A delay in menstruation is not the only indicator by which a woman can judge the presence of pregnancy. A more reliable result is given by an examination by a gynecologist and an analysis for the presence of gonadotropin in the blood. And you can determine pregnancy at home using a special pharmacy test. However, this is not the only way to determine pregnancy. An ordinary thermometer is an excellent tool for “measuring” a woman’s condition.
Self-determination of pregnancy
A thermometer is an indispensable tool for monitoring the health of the body and the condition of a woman. With its help, you can not only measure body temperature, but also protect yourself, plan and determine pregnancy. True, for this it will be necessary to monitor the basal temperature for several months.
For what you have to prepare:
- pen or pencil
- a piece of paper or notebook
- thermometer, mercury or electronic
Basal temperature is measured in the vagina or rectum. For a more accurate result, a thermometer, mercury or electronic, should be kept at the measurement site for about five minutes
The principle of determining pregnancy is based on physiological changes in the female body. Basal temperature shows whether ovulation has occurred or not. For example, usually in the first half of the cycle (depending on the duration of the cycle, it can be from 4-5 days to 10-12 or more), the basal temperature is kept below 37 degrees. During the period of maturation of the egg – a favorable time for conception – it rises to 37,2-3,4 degrees. And then it gradually decreases. Pregnancy is unlikely at this time.
So, the main points of the action of temperature changes in the body have been clarified. Now, from theory to practice, that is, to direct measurement. To do this, prepare a thermometer and place it next to you. In the morning, waking up without getting out of bed, put a thermometer and measure your body temperature for five minutes. Write down the data in a special notebook, indicating the temperature and date of measurement. Repeat the procedure the next day. And so on for several weeks.
In general, gynecologists recommend monitoring the basal temperature for two to three months, and if desired, the observation period can be increased. In this case, you will get the most reliable result.
If you closely monitor your body temperature and check it daily, you can find out as accurately as possible what is happening in your body.
Now you have to remember the mathematics course and draw a graph where you need to put points with the date on the abscissa axis, and the temperature value on the ordinate axis. Mark the points corresponding to the date and temperature values and connect them by drawing a graph. If the graph shows a jump in temperature for several days, after which it drops to 37 degrees, everything is normal. If the basal temperature above 37 degrees lasts more than 17 days, we can talk about a possible pregnancy. However, despite the availability and simplicity of this method, you cannot fully rely on it.
For greater reliability, it is worth doing a pregnancy test or see a doctor
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