Description of varieties of peppers
The variety of varieties and hybrids of sweet peppers is impressive: they differ in color, aroma, size and taste. It is difficult to single out the most advantageous varieties, since someone loves a yellow fruit, someone cares about the aroma, and someone pays attention to the correctness of the shape. A description of the varieties of peppers will help you decide on the best option for your garden or greenhouse.
Description of varieties for open ground
Most of these varieties are suitable for growing in any soil, in any weather, and do not require much maintenance.
Pepper varieties differ in the description and characteristics of the conditions that are necessary for their cultivation, but they are united by the presence of useful properties
This is one of the most common varieties that every gardener knows. The variety is characterized by small fruits of light green, dull yellow, sometimes pinkish shade with practically no smell. The weight does not exceed 150 g, and the wall thickness is up to 7 mm.
The variety can be grown outdoors without worrying about the quality of the soil: “Lumina” is absolutely undemanding to care for. She is also not afraid of negative weather conditions – the absence of rain and drought can only slightly change her taste, adding bitterness to her taste. The pepper is perfectly stored and suitable for transportation, while maintaining its presentation.
Yellow hybrid of sweet pepper “Gemini F1”
This pepper has low bushes and is ideal for growing in the garden.
This is an early variety, since fruiting is noted already on the 73-78th day after planting.
The fruits are oblong in shape, the color varies from green to rich yellow. Green peppers are high in vitamins, while yellow peppers have excellent taste. Easily tolerates bad weather and drought tolerant.
A very popular early maturing variety in gardening. During the ripening stage, the pepper acquires an attractive deep red color. It is relatively large in size – 200-250 g, four-chambered, slightly elongated. Has an excellent sweetish taste.
Suitable for growing both in greenhouses and outdoors. Does not require special care, and large, sweeping leaves protect the fruits from sunburn.
Description of the best varieties for the greenhouse
Some varieties of bell peppers are more sensitive to soil and weather conditions, so they are recommended to be grown in greenhouse conditions.
The variety is characterized by a consistently high yield. Fruits are usually small in size, cone-shaped, but with thick walls – up to 8 mm. The color of the vegetable changes from light green to bright orange. From 1 sq. m is usually harvested up to 20 kg of bell pepper.
Due to its excellent taste, it is suitable for fresh consumption, as well as for canning.
The bushes of this plant are quite tall and spreading, reaching a height of 80-90 cm, so it is advisable to grow them in film greenhouses. The variety is resistant to diseases and adverse weather conditions.
The pepper is cone-shaped, elongated in shape. The color during the period of technical ripeness is green, and during the period of biological maturation it changes to red. Despite the small thickness of the walls – 4-5 mm, the variety has a sweet taste and juicy pulp.
The variety is characterized by beautiful, poured, glossy fruits of a sunny yellow color. Cuboid shape. This is an early ripening variety: the first peppercorns ripen 80 days after planting.
The plant’s bushes are quite tall, so it must be grown in film or glass greenhouses. Average yield – from 1 sq. m you can get 10-15 kg of healthy and juicy vegetables.
After analyzing the descriptions, you can select the appropriate variety of sweet peppers. To do this, you need to take into account what conditions are suitable for this or that type, as well as the purpose of the future harvest – for fresh consumption, conservation or for sale.