Determination of blood group – the most important information, advantages of blood donation. Why is it worth it? WE EXPLAIN

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Blood group testing is a test that is performed very often to select the right blood donor, but not only that. Blood is a medicine that can save your life! However, there is one condition: you need to know your blood type. You do not need to prepare yourself for the examination. How much does it cost and where can such a test be performed?

How can you find out your blood type?

Everyone should know their blood group. It can be tested in any medical laboratory. A referral from a doctor is not necessary for this. If you choose to donate blood at one of the regional blood donation centers, your blood type will be assigned free of charge.

Documents that doctors consider to be a reliable source of information on blood type are:

  1. the result of the laboratory test with the stamp of the laboratory that performed the test;
  2. card of honorary blood donor – issued in blood donation centers;
  3. karta identyfikacyjna grupy krwi (KIGK), potocznie zwana blood card – issued free of charge only in regional blood donation centers, however, the person applying for the card should meet the requirements of a given institution (e.g. donating blood twice or three times within a specified period of time); otherwise, after determining the blood type, we can obtain a card for a fee (cost about PLN 15-20.

How is the blood group determined?

No special preparation is necessary for the test, you do not need to be on an empty stomach. However, please inform your doctor or nurse before your blood collection if you are prone to bleeding. The study is about pobraniu próbki krwi żylnej (usually hand-held). This is the same as when taking blood for a complete blood count. After collecting the blood, the nurse should give you a cotton ball or gauze to press on the place where the needle has been inserted.

Jeśli krew była pobierana z żył w okolicy dołu łokciowego, pamiętaj aby nie zginać ręki w stawie łokciowym przez co najmniej 5 minut od pobrania krwi! Dzięki temu zmniejszysz ryzyko powstania krwiaka lub siniaka w miejscu wkłucia igły. Po pobraniu krwi możesz powrócić do swoich codziennych czynności.

Determination of the blood group – price

You have to pay for your blood type test in most cases. The exception here is the determination of the blood group in the blood donor, i.e. the person who came to the regional blood donation center to donate blood or its components. During the first blood donation, an honorary blood donation card is issued, in which the blood type is entered.

If we go to the laboratory to determine the blood group, it will not be necessary to refer a doctor. We will, however the cost of the test, which may fluctuate between PLN 37-45. There is also an option blood group designation on cito – it allows you to get the results of the same dish, but it is more expensive (about PLN 70, depending on the laboratory). The results of traditional tests will be obtained on average after two or three days after the sample is submitted for testing.

Why is the blood group determined?

Oznaczenie grupy krwi to podstawowe badanie krwi zaraz obok profilu lipidowego i morfologii. Grupę krwi często oznacza się, aby dobrać odpowiedniego dawcę krwi. Konieczna jest bowiem zgodność krwi w zakresie grupy krwi pomiędzy dawcą a biorcą oraz częściowa zgodność Rh. Jedynie w wyjątkowych sytuacjach możliwe jest odstępstwo od tej reguły.

In many cases, however, especially in healthy people, the test is performed only in order to enter the blood type in the medical records (e.g. in honorary blood donors, pregnant women) or to satisfy one’s own curiosity. Documents confirming the blood group are:

  1. card of honorary blood donor;
  2. identification card of the blood group (the so-called blood card);
  3. the result of the laboratory test with the stamp of the laboratory that performed the test.

Information about your own blood group is very important, if only because of a possible blood transfusion or before a planned surgery. It should be remembered that a simple card carried in a wallet or information about the blood type stored on the phone is not a reliable source for the doctor.


A confirmed blood group result is one that has been determined by tests carried out on two samples obtained from the patient at different times. If we determine the blood group with only one test, it will be considered as unconfirmed. The doctor cannot use the patient’s unconfirmed blood type in order to undergo surgery.

Indications for the blood group determination

The blood group and the Rh factor are strictly determined in the following situations:

  1. if there is a sudden loss of blood (e.g. as a result of profuse haemorrhage) and a transfusion is required (a cross-test should be performed prior to transfusion),
  2. if you need to treat anemia with blood transfusions,
  3. before any surgery that carries the risk of losing blood during the operation,
  4. in pregnant women,
  5. establishing paternity,
  6. in women planning pregnancy,
  7. satisfying your own curiosity,
  8. desire to know the blood group of the future offspring.

Check: Child blood group calculator – blood group inheritance

Blood grouping is a simple test that only involves taking a small amount of blood. There are no contraindications for it, but it is worth informing the medical staff about problems with clotting that may contribute to prolonged bleeding after injection. For your own comfort, it is also good to mention a tendency to faint when in contact with needles or at the sight of blood.

Czym jest grupa krwi i Rh?

There are a number of different proteins found on red blood cells (erythrocytes). They decide whether you have blood group A, B, AB or 0. Another molecule may be present on the surface of red blood cells, protein D (Rh factor). In its presence, the blood group is Rh positive, in the absence – Rh negative.

The blood group is defined as:

  1. group A – occurs when the tested blood cells have agglutinated only with sera containing anti-A antibodies,
  2. group B – there was an agglutination reaction of the tested blood cells only with sera containing anti-B antibodies,
  3. group AB – there was an agglutination reaction of the tested blood cells with sera containing anti-A and anti-B antibodies,
  4. group O – no agglutination has occurred with any of the reference sera.
Worth knowing

Agglutination is a term that means various factors sticking together in an aquatic environment. The process is a useful indicator of e.g. when determining the blood group.

The blood group determination in the Rh system is performed by checking the presence or absence of the D antigen in the analyzed red blood cells. The assay is performed using a standard serum that contains anti-D antibodies.

Read more: Determination of the level of anti-Rh antibodies

Blood transfusion – a medical crossword puzzle

If the blood group is determined due to konieczności transfuzji, additionally a cross-test is performed. It is a test based on mixing the blood of the donor and the recipient. Its purpose is to check whether the recipient’s blood does not contain antibodies to the donor’s blood proteins (other than the proteins that determine the blood group and Rh). The recipient may have other antibodies against the donor’s red blood cells in the blood, putting the recipient’s life at risk. This is a type of additional test that increases the safety of the shunting.

Zalety posiadania KIGK

Having a Blood Group ID card has several benefits:

  1. provides additional health and life protection;
  2. shortens the waiting time for rolling by approx. 30 minutes;
  3. the card is permanent and is valid for life;
  4. allows you to avoid performing a continuous blood group determination during multiple visits to the hospital.

Information about the blood type can be useful not only in emergency situations, but also when we want to become donors. On its basis, you can also create an individual menu (diet according to blood type), and facilitate the work of medical services in the event of a planned surgery. The blood group ID card is not only intended for adults. The document can also be issued for a child over 2 years of age.

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