Description spruce Albert Globa

Description spruce Albert Globa

Spruce “Alberta” is a dwarf spherical shrub. It is suitable for decorating gardens, parks, alleys and squares.

This variety is the result of natural mutation. An evergreen shrub grows only up to 0,7−1 m in height, up to 1 m in diameter. Spruce grows slowly. Annual growth is 10 cm in height, 2−4 cm in width, so at 10 years, the diameter of the bush is 40 cm.

Spruce “Alberta” belongs to the type of Canadian spruce

Variety characteristic:

  • The crown is dense, spherical in shape. The shoots are close to each other, they are short and thin, light brown in color.
  • The needles are green, soft, 6-9 mm long.
  • Sometimes light brown cones appear at the ends of the shoots. Their length is 5 cm.

“Alberta” perfectly retains the shape of the crown. She doesn’t need care. The variety is frost-resistant, withstands frosts down to -30˚С. Daily drops in air temperature are also not scary to her.

How to grow Alberta spruce

Provide the shrub with the following habitat:

  • Sunny or slightly shaded area. In the sun, the needles will be thicker, with a rich shade. It is advisable to plant seedlings on a hill so that groundwater does not lie close.
  • Well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soil. Spruce prefers sandy and loamy soils. The soil should be light, since the root system of the bush is shallow. Prepare the following soil for spruce planting: turf, leafy soil, sand and peat in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1.

The shrub does not tolerate stagnant water, salinization and soil compaction. It grows poorly in urban environments and places with insufficient air circulation.

Plant Canadian spruce seedlings by transferring the contents of the pot to the planting hole.

The spruce does not need pruning, but too long shoots can be shortened by yourself. Remove dry and diseased branches in autumn and spring

Despite the fact that the bushes are undemanding to care, regularly loosen the soil in the near-trunk circle and remove weeds. You cannot dig up the soil. Mulch the soil around with compost or peat. If the summer is hot, water the seedlings. Do not allow the topsoil to dry out. In early summer, feed the bushes with compost or manure.

Canadian spruce is susceptible to pests and diseases. Use special products to protect bushes.

The Alberta spruce looks like a small spruce ball. It can be grown in containers, planted in rock gardens and rockeries. Using group plantings, create an oriental-style flower bed.

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