Detoxification: types, general principles, results

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

In our country, the idea that the body of every person needs detox is actively promoted. To do this, people are offered various procedures, food, a wide variety of diets are compiled. However, most doctors say that there is no need to cleanse the body, and all the offers of detox adherents are nothing more than a marketing ploy.

In 2009, in early January, an information bomb was released in Britain. Detox, which was then gaining momentum in Europe, has been called a myth. A similar statement was made by young scientists from the group The Voice of Young Science (VoYS). This is a branch of the British non-profit organization Sense About Science. She is engaged in establishing links between science and society.

The scientists, who were brought together by the Common Sense in Science charity, contacted the manufacturers of 15 products that are designed to cleanse the body of toxins. This included not only dietary supplements, but also smoothies and shampoos. Manufacturers were asked about the cleansing properties of their products. However, no clear answer was received. Moreover, they could not even name what kind of toxins the human body needs to be cleansed of.

3 whale detox

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

There are 3 myths about detox:

  • A person is constantly exposed to a huge amount of toxins.

  • The body is unable to get rid of these toxins on its own. They accumulate in it and provoke the development of a wide variety of diseases.

  • To cope with toxins, you need to eat right, take care of yourself and be treated.

All these myths seem to confirm each other, depend on each other and make a person think that a detox is vital for him.

Our body gradually accumulates toxins, from which it needs to be regularly cleansed.

The whole essence of detox comes down to toxins (to toxic substances) that a person receives every day with food or inhales with air. However, no one is able to accurately describe these poisons. There is no information about their concentration, and it is not clear how to measure their content in the body before and after cleaning.

Detox cannot be done at home. Only doctors can rid the human body of harmful substances – toxins.

Illness is the result of accumulated toxins

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

Detox advocates claim that all diseases occur in a person due to the fact that toxins accumulate in his body. Here they include symptoms of malaise such as: headaches, insomnia, fatigue. It is sometimes said that if you do not detox, you can get cancer.

However, none of the advertisements for this or that detox system says which toxins cause the symptoms of poisoning and what kind of disease can develop because of them. Therefore, it is quite obvious that all such strategies are nothing but unscientific marketing ploys.

Science is always striving to understand exactly how a particular substance affects the body, what symptoms it can cause. The detox theory is that there are “a lot of toxins” and they are all “very harmful.”

From an early age, a person is exposed to chemicals in his body. However, it cannot be argued that all of them are harmful to health. The only thing that matters is how much they enter the body. By the way, even water in significant quantities can harm a person.

Adherents of the detox theory call the liver and kidneys filters that need periodic cleaning. There are even comparisons of organs with filters for air conditioners or ordinary sponges for dishes. According to Gavura, if a person is healthy, then the liver will clean itself perfectly. Toxins do not accumulate in it. The kidneys remove all harmful elements along with urine. Otherwise, they would remain in the bloodstream. Therefore, every “specialist” who insists on the need for detox simply confirms once again that he has no idea about the processes of metabolism and human physiology.

The liver is cleaning itself all the time, so it cannot store toxins. They transform them into substances that are utilized by the bile and kidneys.

Detox programs remove all toxins

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

To date, there is no evidence that capsules, tablets and other dietary supplements that are designed to detox the body can benefit it at all. There is no evidence that coffee enemas cleanse and heal the human body, help eliminate intoxication and improve liver function.

Detox programs offer many systems for detoxifying the body. One of the most popular programs is “acceleration of the liver.” Milk thistle is used as the main “element”. Gavura points out that milk thistle has been used many times as a treatment for people with alcohol addiction, as well as in a complex treatment regimen for hepatitis C and B. However, no conclusive evidence has been found that this drug really works.

The next common method of detoxifying the body is taking laxatives, for example, based on rhubarb, cascara sagrada, magnesium hydroxide, senna herb.

According to Gavura, the frequent use of senna and cascara will lead to dehydration of the body, disrupt the balance of electrolytes. These are very powerful natural laxatives. They can be taken for a very short time, for example, to get rid of constipation, or before medical procedures. If a person uses these herbs often, then he may experience something similar to addiction. As soon as he refuses to take these herbal remedies, he will become constipated. In turn, adherents of detox programs will argue that the body is simply dirty again and needs to be cleaned.

Detox more medically

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

On the Web, you can find many detox ideas that are aimed at cleansing the body. Many women’s websites claim that by the age of 30, a huge amount of toxins accumulate in every female body. This leads to headaches, increased fatigue, and allergization of the body. It is its pollution that they explain chronic diseases and disruption of the processes of digestion of food. To cope with problems at once, you need to regularly clean the intestines, kidneys and liver. Only in this way, according to supporters of detox, you can stay healthy.

Doctors point out that the best detox that a person can arrange for himself is to trust his own body. He cleans himself. The liver is primarily responsible for the cleansing process. It, along with the kidneys, is needed by the body to remove harmful products from it. These organs neutralize toxins that enter the blood from the intestines.

