Description of youth cherries, photo varieties

Cherry is one of the most popular fruit-bearing trees in our garden. It can be found in almost any garden. Breeders have bred a large number of varieties that are very diverse in their characteristics. One of them, namely the Youth cherry, will be discussed in this article. Here we will consider the description of this variety, its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Variety description

The Youth cherry variety was bred by breeders as a result of crossing the Vladimir and Lyubskaya cherries. Refers to the type of common cherry (such as varieties Rusinka, Morozovka, Mayak, etc.) In terms of its characteristics and properties, it is similar to the Malinovka variety. Today it is widely used. It can be found in Ukraine, Belarus, Our Country. 

This type of cherry can be represented by both a tree and a bush. The appearance of the tree is shown in the photo below.

Description of youth cherries, photo varieties

The maximum height that a tree or bush can grow to is 2,5 meters. The crown of this variety is slightly drooping and rounded. The leaves of the Youth cherry are medium in size and bright green in color. The pattern of the leaf blade is characterized by crenate edges.

This cherry tree begins to bear fruit on growths from the previous year, as well as bouquet branches.

For a youth variety, precocity is characteristic. Begins to bear fruit at the age of four. The berries ripen in mid-July. Its fruits can reach a mass of 4,5 g. They are oval in shape, up to a centimeter in diameter (photo below). Variety Youth brings sweetish-sour fruits. The fruits have a dense pulp, which is very juicy. Cherry juice is dark red in color. The stone is medium in size and quite easily separated from the pulp. The youth variety, according to the tasting characteristics of its fruits, belongs to dessert varieties. Its fruits are used both for fresh eating and for all preservation options. Compotes, preserves, jams and marmalade are cooked from berries.

Description of youth cherries, photo varieties

From one bush or tree during the fruitful period, you can harvest up to 12 kg of crop.

This type of youth cherry belongs to the group with medium winter hardiness. The resistance of flower buds is also average. According to the description, it is similar to the Vladimir variety. This cherry has an average resistance to various diseases (coccomycosis and moniliosis) and microorganisms. Especially often the tree is sick during the period of humid and warm summer.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this type of cherry is that it is one of the most reliable varieties in terms of yield, which are presented in the nurseries of all major cities (Moscow, Kyiv, Minsk, etc.).

The advantages also include:

  • variety self-fertility;
  • precocity
  • resistance to the most dangerous fungal diseases;
  • high yield;
  • the presence of large and juicy fruits;
  • easy separation of the bone from the pulp;
  • excellent taste characteristics of berries;
  • good transportability;
  • resistance of flowers and wood to the influence of eastern dry air, as well as cold winters, severe frosts.

Such cherries can be used as a pollinator for other, later varieties.

Sufficiently bright and significant shortcomings for this type of fruit tree have not been identified. The main disadvantages of such a cherry are as follows:

  • the need for annual treatment with fungicidal preparations that will reduce the risk of developing fungal infections;
  • resistance to various infections decreases in humid and warm climates;
  • the need for the correct selection of the landing site, on which the growth of the seedling directly depends. Poorly ventilated and flat areas are not suitable for it;
  • annual feeding of the tree with phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium is necessary. With a lack of these elements in the soil, the yield is significantly reduced;
  • tendency to overgrow.

However, the advantages of this cherry overlap its disadvantages.

How to grow

In order for your tree to bear fruit perfectly, and the quality of the crop to be excellent, it is necessary to properly plant, grow and care for it.

The best time for planting youth cherries is spring. This tree should be planted on hills and in well-lit areas of the garden, where groundwater flows close, and the soil is slightly alkaline or neutral. Planting is carried out in a hole with parameters of 40×80 cm (depth, diameter), into which organic fertilizers are added before planting.

After planting, every spring, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers is carried out, the amount of which depends on the age of the tree. And in the fall, top dressing is carried out with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. For better growth, manure or compost is also introduced into the soil.

Cherry is very fond of water, so it is recommended to water it more often. Prophylactic treatment should be carried out annually in order to prevent infection. Since its crown is prone to thickening, pruning is carried out during the growth of cherries (spring or autumn).

Video “Cultivation of cherries”

In this video you can find a detailed description of the correct cultivation of youth cherries.

Youth cherry will be an appropriate and high-quality addition to your garden, as its appearance is not very characteristic of a tree, and the fruits have very positive properties. No matter how much it bears fruit, you will not be able to get bored with its fruits.

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