteria are already multidimensional: good — then and then, bad — then and then.
It is normal for a child to always tell the truth and act honestly — then they will say about him: a person.
For an adult — if he climbs with his truth like a stupid battering ram and destroys what was built by others — it is already debatable, they will say about him: a romantic, an idealist. Although from the point of view of the child, he is doing the right thing.
And then the personality goes through two stages in its development: the stage of the two-dimensional world: where the main landmarks are placed (by the way, how many of them? I think so far, what can be attributed to them: Courage, Honesty, Diligence, Kindness). Based on these three, Responsibility, Care, Mind are already being formed in the multidimensional world.
Then the following situations are possible:
- ideal: when in childhood there were two-dimensional guidelines set by others, and with age the head began to work and two-dimensional ideals improved and became a good compass of the multidimensional world.
- other: if in childhood the main landmarks were not set, but in the multidimensional, a person heard that everything is relative. Values are knocked down, it is difficult to expect decency from a person in a multidimensional world — you need to develop it. Probably a sign of such people are phrases like “Smoking is the norm”, “Everything is relative”. This person has learned relativity, but not values.
- third: If the guidelines were and were brought up, but when it’s time to turn on the head — the person did not turn it on and still lives according to the old and simple guidelines — this is a different type. And this person is either too lazy or scared to understand — the world is simple and understandable: it’s true — it’s not true. I learned the values, but I did not learn how to use them.