Detox diets

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

Despite all the arguments, most people are sure that they need to clean their body on their own. At first glance, it seems that this is very easy to do if you follow a certain diet. You can find a lot of options on the Internet.

According to Dr. Bashankaev, in order to remove it from the body as quickly as possible and at the same time not harm your health, you need to follow a diet that consists of healthy foods of excellent quality. In this case, you will need to limit the calorie content of dishes, as well as fats and carbohydrates in the menu. There is no need to give up fatty and carbohydrate foods completely, you just need to cut back on their content in dishes. It is very important that a person’s stool is regular. For this, a sufficient amount of fiber must be present in the diet.

The liver cannot be cleansed with a detox diet. If a person does not suffer from some serious pathology, then toxins simply will not accumulate in it. She will neutralize and get rid of them. It is quite another thing when the liver does not cope with its functions. Igor Tikhonov points out that in such a situation we are talking about liver failure, or cirrhosis. These are serious disorders that should be treated by a doctor. You can not be guided by some unverified information from the media or the Web.

At the same time, even patients with cirrhosis and other serious pathologies do not clean the liver. The patient is diagnosed and efforts are made to neutralize the underlying disease. Jaundice and symptoms of intoxication of the body are complications of any pathology, and not a sign that toxins themselves have accumulated in the liver. 

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Detox treatments

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

Another popular advice from the Internet is the passage of cleansing procedures that will remove toxins from the body. They can be aimed at cleansing the intestines, liver, gallbladder. To cleanse the liver and gallbladder, it is recommended to undergo a tubage, while the person will have to take choleretic drugs, such as vegetable oil. After that, he needs to lie down with a heating pad on his right side. This procedure is designed to increase the outflow of bile, thereby clearing the biliary tract.

However, performing tubage on your own, without a preliminary examination, can be dangerous to health. It cannot be ruled out that the patient has stones in the gallbladder or in the bile ducts. With an increase in the outflow of bile, they will move and get stuck in narrow places. As a result, the person will be urgently hospitalized and will need surgery. Therefore, Dr. Tikhonov insists that it is best not to touch these organs at all.

Another cleansing option is hydrocolonotherapy. In this case, the intestines will be washed with plenty of water.

According to doctor Badma Bashankaev, few people understand that all these actions are aggressive for the intestines. He can react to such interference in the most unpredictable way. Various chronic diseases may worsen, dysbacteriosis may occur due to the washing out of beneficial microflora, etc.

An enema must be given for a specific purpose. This is a therapeutic procedure that is aimed at getting rid of acute constipation, or at preparing the patient for certain procedures (for childbirth, for examining an organ, etc.). When a doctor prescribes an enema, a person needs it. However, it cannot be done systematically, and even more so to clean the body with its help.


Detoxification: types, general principles, results

Detox advocates also suggest using pills. There are a lot of them for sale. This includes all kinds of dietary supplements that are sold everywhere. On the packaging of many of them you can find the word “detox”. Such supplements may contain vitamins, mixtures of herbs, the uncaria tomentosa plant, etc. However, each of them, according to the manufacturers, cleanses the body.

There are much more dangerous methods of detoxifying the body. So, in the composition of some tablets for “cleansing the intestines” there are polymeric substances. They kind of transform the stool into something resembling plastic. When this substance leaves the body, a person will see all this “horror” and make sure that his intestines have really been cleansed.

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  • Fortrans: colon cleansing without enemas

  • Enterosgel for cleansing the body

  • Polyphepan for cleansing the body

  • Lactofiltrum for cleansing the body

  • Bowel cleansing Endofalcom

  • Colo-Vada plus program

There are patches that are glued to the feet. In the morning they turn brown. According to the manufacturers, the change in the color of the patch is due to the fact that toxins have stuck to it. In fact, such devices simply have a special impregnation that stains after interacting with sweat.

How does our body cleanse itself?

Detoxification: types, general principles, results

There is simply no such thing as a detox in official medicine. All our organs do an excellent job of cleansing themselves, they do not need outside help. However, most people just don’t notice it. However, as soon as he gets food poisoning, or wakes up in the morning in a state of a hangover, this work becomes obvious. All systems are activated, removing all unnecessary from the body. After all, it is these toxins that make a person feel very bad.

For example, the liver has special enzymes that transform harmful substances into an intermediate form, and then completely introduces them from the body. The kidneys deal with toxins by producing urine.

When a person is healthy, all these processes take place automatically, so he does not notice them. In this regard, there is no need to take any supplements: neither teas, nor special water, nor certain foods. Moreover, there is no research on the fact that these supplements do not at all inhibit the process of self-cleansing of the body. Sometimes a detox can even hurt.

“Bringing “Slags” to clean water” – the scientific and educational forum was held on June 10 in Moscow:

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