Detox by natural means

Liver, skin, kidneys – they cleanse our body day after day. And when these organs begin to experience overload, it immediately affects our well-being. A few simple tricks to make their (that is, us) life easier.

Detoxification has become almost an obsession with health adepts. And after the holidays, many of those who allowed themselves to drink and eat New Year’s salads, pies and sweets are concerned about the issue of cleansing the body.

In fact, our body has perfectly designed systems for complete, consistent cleansing.

The liver frees the blood from metabolic products, the kidneys remove toxins and excess organic substances (carbohydrates, amino acids, etc.) from the body, the skin protects against dangerous microorganisms and adverse environmental influences.

To reduce the load on these natural filters, we only need to slightly adjust our habitual lifestyle. And take advantage of natural remedies to keep these three important organs in good shape. For example, herbal medicine.

Facilitate the work of the kidneys


The kidneys, a real center of fine purification, retain and remove toxins from our body. Kidney problems often feel like lower back pain, so sometimes kidney failure is detected too late. Fatigue, hypertension, swelling of the legs or discoloration of urine is not necessarily a sign of kidney dysfunction, but it is a reason to go to the doctor.

Right answer

You shouldn’t drink too much water. And this is what we tend to do, thinking that this is how we cleanse the kidneys. “One and a half liters of fluid per day is the recommended amount in case of cystitis or kidney stones,” emphasizes nephrologist Gilbert Dere.

What we really need to pay attention to is the amount of salt we consume. Salt, just like some anti-inflammatory drugs, creates the prerequisites for the formation of stones. This also applies to the protein diet: during the assimilation of animal proteins, urea is formed, the elimination of which requires increased work of the kidneys.

Phytotherapeutic fees for the kidneys may include knotweed, horsetail, hawthorn fruit. “Tea based on the collections of these plants not only reduces the risk of kidney stones,” says Elena Korsun, deputy director for medical work at the Institute of Phytotherapy, “but also has anti-sclerotic properties, reduces the likelihood of cholesterol plaques.”

Unload the liver


The liver produces bile, which facilitates the absorption of fats. Abdominal heaviness, difficulty passing food, and “heavy” breathing may be due to bile stasis or congestion in the liver.

Stress and irritation are some of the causes of constriction of the bile ducts, which is why irritable people who are prone to anger are often called bile. In Chinese medicine, the gallbladder meridian is responsible for negative emotions such as anger.

Right answer

Try to remove from the diet foods that have undergone industrial processing (pizza, ready-made dumplings and meatballs, confectionery), which are too high in sugar, fat and salt. Make one or two days of each month vegetarian to relieve digestion.

Lemon is still the number one detox fruit: “It’s worth drinking the juice of half a lemon every day – it cleanses the liver and facilitates the removal of bile,” emphasizes nutritionist Arnaud Maloubier.

If you feel heaviness in the liver, try brewing herbal preparations – they can be consumed as tea. Dill, sage and rosemary facilitate the production and removal of bile; burdock (burdock) and dandelion help with weakened liver function. It is recommended to drink them not constantly, but in courses – for example, two three-week courses a year.

listen to the skin


The skin is an organ that gives us information (about cold, warmth, gentle touch) and at the same time protects against external aggression, playing the role of a reliable barrier. The skin exchanges not only information with the environment, it breathes and releases various substances: sebum for protection, sweat to maintain a constant temperature, metabolites (metabolites) …

For us, this connection is not obvious, but certain skin problems always warn us of larger problems in the body.

“Acne, dermatitis, redness, flaking often accompany nervous or physical stress, and can be an indicator of organic dysfunctions or systemic diseases,” emphasizes dermatologist Elena Fuflygina. “Skin reactions can also indicate intoxication of the body: when the liver and kidneys cannot cope with the removal of toxins, the body tries to remove them through the skin.”

Right answer

Give your skin a chance to breathe: a minimum of synthetics (and a minimum of clothing whenever possible), air baths, a sauna or a hammam facilitate the natural release of metabolites. Cleanse your skin every night so it doesn’t suffocate under makeup residue.

Gentle lymphatic drainage is a very effective means of removing toxins (if performed by a qualified specialist), it also stimulates the kidneys. Phytotherapy can also be a good help. “For allergies, dermatitis, diathesis, to relieve or prevent exacerbation, it is good to have a collection consisting of violets, string, fennel,” advises Elena Korsun.

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