Morning exercises and fitness after work will not only give you an excellent figure and good mood, but also contribute to the solution of an important task. We are talking about the development of joint mobility in adults

WHO statistics says that joint diseases are the third most common after diseases of the circulatory and digestive systems. And in order not to get into the statistics, it is important to engage in prevention. In particular, pay attention to the development of joint mobility. And first of all, it is regular physical activity.

– For the development of joint mobility, it is necessary that they work! – notes doctor of exercise therapy and sports medicine Karen Savadyan. – In our time, the concept of “office employee” and “person with health problems” have become identical. We add an unbalanced diet with a calorie surplus to a sedentary lifestyle. This leads to the development of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders and increased body weight, which in turn exacerbates the course of chronic diseases.

In general, WHO statistics show us that our health depends to a greater extent on lifestyle. Therefore, the doctor strongly recommends that everyone find 10-15 minutes of time during the day for physical education. Physical culture should become part of the daily hygiene of the body: how to brush your teeth, how to take a shower. Regular, moderate exercise combined with a balanced diet can help increase life expectancy.

But as great as it is, it’s important not to overdo it and hurt yourself. Therefore, according to Dr. Savadyan, it is best to contact a sports doctor or a rehabilitation specialist so that he can help you draw up a competent training plan that takes into account your characteristics, which will help prevent new injuries and protect yourself from exacerbating chronic injuries.

It is important to know the measure, but a frivolous attitude to physical education will not bring any benefit.

– The recommended amount of exercise for adults from 18 to 64 years old: 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise per week or 75-150 minutes of high-intensity exercise, explains Valeria Korol, rheumatologist, member of the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists. – For people aged 65 years and older, the load is reduced by about 2 times.

On the other hand, lack of physical activity and a predisposition to a lifestyle of “lying on the couch in front of the TV” contribute to a decrease in joint mobility. Reduced physical activity can lead to weight gain and increased stress on the joints.

By the way, do not forget about exercise therapy in relation to patients who, for health reasons (for example, after a stroke) are forced to lie still for a long time.

— If exercise therapy is not performed with such a patient, this can lead to a decrease in mobility in the joints and, most unfavorably, to the development of ankylosis. This is a fusion of the joint, during the development of which, movement in the joint is no longer possible, emphasizes Valeria Korol.

Joint mobility exercise program

What should be included in the “menu” of a person who is concerned about the development of joint mobility?

– Strength exercises, resistance exercises (with fitness rubber bands), stretching exercises, – lists Valeria Korol. – In the presence of diseases, especially the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system, only a doctor can develop the correct load regimen.

In addition to exercises in the gym or exercise therapy room, according to Dr. Savadyan, interval walking – 20 minutes a day, as well as regular joint exercises in the morning and during the day, will be useful.

Air squats

  • Initial position: You can hold on to a fixed support with your hands: a chair, a doorway, a Swedish wall. Legs shoulder width apart. The back is straight, slightly arched at the waist.
  • Movement: We start by bending in the hip joints – as if we want to sit on a chair. Then we begin to bend the knee joints.

– Always keep your back straight, look in front of you. We imagine that there is a glass of water on the head,” Karen Savadyan suggests. – Sit down at a 90 degree angle. Next we do the ascent. During the squat and during the rise, the knee joint should be in line with the foot. At the top point, we do not fully straighten the lower leg in the knee joint, we leave a small angle of 10 degrees.

  • Number of repetitions: Average pace of execution (2-3 seconds down; 2-3 seconds up). 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps.

Push ups

  • Initial position: The emphasis of the body on straight arms. The back is straight. Hands at shoulder width.
  • Movement: We perform bending of the arms in the elbow joints. Gently lower the body down and then perform the rise.
For beginners, you can perform this exercise with support on the knee joints or standing near the wall / door: we lean on the wall with our hands and do push-ups. As the arm muscles strengthen, we gradually move on to classic push-ups.
Karen SavadyanPhysical therapy and sports medicine doctor
  • Number of repetitions: Average pace of execution. 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Exercise for the abdominal muscles

  • Initial position: lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knee and hip joints. Palms on the back of the head. The loin is pressed to the floor.
  • Movement: We perform twisting, lifting only the cervical and thoracic spine. The lower back remains in a fixed position, all the time pressed to the floor.
  • Number of repetitions: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.

Popular questions and answers

Can joint mobility be restored at any age?

– It all depends on the initial parameters. If there are ankylosis (joint fusion), which happens with certain diseases and conditions (for example, in immobilized patients who are not treated with exercise therapy), then it is impossible to restore mobility in such joints, only surgical treatment takes place here, notes Valeria Korol.

If there are no ankylosis, in general, it is possible and necessary to improve joint mobility. In some diseases, such as ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, properly selected physiotherapy exercises are one of the important components of therapy.

Does nutrition, the amount of fluid consumed affect joint mobility?

– There is no unambiguous relationship between the influence of nutrition and fluid intake on joint mobility. It cannot be said that if a person drinks little pure water, then his joints will be less mobile, says Dr. Korol. – But, of course, it is still worth following the general recommendations on proper nutrition and sufficient consumption of clean water.

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