Description of Varella pine

Mountain pine Varella is a rather original and decorative variety, which was bred in the Carstens Varel nursery in 1996. The name of the mountain pine (Pinus) was borrowed from the Greek name of the pine from Theophrastus – pinos. If we turn to Greek mythology, we can find a legend about the nymph Pitis, which the god of the north wind named Boreas turned into a pine tree.

Description of the mountain pine Varella

If we consider the description of the Varella mountain pine, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the tree has a rather dense and compact crown, which has the shape of a ball. An adult tree can reach a height of up to 1-1,5 m, a width of about 1-1,2 m. Annually, the Varella mountain pine grows by 10 cm;
  • the needles have a dark green tint, the shape is elongated, there are small roundings at the ends. The size of the needles in length is 10 cm. The needles are quite dense, young needles are much shorter than adults, as a result of which a halo appears around the crown;
  • plants of this variety are undemanding in care, grow well in a slightly acidic environment. Growth is slow, Varella pine loves the sun. Fairly wide root system. Varella perfectly withstands strong gusts of wind and low temperature conditions;
  • has a high level of resistance to most pests and diseases. As a rule, plants of such varieties are used in the design of rocky gardens; they grow well both in group and in single compositions;
  • in landscape design they are combined with other coniferous tree varieties.

It is also worth noting the fact that the Varella mountain pine is able to release phytoncides into the air, which kill microbes in the environment.

Pine mountain Varella. Brief overview, description of characteristics, where to buy pinus mugo Varella seedlings

Mountain variety of Varella pine in landscape design

Mountain pine, varieties Varella, is often used in landscape design. Such popularity is explained by the fact that the tree is able to hold any shape, including artificial ones. The tree has an attractive appearance, which gardeners like so much.

Pine Varella grows small in size, it can be used not only for single, but also for group compositions, combining with other types of plants. Some experienced gardeners note that if you regularly use the minimum amount of fertilizer, there is an opportunity to accelerate growth.

Description of Varella pine

Planting and caring for pinus mugoVarella pine

To obtain a beautiful decorative tree, it is enough to pay a minimum of attention to the Varella mountain pine. In the process of growth, it is necessary to remove weeds in a timely manner, carry out sanitary pruning and crown formation. To prevent a number of diseases, many gardeners recommend taking preventive measures to spray trees with chemicals.

Seedling and planting preparation

The mountain pine is a photophilous tree, in some cases it can grow in partial shade, but almost always dies in the shade. That is why it is recommended to choose an open sunny place for planting.

This variety is unpretentious to the soil. Pine can be planted in acidic, sandy, sandy and even poor soil. But if the land is infertile, fertilizer must first be applied.

The acquired planting material should be kept for several hours in a solution with the addition of a rooting agent, which will allow the seedling to take root in a new place much faster.

Rules of landing

For better survival, planting material is planted in open ground after cold weather or in early autumn. Mountain pine Varella grows best in a sunny position. Before planting, you will need to dig a hole up to 1 m deep. If the soil is heavy, then drainage is poured to the bottom. Most often, broken stone or brick is used for the drainage layer, a layer of sand is poured on top. After the drainage is filled up, it is recommended to make a layer up to 20 cm high from the nutrient soil.

Before planting a pine, a small amount of water is poured into the bottom of the pit. The root system must be carefully distributed over the pit, and then covered with earth.

If the plant was purchased in a store, in a special bag, then, as a rule, it is not removed, since over time the material decomposes in the ground without harming the Varella pine. In some cases, Varella mountain pine is sold in plastic containers – it is recommended to get rid of it.

Important! The root neck must be above the ground, otherwise the tree will die.

Description of Varella pine

Watering and top dressing

During the first 2 years after planting Varella mountain pine in open ground, it is recommended to apply top dressing and fertilizers. For these purposes, it is recommended to use mineral fertilizers. For each bush, about 30-40 g of fertilizer is applied to the near-stem circle. After 2 years have passed since planting, the tree does not need to be fed.

Needles that fall from the tree during growth are not recommended to be removed, since thanks to it a rather thick litter is formed, in which organic nutrients accumulate later – this is quite enough for the normal development of the tree.

Since this variety is drought-resistant, the plant does not need constant irrigation. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the layer of fallen needles perfectly retains moisture. The exception is the Balkan pine, which needs watering.

Mulching and loosening

Despite the unpretentiousness of the Varella mountain pine, the tree needs care, as a result of which you can count on the fact that the pine will grow large and beautiful. The most important thing in care is the timely removal of weeds. As you know, weeds take a large amount of nutrients from the soil, as a result of which they are not enough for the full development and growth of the tree.

It is recommended to loosen the earth around the Varella pine, as a result of which the root system receives a sufficient amount of oxygen. Mulching the trunk circle can slow down the growth of weeds, while a thick layer of mulch also prevents the moisture from evaporating quickly.


The only problem that most gardeners face when growing Varella mountain pine is crown pruning. Thanks to this procedure, a fairly thick cover is formed near the tree, while it is possible to give the crown any shape. As you know, the tree perfectly holds not only the natural, but also the artificially created form.

When carrying out forming pruning, it is not recommended to remove more than 1/3 of the crown – this rule is the most important. First of all, all bare branches are removed, as they dry out rather quickly and do not give the tree an attractive appearance.

Pruning is carried out using a sharp knife. Each section is recommended to be processed using varnish, potassium permanganate solution or var for this purpose. The pine sleep period lasts from the second half of February to the first days of March, it is at this moment that it is recommended to trim the crown.

Preparation for winter

Before sending Varella mountain pine for wintering, it is recommended to pre-prepare the tree. Before winter, it is recommended to water the plant abundantly for the last time, if necessary, fertilize. Since the Varella mountain pine is able to withstand low temperature conditions, it is not necessary to cover it for the winter.

In early February, it is recommended to cover the plantings with a sun-protection film. For these purposes, a construction mesh with small cells is excellent. The mesh is removed after the snow has completely melted. This is necessary so that the bright rays of the sun do not burn the needles.

Description of Varella pine

Reproduction of pine mugo Varella

If necessary, Varella mountain pine can be propagated. For reproduction, 2 methods are used:

  • grafting;
  • seeds.

If the first method is chosen, then cuttings are used for planting, the age of which is 3 years. It is not recommended to use planting material that was taken from the forest. This is due to the fact that such specimens rarely take root.

The most common method of reproduction is seed. After the planting material has been purchased, it is recommended to keep it in a cold place for a month, and then place it in warm water, as a result of which the seeds wake up and a rapid germination process begins.

Advice! Before planting, it is recommended to place the seeds for 2-3 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Diseases and pests

As already mentioned, Varella mountain pine is not susceptible to pests and various diseases. Despite this, it is recommended to take preventive measures. If the plantings are not sprayed in a timely manner, then the trees can be affected by a scale insect or spider mite. Among the soil pests that affect the root system, it is worth highlighting the cockchafer and scoop.

To prevent diseases, it is required to treat trees in the spring with insecticides. The amount of mortar used depends entirely on the size of the pine tree. During processing, it is necessary to ensure direct contact of the drug with the roots of Varella pine.

Attention! In order to prevent insecticides are used once a month.


Varella mountain pine is an excellent option for land design, which is loved by landscape designers. As you know, plants are best purchased in specialized stores or in nurseries. It is not recommended to bring planting material from the forest, as there is a high probability that such seedlings will not take root. An excellent solution would be to purchase planting material from a person who breeds pine at home. With proper care, you can get a beautiful tree that will attract attention.

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