Description of Vima strawberry varieties and reviews

Description of Vima strawberry varieties and reviews

Vima strawberries are bred by Vissers. This line combines several varieties with a high weight of fruits. The weight of one berry ranges from 40 to 100 g. More detailed characteristics of this variety are presented below.

Early varieties of Wima strawberries with a description

The line includes varieties with early, medium and late fruiting. Some of them bear fruit throughout the season, others yield 4 times.

Strawberry “Vima” is an unpretentious and high-yielding crop

The following varieties go into the line:

  • “Rina”;
  • “Zanta”;
  • “Tarda”;
  • “Xima.”

All of them are bred by Dutch breeders, but differ in taste, fruit size and purpose. Thus, the Rina variety surpasses the others in taste, which does not deteriorate even at the end of fruiting. Belongs to the early, the first berries ripen in early summer, the harvest continues until late autumn. Fruits are rich in color, elongated, firm and juicy flesh. Transporting qualities are high. The berries appear already in the first season. The seedling survival rate is good, winter hardiness is high. When growing bushes in a greenhouse, the first crop is removed in early March.

The Zanta strawberry is a mid-early variety and can be grown in arid regions. It tolerates frost well, rarely gets sick and bears fruit stably. Up to 2 kg of berries can be harvested from one bush. The fruits are large, dark red in color, with excellent taste and pronounced aroma. The bushes are powerful, therefore, when planting, a distance of up to 25 cm is left between them. It is noticed that the yield remains high only for the first 3 years, after which the strawberries need to be transplanted.

Description of late varieties of Wima strawberries

Vima Tarda and Ksima are medium late varieties. Berries “Tarda” ripen in the second half of summer, the collection continues until late autumn. The fruits are large, conical, with a yellow tip. The harvest is intended for processing, from which delicious compotes, jams, preserves or desserts are obtained. A variety is grown for subsequent sale.

The “Ksima” variety is grown mainly in the home farm, as the berries do not tolerate transportation well. The shape of the strawberry is rounded, the color of the pulp is rich, the taste is good, the sugar content is normal. The weight of one berry exceeds 100 g, the yield reaches 1 kg per bush. The variety tolerates drought, frost and cold winds well, it is grown in all regions of Russia.

Planting seedlings “Ksima” is done in the spring, propagated every 3 years by dividing the bush, since the variety gives a little mustache

Judging by the description of strawberry varieties and gardeners’ reviews, “Vima” is suitable for growing in Russia. It is noted that in a rainy summer, the berries lose their taste and presentation, and the yield decreases. Growing in greenhouses gives good performance. It is impossible to single out the best variety from all those described, each has its own advantages.

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