Film «The Impostors»

In order for your emotions to be well understood, you need to receive feedback and train.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Emotionality, or rather the right emotionality, can be developed if you do special practices and exercises. The development of emotionality is the development of the elements that make up emotionality. Accordingly, we look at the elements of emotionality according to the list and decide what is enough and what needs to be developed:

  1. Impressionability, perception is direct and lively. Stop! Do you need to develop impressionability? Maybe you should rather learn to slow down your impressionability? This is a very difficult question, see →
  2. Temperament, the inclusion of high-energy emotions. This is a good thing, it is useful to work with temperament. See Development of temperament
  3. Emotional expressiveness, brightness of emotional manifestations. See Development of Emotional Expression
  4. Impulsive response, the habit of living and reacting on the basis of emotions, and not on the arguments of the mind. If you want to achieve something in life and your head is in order, then impulsivity is not useful for you, but harmful. What to do about it, see Development of Impulsivity

In short, your main exercises are:

  • The most important thing is facial gymnastics. Undeveloped facial muscles — blocking emotional expressiveness. See facial gymnastics
  • The development of emotionality is facilitated by pre-prepared, practiced expressive reading. If you know how to read texts and poems vividly, expressively, emotionally, you will be emotional in other situations. Practice expressive reading on special texts: watch the parodies «The priest had a dog» and «Forty-second — the old man grinned.»
  • Increase overall energy and tempo. Imagine that you have a small motor buzzing inside you, and you start to do everything faster, faster, more energetically.
  • Against the background of increased energy, train shock energy emissions. First, practice real strikes, for example, in the exercise u.e.a firewood. Then — shock exhalations: exercise HA!. After that, practice making strokes in speech: words are strokes. Accents in speech. Accents like beats!
  • After that, you will also have emotional gymnastics: training to change the emotional state. Do this more often, the mood will become more cheerful, and there will be more emotions! See Emotional gymnastics

Additional channels for the development of emotionality

The development of empathy. Empathy is not directly related to emotionality: there are people with developed empathy, but not at all emotional. At the same time, the development of empathy has the usual consequence of the development of emotionality. Empathy gives more reasons for feelings and emotions — hence the greater emotionality. In addition, a sensitive, empathic person is more often awarded the title «emotional», although in fact he is just sensitive and responsive, and not emotional.

To develop empathy, it is useful to practice the following exercises:

​All exercises for «Ostrich»: «Memorizing faces», «What is he», «How does he laugh», «I am through the eyes of others», «Empathy», «Reincarnation», as well as any fortune-telling and games in the «Association «.

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